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Posts posted by smiles

  1. so that 's very simple , red is the colour of soil , blue is the colour of sea , yellow is the colour of sun , that 's three basic colour that we can easily regconize :)

  2. boen-robot , could you help me with this question , that maybe old but I didn't notice it before :) for example , I have a forum named www.something.ipbfree.com so ... how can i change it to www.something.com , thanks !!!

  3. I tried to publish flash movie into gif image but It looked terrible , I don't think that flash 8 is good at it , maybe we need other software if I am in wrong way , could you tell me about function of Publish and Export ( what is the difference between them ? ) and how can I have a good gif image from flash movie ???thanks !!!

  4. well , let me see , seems that I started with it from last month , because I 'd like to create web by flash but now I 'd like to create a present by flash for my special friend ... you will know this flash when I finish it :) ... so I don't have any books about flash , maybe i will have it next month , at the moment I use Flash help ... and I think I ' m the best of finding way in the dark :)the person I create is very simple at I say , a round replaces head , lines replace hand , leg , foot ... but my trouble now is , I 'd like to create a string of big texts ( size > 120 ) ... and the texts are moved from right to left ( we only see the head part of the text ), and at last the text becoming small and fill in the flash screen :)

  5. Hey, I have a question....?? Is there a way to have certain things, like images, movies, flash .swf files, and other stuff be loaded first over anything else...? I was just curious because when ever I log onto my web pages at school (with a slightly slower connection), certain things don't load up, and it kind of looks weird... lol... is there anything that specifies what is downloaded, and gives it the first priority to be seen first, and then goes down the list for the others you specify too...? idk, it seems like whenever I load up my page, everything is randomized on how they are loaded up to be viewed… thanks

    I don't think there is anything like that , and I don't think everything is randomizedit loads from top to bottom with CRT screens and maybe the same with LCD screens :)
  6. I am going to go and work on a walking animation tutorial
    so you are like me :) guess who comes first :) anyway , the flash I intend to do is for one person who is special with me , I hope I can make it completely :)
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