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  1. Hello. I am currently editing my register.php file, which creates the user's account, but also at the same time makes a new file - their profile page. Here is the function: // Create profile page. $handle = fopen($username.".php", 'w'); $pageContent = ""; function createProfile() { fwrite($handle, $pageContent); } createProfile(); This function works, but not when I put this code inside -> https://pastebin.com/9j3rR12v. I have tried to swap all of the " for ' but it doesn't work. What happens is the register.php page does not load at all. It says there is an error. However, it loads the register.php page when I put: // Create profile page. $profileContents = include (profileContents.txt); $handle = fopen($username.".php", 'w'); $pageContent = "<!DOCTYPE html> <head><title>The title has changed.</title></head>"; function createProfile() { fwrite($handle, $profileContents); } createProfile(); When I then make an account, it creates the file, but the content doesn't go inside. A link to the code I would like to be displayed can be found here (compressed version): https://pastebin.com/9j3rR12v If you are able to help me out, it would mean the world. Many thanks. Emergency email: whunter@voltboxgaming.co.uk
  2. When trying to do what the tutorial says in the beginning I come across a problem. The tutorial says the return must be "Hello world", however when you follow the instructions the execute window will close without displaying anything. Perhaps this is something with windows, anyways the tutorial doesn't work because of it as you can't read the output.
  3. Hello everyone, i must do a query that finds all words that finish whit a,e,i,o or u. i' ve used this query but my output in empty . select City from Station where City like '%[aeiou]'; i' ve used the wildcards wrongly?
  4. Hi everyone, i am using mysql for database and when i am trying to run the query SELECT * FROM carshopdatabase i got the following error message: SELECT * FROM carshopdatabase LIMIT 0, 25 So, why is this happening and how do i fix it? Thanks!
  5. Hello everyone. (Sorry for my bad english, I'm french)So I have an HTML page with a header, a footer, a lateral menu and of course, content.It is perfectly sized for desktops and mobiles (thanks to a media query I invented, which is : @media screen and (max-aspect-ratio: 7/8) and (min-height: 1100px){ /* MY CODE HERE */ } The content is perfectly adjusted like this : , thanks to: html{font-size: 200%} in this media query. I precise that ALL my font-sizes and padding between divs / paragraphs are in "rem" unit. But the problem is, that when I exceeds the precise nuber of 89 characters, the texte suddenly look like this : But only on mobile devices (with the media query I said previously)... I visualized this with the Chrome developer tool -> Device toolbar (Ctrl + Shift + I then Ctrl + Shift + M) There I do a little as if it was not serious but it's days that I drudge everywhere and nobody was able to give me an answer ... I put the page online so you can watch it more precisely...http://vincentvincent.rf.gd/l-histoire.html Thanks for your help.
  6. Hi there, I went into a problem, might be simple for you but I am sitting here and try it out for many many many hours... Here is the thing, at the top is my header, the header is seperated with php in another file/folder and with a php code it is displaying in the index home file. I would like to have the background video fully covered under my content body and under my header. But whenever I put it, then it is under my content only and the header is disappearing for some reason. Also, when I put it for header only, then I will get it at the top only and the body will be empty with my normal content but without the background video. Here is the code I am using: #CSS * { box-sizing: border-box; } body { margin: 0; font-family: Arial; font-size: 17px; } #myVideo { position: fixed; right: 0; bottom: 0; min-width: 100%; min-height: 100%; } HTML <video autoplay muted loop id="myVideo"> <source src="https://www.belloo.date/upgrade/themes/landing2/images/bg.mp4" type="video/mp4"> Your browser does not support HTML5 video. </video> I put the CSS at the top in the header section and the other stuff in front of my body content. Any suggestions? :(
  7. Hello , I have a problem , I want to wirte HTML code that only refreshes the <div> test , so just the code between de <div>...</div> I was thinking to use some Javascript but I'm not sure this works in PHP , because my in HTML div there's PHP code. My HTML code: <HTML> <HEAD> </HEAD> <BODY> <div id = "other div"> </div> <div id="test"> <?php refresh this code ?> </div> </BODY> </HTML>
  8. I'm having a problem with the CSS on my blog website. Sometimes when I load it, the posts will be stacked on top of each other, so that the image and text are all smashed together. Then if I refresh the page, the issue goes away. Any suggestions? The image is an example of the posts loaded correctly, as I can't get the problem to replicate right now.
  9. Hello friends! Sorry if I asked the question which already exists, but I couldn't find an exact answer to my problem and also I'm still new, thanks for understanding in advance. I will try to describe my problem in the best way, with hope that someone can give me the answer that I can't find anywhere. I have my personal style blog at blogger.com platform > http://fashionsanja.blogspot.rs and I'm average good in codding, but enough for my blogging needs. I have the huge problem with my blog posts, as you can clearly see by visiting it via the link above. In the blogger help forum I got the problem name and temporary solution, but not an completely answer. The problem is that my HTML elements are continuosly "nesting" within one or the other as each blog posts is displayed. I'm not expert enough in that field to solve that alone, I need your help. Just to mention, this temporary solution didn't solve the issue, it just moved the post title a bit down. I will quote you the reply from google help forum I got: I uploaded the picture of the problem (in the attachment), as you can see, the two posts are almost merged, but the first and second aren't. That continues to happend everytime when I try to add a new post. I'm so afraid I harmed the template somehow. Thanks in advance for your time and trying to help, it would mean a lot to me. Greetings, Sanja
  10. The html code is this : <div class="form-group"> <label class="col-sm-4 control-label">Checkbox inputs</label> <div class="col-sm-8"> <div class="checkbox check-transparent"> <input type="checkbox" value="1" id="opt01" checked> <label for="opt01">Option 1</label> </div> <div class="checkbox check-transparent"> <input type="checkbox" value="1" id="opt02"> <label for="opt02">Option 2</label> </div> <div class="checkbox check-transparent"> <input type="checkbox" value="1" id="opt03"> <label for="opt03">Option 3</label> </div> </div> </div> I attached the results photo : I want to change the place of checkbox and label I mean I want first be label and then checkbox. It had bootstrap too I uploaded the bootstrap files too : https://www.dropbox.com/s/kc8ytkkd5dxcmc1/assets.zip?dl=0 Who can say that how can I change the place of checkbox and label I will be thank.
  11. Hello guys I have a program actually I made it and it works online actually we can use it in host or servers but I want to know can we do something that we can use it offline but in offline web we can do whatever it has for example using all the feature. Thank you if you answer this question
  12. armandesigner

