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Posts posted by smiles

  1. Thanks, but I have already done the search. :blink: I was hoping for some feedback from anyone that has used one of these. :)
    hey I had try one yesterday and I see all drawbacks :) First is the Size , it doesn't fill out the screenSecond is link Button , it not workWhy dont you try Slideshow with Flash :)
  2. Are the copy/paste key combinations disabled? I mean CTRL+C/CTRL+V or CRTL+INS/SHIFT+INS? Drag&drop?
    oh that still works , Imeans I can cut that file to paste into my computer
    at some cases you have to format the usb drive
    Tried but not works :)
  3. well ... I have some problems with uneraseable files, I have downloaded a .exe file to my USB and intend to bring it into my computer but cut, copy,delete are disabled :) could you show me some ways with itthanks !!!

  4. dont understand much :)just think it move a symbol named instanceName form beginning coordinate (x,y) to coordinate (targetX,targetY) while its body become bigger and bigger ( or smaller )you can make this effect without script :)

  5. <!--Flash 500+350+http://img75.imageshack.us/img75/5358/loversconcerto8my.swf--><OBJECT CLASSID='clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000' WIDTH=500 HEIGHT=350><PARAM NAME=MOVIE VALUE=http://img75.imageshack.us/img75/5358/loversconcerto8my.swf><PARAM NAME=PLAY VALUE=TRUE><PARAM NAME=LOOP VALUE=TRUE><PARAM NAME=QUALITY VALUE=HIGH><EMBED SRC=http://img75.imageshack.us/img75/5358/loversconcerto8my.swf WIDTH=500 HEIGHT=350 PLAY=TRUE LOOP=TRUE QUALITY=HIGH></EMBED></OBJECT><!--End Flash-->

    here is the code I get from forum , try this , if doesn't work try another :)

  6. When the link is currently clicked it just opens the file in an IE Explorer window without giving the option to save it.
    I remember that PDF is free online document , so choice to save or open is ... free too :)
    How about just telling them to click "Save As" or simple compress the file?
    no, that not work
  7. hello every one hope that i got the solution of my problem here . i 'm finished with a flash banner on the html page . i want the flash buttons on click it upload html page on <iframe> hope that u understand my qustion an give me the solution. thanks 2 u all .
    Flash only affects and be affected in flash area , I don't think that it can :)
  8. I want to create a game of "finding objects in the screen and drag them to their correct places-but i dont know the commends or the actions i need to do inorder to make it work.
    I dont sure how much about flash do you know but still tryin Frame1 creates something and converts it to symbol , button type , for examplein InstanceName type any name you like , I will take "slider"now press F9 to open ActionPaneland type these code ( know it Case sensitive with function )slider.onPress = function(){ startDrag("slider");}slider.onRelease = function(){ stopDrag();}that finishpress Ctrl + Enter to test movie :)


    I wish I could say stuff so easily, i'm naturally redundant
    :) cause of your deeper knowledges than me , I think it so simple :)
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