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Found 14 results

  1. I would like to connect to a mysql database that is a localhost connection and not on a internet service provider. How do i connect? Do you use "localhost or your ip"? I tried it and it does not work. Also, how do i open a port for access? Is the port connections blocking me from succeeding regarding this?
  2. I have a form that I use to send me data that includes the ½ value. Instead of %00BD, I am getting %C2%BD. Can anyone tell me how to correct this, or if it's even correctable? Wayne
  3. Hello w3schools community ! I would like to know .. - What is exactly the difference between SQL ( Structured query language ) and MySQL ?, ( with examples if possible ) - Does learning SQL suffice ? Or should I use a RDBMS such as MySQL, Oracle .. etc ? Thank you .
  4. BACKGROUND: I have successfully integrated both pagination and the simplePagination paginator into my website. Now I must fine tune the integration so as to overcome several associated non-optimal conditions. In order to achieve it appears that I need to understand better the use of the variables and functions utilized with the AJAX request. Please consider the following pieces of code and answer the questions below. The JAVASCRIPT: .click(function() { $.ajax({ url: '_utilities/php/ajax_data_dscr.php', dataType: 'JSON', data: { 'podType': podType }, statusCode: { 404: function() { alert( "Page not found" ); }}, success: function (jsonData){ console.log(jsonData) $('#main').html(''); $.each(jsonData, function(key, object){ $('#main').append("<div class='paginate'><div class='item_info podcast_item'><div class='pod_num'>" + object.podcast_no_item + "</div><div class='pod_title'>" + object.item_title + "<br />" + object.item_pubdate + "</div></div><div class='pod_describe'>" + object.item_description + "</div></div>"); }); var collection = $(".paginate"); var collNum = collection.length; var perPage = 10; collection.slice(perPage).hide(); $("#pagn").pagination({ items: collNum, itemsOnPage: perPage, cssStyle: "light-theme", onPageClick: function(pageNum) { var start = perPage * (pageNum - 1); var end = start + perPage; // console.log(event); // console.log(pageNum); collection.hide().slice(start, end).show(); } }); } The HTML: <div id='main'>...</div><!-- end div#main --> <div id='pagn'>&nbsp;</div><!-- end div#pagn --> BACKGROUND: From the above code you can probably notice that the #main DIV is emptied before it is dynamically filled via jQuery's .append() method. The heading of the newly filled #main DIV should vary with the kind of information that is entered. To this end I created the following switch. Unfortunately, however, I cannot get it to work. Either the value of the podType variable is not being read, or the code itself has not been properly set into the AJAX routine. The following is an example of one of my attempts. beforeSend: function(podType) { $('#main').html(''); switch (podType) { case clausal: $('#main').html('<h1>Clausal Analysis</h1>'); break; case linear: $('#main').html('<h1>Linear Analysis</h1>'); break; case inversion: $('#main').html('<h1>Socratic Inversion</h1>'); break; case chrono: $('#main').html('<h1>All Categories</h1>'); break; } } QUESTION ONE: How do I access the key-value pair entered as the value of the data property? QUESTION TWO: How would you go about insuring that a new list heading is entered with each different value of podType. NOTE: You can visit the page by clicking on the words PROXY LINK at the bottom of http://www.grammarcaptive.com/sender_proxy.php In the navigation bar on the page that opens find the word Chronology, click on it, and then click on the phrase Podcast index ... This will show you a successful implementation of simplePagination and provide you with a visual understanding of what I am able and not able to achieve. Roddy
  5. Hi, I've just built a basic web site, but I now realise (by going through the process) that I need to understand other languages & processes in order to make the site streamlined & fully functional. Because I've only learnt html & css (on a basic level) my understanding of php, sql, js, xml, etc is very poor. I therefor need some advice on what the best mechanisms are for inputting data, storing it & displaying it on the web, possibly with some type of rss feed too. The basic process the site is doing, can be described as follows: 1. Users enter data using an online form. 2. Data is stored on a database & manually verified. 3. Certain info from the database is automatically displayed on the site (but not all) in a friendly viewable format. 4. Every time the site is updated a feed is created (like an rss or blog). The first two processes I have achieved, but I am exploring ways of achieving the 3rd & 4th processes. Any advice on what methods or languages would be best to use would be greatly appreciated. I'm happy to learn any coding required. The data set can be stored in various formats (xlsx, csv, ods, tsv, etc), its really a question of the best way to interpret it & automatically display it that I am exploring. Along with creating the feed. Thanks for any advice. Old Guy.