    Css problem

    Hello guys I have a question about CSS: 1.What is the different between these things: div>p {background-color: yellow;} div p {background-color: yellow;} ---------------------------------------------------------- 2.And what is the different between these things: :root {background-color: yellow;} * {background-color: yellow;} ---------------------------------------------------------- 3.And what is this: ::selection ---------------------------------------------------------- I will be happy if you answer me.
  13. When using box-sizing border-box on images do I have to use specific dimensions (e.g width: 100px, height: 200px) for it to work properly? I'm building a site with responsive images next to each other but separated by a border. It works fine on the left and right borders but the top and bottom borders are not contained within the image thus pushing other images next to it out of sync. This issue is really frustrating as I have googled to find a solution but found nothing, not even someone with the same problem. My image sizes are Width: 100% and height: auto. Is this not allowed for box-sizing border-box? Can anyone provide a fix for this as I can't use outline or box shadow for what i want to do? Here is my html and css, i've also uploaded screen grabs of my issue: <div id="rightCol"> <img src="./images/pa.jpg"/> <img src="./images/game.jpg"/> <img src="./images/spine.jpg"/> </div> <div id="leftCol"> <img src="./images/truck.jpg"/> <img src="./images/ccc.jpg"/> <img src="./images/box.jpg"/> </div> #rightCol { width: 50%; height: auto; float: right; } #rightCol img { width: 100%; -moz-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box; border-left:2px solid white; border-bottom: 4px solid white; display: block; } #leftCol { width: 50%; height: auto; } #leftCol img { width: 100%; -moz-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box; border-right:2px solid white; border-bottom: 4px solid white; display: block; }
  14. I'm practising js on an another site and I do not know how to solve this problem. It's simple and I wrote a code, but it doesn't work.-You are a creature of habit. Every week you buy 5 oranges. But orange prices keep changing!You want to declare a function that calculates the cost of buying 5 oranges.You then want to calculate the cost of the 5 all together.Write a function that does this called orangeCost().It should take a parameter that is the cost of an orange, and multiply it by 5.It should log the result of the multiplication to the console.Call the function where oranges each cost 5 dollars.-and this is a code that I wrote:var orangeCost = function(price) {var val = price * 5;console.log(val);};orangeCost = (5);I could use some help...
  15. Hi, I am triyng to embed a video on BLOGGER: <div align='center'><video width="320" height="240" controls> <source src="XXX" type="video/mp4"></video></div> And I am getting the following error: Error al analizar XML, línea 3848, columna 61: Attribute name "controls" associated with an element type "video" must be followed by the ' = ' character Can someone please help? THANKS! Joao
  16. Hello! I am by no means a professional - excuse what may be a silly question, and definitely silly code! I have 2 problems I would define as glitching and shifting that I cannot solve: Here is the site I am discussing: http://conservefineartsonoma.com/index.html 1.) A complete shift of text and a smaller header logo when you click the CONTACT link. http://conservefineartsonoma.com/Contact.html 2.) When each link on the page is clicked, the entire page formatting shifts until the page has downloaded. What is this?? It's driving me bonkers.... I have included the CSS and a few pages from the site to this posting since I have no idea which part of the code is at fault for either of these problems. Any help would very VERY much appreciated - trying to get it nice n smooth! stylesheet.css Contact.html Deakin.html index.html
  17. Hello, I'm trying to make a method that creates objects of a parameterized type randomly, but also to store the hashCode of different objects created and if at any time the percentage of different objects is less than 50% throw an exception. This last part is where I've gotten stuck. I have created a population property where I store the different hashCodes and update it in the method adding the new hashCode from the new object. But I don't know how to do for to know if the percentage of different objects is less than 50%. See if someone can help me out. Regards!
  18. hi friend i am used the java script to display the currency of Iraqi dinars from this xml file http://www.xe.com/datafeed/samples/sample-xml-usd.xml and i used this code <script>if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest(); }else { xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); }xmlhttp.open("GET","http://www.xe.com/datafeed/samples/sample-xml-usd.xml",false);xmlhttp.send();xmlDoc=xmlhttp.responseXML; currency=xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("crate")[65].childNodes[0].nodeValue;document.write(currency);</script> but that is not work and i don't know why? please tell me what is my mistakes ... help me
  19. torsuntsu


