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Posts posted by smiles

  1. thanks that helps much :)

    Now, make the animation of the girls hair swinging on the timeline. If you don't know how to do this reply and tell me so and i will write a small tutorial for you to make that.
    I need your tutorial but not with the hair of the girl , I am intending to create a person ( the shape of this person is very simple , just some lines to create ) , now I want him to walk , run , jump or fall down , like a challenge of climbing mountain for him according to you should I have each movie clips for each type walk , jump ,run ... :) how can I do ( for example , walk ??? )thanks !!!
  2. if you say that what is the difference between guest and member :)

    If that's the attitude you want to project, fine, but that's not very conducive to having a helpful, inclusive community.
    community don't know the email of guest for helpful contact :)
  3. I think you can write your email with all ASCII words , in character map of accessories , but if you want to type your own language , it belongs to particularly version , for example , yahoo.com.vn

  4. well sorry about my bad English :) I means by which way they can make the hair of the girl vibrates :) and one more question : when I import music into flash , the quality of sound is not good , anyway to overcome ? :)

  5. seems that I usually see the term "download" often concerns with software or document like .pdf , .doc ... so I don't understand what people want to download here ? I think it just like Save As :)

  6. learn php and then try to set up a forum from scratch myself?
    ... if you have free time
    hire someone to set up the forum and learn php as I go?
    ... if you have free money
    use the ready made template provided by a free forum software company such as simplemachines.org or phpbb.com?
    ... if you need it urgently :)
  7. before anyone says anything - yes I do note the irony that this is another topic that has been widely discussed/whinged about
    yeah you are right but why we had to talk about this topic many times ???certainly to get the best understanding :) think of the other synonymous things in the same way :)
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