  6. hi friend i am used the java script to display the currency of Iraqi dinars from this xml file http://www.xe.com/datafeed/samples/sample-xml-usd.xml and i used this code <script>if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest(); }else { xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); }xmlhttp.open("GET","http://www.xe.com/datafeed/samples/sample-xml-usd.xml",false);xmlhttp.send();xmlDoc=xmlhttp.responseXML; currency=xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("crate")[65].childNodes[0].nodeValue;document.write(currency);</script> but that is not work and i don't know why? please tell me what is my mistakes ... help me
  7. At the present this is my current website www.mcran.com The problem I am having is how to present all the radio shows I have done over the years including playlists so that visitors could easily access them. I started thinking on a one page solution as follows. These buttons or tabs would run along the top. When you click on a year, the shows and if there is a playlist would appear below on the same page. 2013 - 2012 - 2011 - 2010 - 2009 - 2008. Years ago I did something like this when I was using the Mac web creation app called Rapidweaver. I no longer use this app. At the moment I am using Yola.com. This is the Rapidweaver site I had a few years ago and this is the page that I am interested in when it comes to functionality. Click on a year, info is presented on the same page. Sounds pretty cool and user friendly to visitors to a page like that. Please let me know if this is possible to create the same kind of functionality for my site using maybe HTML and or something else? Thanks! Randy www.mcran.com
  8. Hey ... I want display datetime from DB... EX : 2013-06-10 12:10:5 I want display only year = 2013 MONT = 06 day = 10 how to do like above display the part from datetime. thanks regards
  9. I have a question about the XML. I will admit, I havent spent a ton of time trying to find the answer to this now because I've looked into it in the past with no luck, which is why I never really started using XML to begin with. But I feel like it would be the best option for a site I want to create, and I just need a few clarifications on how to use it.I think I understand the basic structure of an XML document, and all the tags you can create. But my question is once you create the structure, or Schema, What do you do with that to easily insert data. Say I have a simple structure like this<article><title> ABC</title><keywords> </keywords> (Question: would I have several of these tags with multiple keywords?)<summary> </summary><text> </text></article>That may or may not be right, but close enough. If I have many articles I want to post, I really don't want to have to go through and retype all the tags everytime I add something, especially if my actual data has a lot more tags. But I have yet to figure out what I use to insert the data into that format. I'm assuming I can build a form, but I'm not sure how that gets transfered. Can it be done with HTML only or do I need another language?Also, when retrieving the information from the xml file, is that straight html or something else as well? If I missed the page that explains this on the site, you can just point me in the right direction. Also, If I wanted to just pull everything except for the text itself to include on one page, and then specific articles when a linked is clicked on other pages, that can be done right? Would I have a separate page for each dataset? or is it dynamic. Meaning If i click article one, it will show article one without needing a separate file for each additional article?I am somewhat familar with sql and PHP, so that is the method I'm thinking of. I just don't think I need a full fledge database for what I'm doing. I just need to know how data gets inserted once the structure is in place. Thanks
  10. helloI have a question , I thinking whether we can delete a data in one or three table at once time??How Query fo that ?
  11. Hi, I currently have a working joomla site online, but it seems to be affected wif virus, so i am thinking of a solution I tought of backing up the database from phpMyAdmin after doing that i tryed to reinstall joomla 2.5, it worked but it didnt bring back my articles
  12. I have an xml blog and a javascript file i am trying to use to publish this blog to a website with. I am just testing to see if AJAX is working at all because i have been having issues with this for a day now. Here is the Javascript code: function blog(){var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.onReadyStateChange = function(){if(xhr.readyState == 4 && xhr.status == 200){var xmldom = xhr.responseXML;alert(xmldom.documentElement);}} xhr.open("GET","blog.xml",true);xhr.send();} Here is the xml code: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><rss version="2.0"><channel><item><title>hello</title> <link>www.google.com</link> <description>world</description></item><item><title>hello</title> <link>www.google.com</link> <description>world</description></item><item><title>hello</title> <link>www.google.com</link> <description>world</description></item></channel> </rss> Finally, here is the HTML code: <div id="blog"><h4>News Updates</h4><script type="text/javascript" src="blog.js" async></script><button type="button" onclick="blog()">click me</button></div> I have it set up to where the button in the HTML code has the onclick event listener that calls the javascript "blog()" function. the problem is that i never does anything NO MATTER WHAT I DO. it is always unresponsive. I never get a single alert box no matter what i make the script do inside the onreadystate function.