    Hello,i have a problem with the css rule display: flex. Well to be honest, the problem is with the Safari browser. Every other browser displays the page as i intend it to display, but with Safari there´s a problem. I have a container with the class of promo that holds tree colomns with the class of coluna. The CSS is as fallows: .conteudo .promo { max-width: 100%; display:flex; display:-webkit-flex; flex-flow:row wrap; -webkit-flex-flow:row wrap; justify-content:center; } .conteudo .promo .coluna{ -moz-box-sizing:border-box; -o-box-sizing:border-box; -webkit-box-sizing:border-box; box-sizing:border-box; max-width: 32%; padding: 5px; margin: 5px; display:flex; display:-webkit-flex; flex-flow:column; -webkit-flex-flow:column; } Is there anything i´m doing wrong because only in Safari the page isn´t displayed as it should.I´d really need some help. Please!!!!The page is on: www.sistemagestorconteudos.net/Alfaccop/Sitio8 Torsuntsu
  20. Okay, title says it all... im needing a little help understanding a few things, but i think i have a hold of something. My php code: $HTMLOUT .= box_start_full_size("Latest News");//$HTMLOUT .= "LATEST NEWS..."; $res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM news WHERE added + ( 3600 *24 *45 ) >".time()." ORDER BY added DESC LIMIT 2");if (mysql_num_rows($res) > 0){$button = "";$id = ""; while($array = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) { $id .= $array['nid']; $HTMLOUT .= "<div id='index_newsbox".$id."'>";//ID for jQuery to work... $HTMLOUT .= "<a href='#' id='toggle_all'>"; $HTMLOUT .= "Toggle All"; $HTMLOUT .= "</a>"; if (get_user_class() >= UC_ADMIN) { $button = " <div style='float:right;'> <a href='#'>Edit</a> <a href='#'>Delete</a> </div>"; } $HTMLOUT .= " <div class='news_headline'> <span class='span_news_headline'> {$array['headline']}n </span> {$button} </div>n"; $HTMLOUT .= "<div style='display:none;' class='news_body'>"; $HTMLOUT .= "<span style='float:right;'>".get_date( $array['added'], 'TINY' ) . "</span>n"; $HTMLOUT .= nl2br( $array['body'] ); $HTMLOUT .= "</div>n"; $HTMLOUT .= "</div>";//end of news ID/jQuery... }}$HTMLOUT .= box_end_full_size(); This is my jQuery/JS code: $(document).ready( function() { $('#index_newsbox').toggle( function() { $('.news_body').slideDown();//specific news-body... }, function() { $('.news_body').slideUp();//specific news-body... }); });$(document).ready( function() { $('#toggle_all').toggle( function() { $('.news_body').slideDown();//all news-body... }, function() { $('.news_body').slideUp();//all news-body... }); }); I want 2 things here. First is to make a simple <a href> link that can toggle ALL news-body div classes to slidedown and up, (does not work yet). next is simple, i wonna do this for each and one of the divs also. Meaning making some sort of ID to the jQuery/JS so it will chose the specific div-box to deal with... now, as you see, i have maked an $id inside the PHP for the div (id from table inside DB). From here im stuck a little bit, coz this is my first kind of project with jQuery, i always used normal JS. This seemed a little bit more simpler, and yet, i stuck, how dramatic -.-'... Anyhow, would be great if anyone could drop in with an idea on how to fix this one! Thanks as always!
  21. MarkT

