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I have read the tutorials I have searched the forum nothing could help me with this! This is a page that has absolute positions vertically put percentages horizontally. Because I am a strong believer that if a user sees a verticle scroll bar they will think its ok. But a horizontal scrollbar gos to far. Well in Internet explorer 6 it does what I want. Everything fits into a nice small window. Also it doesnt waste any screen space in a large window.Heres a linkIn Firefox (FF) It just displays my image in a yellow blob. :) Heres the HTML:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"><html> <head>  <meta name="description" content="Website about dundas district me and my freinds" />  <meta name="keywords" content="Dundas, Josh, Fun, Cool," />  <meta name="developer" content="Josh Bradshaw" />  <meta name="rating" content="general" />  <meta name="author" content="Josh Bradshaw" />   <title>♫Sax World♫</title>  <!--functions script-->  <script type="text/javascript">   //key to background changer   function change()    {     document.bgColor=document.list.colors.options    [document.list.colors.selectedIndex].value;    }   function style()   {   document.getElementById("style").background.backgroundColor=document.list.colors.options   [document.list.colors.selectedIndex].value;    }  </script>  <!-- end functions script-->    <!--place stylesheet links here-->  <link href="http://www.freewebs.com/gamestrats/music_note.ico" type="image/x-icon" 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Heres the Css

a{float:left;width:7em;text-decoration:none;color:blue;background-color: yellow;padding:0.1em 0em;}a:link{color:blue;text-decoration: none;background-color: yellow;}a:visited{float:left;width:7em;text-decoration:none;color: red;background-color: yellow;padding:0.1em 0em;}a:hover{color: yellow;text-decoration: underline;background-color:red;}a:active{color: blue;text-decoration: none;}iframe.blog{width: 700px;height: 500px;position: absolute;top: 0px;left: 0px;}.frame{border-style: solid;border-color: black;border-width: 6px;position:absolute;left: 133px;top: 125px;width: 700px;height: 500px;}.left{background-color:yellow;position: absolute;top: 125px;left: 5px;height: 500px;width: 125px;}.right{background-color:yellow;position: absolute;top: 125px;left: 847px;width: 125px;height: 500px;overflow:auto;}.form{position:absolute;top: 640px;left: 5px;background-color:yellow;width: 972px;height: 60px;}.valid{position: absolute;top:640px;left: 605px;background-color: yellow;height: 90px;z-index:1;width:372px;}a.w3c:link{background-color:yellow;color:white;text-decoration: none;z-index: 5;}a.w3c:visited{color:white;background-color:yellow;text-decoration: none;}a.w3c:hover{background-color:yellow;color: white;text-decoration: none;}a.w3c:active{color:white;background-color:yellow;text-decoration: none;}/*heres is the top image*/.centerim{position:absolute;left:200px;width:470px;height:62px;border-width:5px;border-style:solid;border-color:black;}

heres a screen shot of it in FF:Edit:Screen shot removed. was far to large. Problem the screenshot was displaying is resolved anywaysorry if I have talked about this problem way to much it is driving me crazy. :) Thanks in advance,Snowboard01.

Edited by snowboard01
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Don't worry about it. I moved the valid icons and deleted the bgcolor changer. You should see the awful website that i made that to replace It only works nice in a couple of zooms I'll make this one look a little better and add some features to the resizing. like if the divs are viewed on a screen thats less than 400px X 400px the text size will change. Is there a way to do that? maybe javascript?I know this won't work just what im thinking of.

function textsize(){if browser window < 400px X 400px{make the text size smaller}else{make it normal}}

that would be nice but I have no idea how to do it. If you do please tell me.also i will add aural stylesheets.once again scott100 thanks for the help. I puzzled over that for around two weeks. You solved it in like 10 seconds! That page can now increase text size move to fit window ect. ect. because I deleted one drop down menu that I was going to get rid of anyway. thanx very much and maybe you even know the answer to that text size javascript thing?Also my logo is there a way to switch images depending on screen size. In a screen more that 1040px wide it starts to look horible. (the logo I use has changed since the first post. click the link in the first post to see the new one.)thats all for now.

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The javascript thing = yes its possible. both text + imageI done it before for someone but i cant remember if it was for this forum or another :) I'll search for it and post back.

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like if the divs are viewed on a screen thats less than 400px X 400px the text size will change. Is there a way to do that? maybe javascript?

I couldn't find the one i done before so i rustled up something.Here it is
<head><script>function resizeBody(){if (parseInt(navigator.appVersion)>3) { if (navigator.appName=="Netscape") {  winW = window.innerWidth; } if (navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft")!=-1) {  winW = document.body.offsetWidth; }}if ((winW>0)&&(winW<200)){document.getElementById('myText').style.fontSize="5px";}else if ((winW>200)&&(winW<350)){document.getElementById('myText').style.fontSize="10px";}else if ((winW>350)&&(winW<500)){document.getElementById('myText').style.fontSize="15px";}else if ((winW>500)&&(winW<750)){document.getElementById('myText').style.fontSize="20px";}else if ((winW>750)&&(winW<900)){document.getElementById('myText').style.fontSize="25px";}else if (winW>900){document.getElementById('myText').style.fontSize="30px";}}</script><style>div{font-size: 30px}</style></head><body onresize="resizeBody()"><div id="myText">Please resize the window</div></body>

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My next question is aural style sheets. Do you think they would do my site any good? Do you think they are nessessary? Normally I would just leave it normal but the thing about my site is that its in layouts and the browser might read the text in the wrong order

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Do your visitors fall into this category/have a screen reader:

Aural presentation can be used:by blind people to help users learning to read to help users who have reading problems for home entertainment in the car by print-impaired communities
If so then i'm sure your visitors would appreciate your consideration of them.
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