  13. Hi. Not quite sure where to start with this one. Am creating a website at the moment, and within that site - in my SQL Compact database I have a "transaction" table. There will be thousands of records in that table - what I want the user to be able to do is search based on a particular parameter - which is fine as I can just use SQL to obtain that information. However, say for instance it returns 100 records - I don't want to display all that data to a user all at once. How would I go about creating a facility to navigate on a table? For instance so it displays ten records at a time? I am using WebMatrix to create this site. Thanks. Kevin
  14. Hi. Quite new to ASP.NET, doing a web design course. I have built a website, and am just building the order part - this is for an assignment. This is the code I have so far: @{ Layout="~/Shared/accountArea.cshtml"; Page.Title="New Order | Sarnies For All"; if (!WebSecurity.IsAuthenticated) { Response.Redirect("~/"); } var db = Database.Open("sarniesForAllCurrent");} <h1>New Order</h1> <p>Here you can create your own sandwich. First of all select your desired bread type from the drop down box below. Then move on to select the filling which you would like in your sandwich/wrap/baguette.</p> <p>All the products shown on this page are in stock, there will be no ringing you informing you that we can't make your order! If you have any issues with this, or have a special request don't hesitate to give us a call or use the Contact Us page.</p> <form id="newOrder" method="post" action="mailto:kevin.upshaw@live.co.uk"> <h2>Choose Bread Type</h2> <fieldset class="newOrder"> <div class="panel"> @{ var extractAvailableBread = "SELECT breadId, breadDescription, price, imgReference FROM [bread] WHERE UPPER(available) = 'YES' ORDER BY breadId "; } @foreach (var row in db.Query(extractAvailableBread)) { <div class="productArea"> <div class="productTitleArea"> <p class="productTitle">@row.breadDescription</p> </div> <div class="productImageArea"> <img class="productImage" src="@row.imgReference" alt="| Sarnies For All" /> </div> <div class="productPriceArea"> <p class="productPrice">£@row.price</p> </div> <div class="productSelectionArea"> <p class="productSelection"><input type="radio" name="breadSelection" value="@row.breadDescription" /></p> </div> </div> } </div> <p class="flip">Open/Close Available Bread Selection</p> </fieldset> <h2 class="clearBreak">Choose Your Filling</h2> <fieldset class="newOrder"> <div class="panel1"> @{ var extractAvailableFilling = "SELECT fillingDescription, price, imgReference FROM [filling] WHERE UPPER(available) = 'YES' ORDER BY filling "; } @foreach (var row in db.Query(extractAvailableFilling)) { <div class="productArea"> <div class="productTitleArea"> <p class="productTitle">@row.fillingDescription</p> </div> <div class="productImageArea"> <img class="productImage" src="@row.imgReference" alt="| Sarnies For All" /> </div> <div class="productPriceArea"> <p class="productPrice">£@row.price</p> </div> <div class="productSelectionArea"> <p class="productSelection"><input type="radio" name="fillingDescription" value="@row.fillingDescription" /></p> </div> </div> } </div> <p class="flip1">Open/Close Available Fillings Selection</p> </fieldset> <h2>Choose Salad Type</h2> <fieldset class="newOrder"> <div class="panel2"> @{ var extractAvailableSalad = "SELECT saladDescription, price, imgReference FROM [salad] WHERE UPPER(available) = 'YES' ORDER BY saladId "; } @foreach (var row in db.Query(extractAvailableSalad)) { <div class="productArea"> <div class="productTitleArea"> <p class="productTitle">@row.saladDescription</p> </div> <div class="productImageArea"> <img class="productImage" src="@row.imgReference" alt="| Sarnies For All" /> </div> <div class="productPriceArea"> <p class="productPrice">£@row.price</p> </div> <div class="productSelectionArea"> <p class="productSelection"><input type="radio" name="saladDescription" value="@row.saladDescription" /></p> </div> </div> } </div> <p class="flip2">Open/Close Available Salad Selection</p> </fieldset> <h2 class="clearBreak">Confirmation</h2> <p>Please confirm your selections and then hit the "Create" order button below. Your order will then be submitted and you will be redirected to your account.</p> <input type="submit" id="submit" name="submit" value="Create Order" /> <input type="reset" id="resetOrderForm" name="resetOrderForm" value="Reset Order Form" /> </form> All the code I have works absolutely fine so far. It queries the "bread" table in the database for "available" bread. The idea I had now is that for each section the user would select one option (hence the use of radio buttons) and when the user selects the option in each section the "*Id" for the option selected is stored in a variable - in which I can then do a SQL INSERT INTO - into the order database. However everything I try code wise has failed on me and wondering if anyone has any suggestions/advice?
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