    [PHP] Problem

    Hello,I'm trying to get my PHP to select the ID from the table 'users' and use it in an SQL query,I've listed my code; $id= $_SESSION['id'];$id2 = mysql_query("SELECT * from 'Friends' WHERE 'id1' = '{$id}'"); echo $id2["id2"] ;?> this bit works,but I can't "echo $id2["id2"] ;" the above code does not list the id2 that is listed in the database. Any help appreciated!
  22. Hey w3s again, im currently trying to make a foot div for a green webshop (for fun). Anyhow, im using this code: #foot { width:950px; height:20px; color:#FFF; background-color:#90CA77; bottom: 0px;} what i am trying to, is go take the whole foot div down to the bottom, but it will not do it. Any ideas? Oo...it is working so far, but wont go down, and that is all i need it to. here is the rest of my CSS: img {border: none;}a img { border: none;}html, body {height: 100%; /*to fill it out with no white borders or weird remain space...*/margin: 0em;padding: 0em;background-color: #D0D6B8;}#wrapper {width: 950px;margin: 0 auto;background-color: #ECEEE1; top: 0px;bottom: 0px;height: 100%;}#logo_holder { width: 950px; /*or 100%*/ height: 85px; background-color:#595959;} #menu_holder { width: 940px; /*Original: 950px, minus 10 for 5px at left and right (padding)...*/ height: 20px; background-color:#90CA77; padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px; border: none;} /* unvisited link */ #menu_holder a:link { color:#FFF; text-decoration:none; } /* visited link */ #menu_holder a:visited { color:#FFF; text-decoration:none; } /* mouse over link */ #menu_holder a:hover { color:#FFF; text-decoration:none; } /* selected link (clicking on it with mouse)... */ #menu_holder a:active { color:#FFF; text-decoration:none; }#foot { width:950px; height:20px; color:#FFF; background-color:#90CA77; bottom: 0px;}
  23. hi everyone, I just want to ask the professionals use is very simple question about CSS positioning step ahead of myself I started learning css a few months ago it was very very easy to me there was nothing complex about it at all. well not until I reach the positioning in CSS they will like a living ###### to me well of course I could understand that simple values which are fixed relative, absolute, and static and how the work and the relation between the relative and the absolute values. but one thing that I died understand in positioning is that when you position an element in html you need to position it according to let's say the full screen mood that's mean when you want to make the browser tab is in the full screen of your computer screen, but if you played with tab of the browser like you want to decrease or increase the size of tab the position will change now. so how does these positions work I don't know how they work when we can implement them in any HTML page. and also one more simple question is that if I want to center an elements like a box in the center of the HTML page but when I play with the tab at the dimensions it don't change from its position it stay and remains in the center of the HTML page not caring about the decreasing or the increasing of that tap dimensions.
  24. Hello,Sorry I'm experiencing problems with my css, #title {width: 200px;height: auto;margin-top: -10px;margin-left: 20px;background-color:#000;border-radius: 2px;color: #DF3A01;}#search {width: 600px;height: auto;color: #FFF;margin-top: 28px;position: absolute;margin-left: 190px;display: inline;}#buttons {width: 300px;height: auto;color: #FFF;margin-top: 28px;position: absolute;margin-right: 30px;display: inline;}#buttons li {border-left: 2px dashed #FE9A2E;padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px;display: inline;}#buttons ul {display: inline;}#bar {margin-left: -15px;margin-right: -15px;margin-top: -12px;width: 110%;height: 50px;background-color: #000;position: fixed;border-radius: 3px;padding-left: 15px;padding-right: 15px;padding-top: 12px;} and my html; <div id="bar"><div id="title"><h1 color="#FE9A2E" style="float: left;">PitchIT</h1></div><div id="search"><?PHP// Array for Config variables$Config['CanSearch'] = false; // Falseif($Config['CanSearch'] == true){ echo 'form name="search" method="post" action="<?=$PHP_SELF?>"><input type="text" size="50" name="query" placeholder="Enter Search Query Here..." /> by<Select NAME="field"><Option VALUE="name">Name</option><Option VALUE="email">Email</option><Option VALUE="id">ID</option></Select><input type="hidden" name="searching" value="yes" /><input type="submit" name="search" value="Search" /></form>';}else{ echo 'Search Currently Unavailable!';}?></div><div id="buttons"><ul><li>Bob</li><li>Bob</li></ul></div></div> But it shows as the image attached below. The bob li's show up in the middle f the search and title.they're meant to be on the far right.... Thanks in advance!all help appreciated!
  25. JoReL

    Tab Menu

    I´m looking for a tutorial and how to make a menu with 3 tabs with different content each. one of the tabs will have a video. My question is, How can i achieve this?Will it be on html only, css, or both?Thanks in advance for your time. :)I'm looking on google but nothing on how to achieve this.
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