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Everything posted by smiles

  1. you say that !!! so what is the drawback of server side language( to client site language ) ?
  2. http://www.w3schools.com/js/tryit.asp?file...ryjs_openwindow
  3. smiles

    free music

    I had tried to put the beatles.mid of your w3schools ' example into my forum for bgsoundif I use tag <embed> the sound is bad , not continuousbut if I use tag <bgsound> hear it welldo you know why ???
  4. html doesn't have window.open function ???
  5. well , I want to ask a question ! so you have an Web effect that can written by browser script and server script , so if you are allowed to choose , you let your WebEffect runs by your Browser , or your Server , which one is better ??? Thanks !
  6. well , I want to ask a question , not concern with ISP :)so you have an Web effect that can written by browser script and server script , so if you are allowed to choose , you let your WebEffect runs by your Browser , or your Server , which one is better ???
  7. ok , I will get more research on what you say !!! Thanks so much
  8. smiles


    well , well !!! I am confuse , the action load synchronous with the load of page that no matter really !!!
  9. Full name: well my right order is Last-Middle-First : Vo Ngoc QuangAlternative name(s): TiBirth date(dd/mm/yyyy): 27/8/1984Gender: MaleZodiacal sign: our country don't use this term , the born 's year concerns with an animal , I have the age of mouseCountry of residance: VietNamCity of residance: DaNang CityHeight: 1 meter 69 centimetersWeight: 56 kilogramsEyes: black eyesHair: black hairSmoking/Drinking/Drugs: No/No/NoFavourite Music: pop , rock balladFavourite Movies: small house in mountain ( Jack London )Interest: Computers , Electric , electronic , singing , drawing , poet , ... many !!!Pets: catAdditional comments: Everyone here is kindful , but someday lets me see your face , I 'd like it
  10. you say ...the page... , is this an webpage with specified URL , and we can direct to that page directly by typing this in Address and click Enter ... and we will see the only page with only stores what people are talking
  11. smiles


    we know that the right page didn't do nothing unless we click the button to submit , so when we first link to that example page http://www.w3schools.com/html/tryit.asp?fi...ryhtml_redirect , the right page haven't done nothing yet so it can't refresh the page ??? and it can't feel the presentation of the refresh code on left page ???you understand what I means
  12. Suppose that I have a computer and a modem connecting my computer with Internet through telephone lines , so an silly question , if we don't need ISP , what happen next ??? datas likes a guy wandering everywhere because can't find the right way
  13. smiles

    free music

    could you tell me more about MIDI files , what is it ???and suppose that I have a free web page , can I upload my music to it ???
  14. smiles


    yeah yeah , if you say that , I will temporarily accept that when the example page is load , the button is clicked simutaneously and if someone tell me that the button automatically be clicked after 5 seconds , I will believe it but we know it ' s not true in fact
  15. smiles


    normally , w3 examples have a button named " edit the text and click me " , that a submit button and it posts the content in form to the right page ( written in asp and I think that code in it is Request.Form ...)but with this example http://www.w3schools.com/html/tryit.asp?fi...ryhtml_redirect we have no need to click that button , so by which way the right page can feel the code of refresh in left page
  16. smiles

    free music

    My country has a wesite that allows people to hear music free ( means we can hear the song fully to its end ) , if that why they have to hide the url of that song ???what is the difference between the " free word " you say and the " free word " I had just say ???
  17. I will try now I wonder that in chat 's window , there are three main component , textarea for chat words , button " send " for sending and ... the small window that show what we chat , could you tell me more about this component , is this an iframe with a source is an page to collect all chat words from people ( and refresh after a few seconds ) ???
  18. smiles

    free music

    anyone know any sites that give us free music , I have no condition to download , then upload it to my forum , I just need the url of that music ' file on Internet to copy and paste it in my forum !!!thanks so much
  19. and well ... I wonder can I use style in IPB forum to create a new theme in phpBB forum , I 'd like the apearance of IPB forum and ... how can I change the language to my country 's language ???
  20. as you say , I have to learn php , flash , java , mySQL but I prefer write it by myself and in my case , I now can use asp ( though I have no much experience abouut it ) , and the only thing I need now is only one page that enables Request Form , Post and I can refresh it for some seconds distance
  21. yeah , it nears what I want , only change a littleif (charCode == 13)alert ("You have hit the enter key");toif (charCode == 13)window.location="http://www.w3schools.com"; thanks so much
  22. I google and view some freechatroom code but most of it written in Java ... how can I put it in Html document , is this possible ??? if not , give me some advises , I really want to put chatroom in my forum ( or even an particular window for chat room ... appeared when I click on an button , for examples !!! )I had tried to have a freewebs page but it doesn't support ASP or PHP so writing my own chat code meet troubles Thanks !!!
  23. we always seee in w3 examples have a button with value " edit the text and click me" , how could we give a short cut key for it , ENTER key ? Thanks
  24. http://www.jsr.communitech.net/randombgrd.htm
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