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Everything posted by smiles

  1. what is "endless loop" means ?don't you forget to put stop() at frame 1 ?or when you Test Movie, Control>> disable "Loop"
  2. My advise is using loader to load your movie clip, using CreateEmptyMovieClip() usually gets some error about size, position ...The loader will help you better if you notice the background of your movie clip, it should be the same with the background that the loader is put on !!!
  3. To add a signature to outgoing messages1.On the Tools menu, click Options, and then click the Signatures tab. 2.To create a signature, click New and then either enter text in the Edit Signature box or click File, and then find the text or HTML file you'd like to use. 3.Select the Add signatures to all outgoing messages check box.
  4. I 'm still confused with your post, could you be more clearly
  5. I heard that to work with PHP, you must install IIS and it will create an Inetpub folder ( oh, I remember that I read it in ASP tutorial, hope they are the same) but when I go to Add and Remove program in Control panel, choose Add/Remove components then I see that IIS is installed could you tell me why, I 'd like to have my first PHP program
  6. AOL is graphic browser. certainly you can't see that code workswhy isn't IE, Firefox, Maxthon, Opera
  7. smiles

    Windows Vista

    8 bit processor give you 16 bit addressing equivalent to 65536 bit memory16 bit processor give you : + 20 bit addressing equivalent to about 1MB memory (8088...) + 32 bit addressing equivalent to about 4GB memory (Pentium...)don't sure 32 and 64 bit here is saved for 1 register or addressing ( = 2 registers )
  8. smiles

    Flash Forms

    dont find the upload part, so try a service and here is link for you, hope that helphttp://www.freewebs.com/formycountry/email_f8.zip
  9. smiles

    Flash Forms

    Simple Mail Transfer Protocol so ... SMTP not SMPT http://www.sephiroth.it/tutorials/flashPHP/email/ it for email but you can change for your case
  10. is your page has only Flash ???
  11. smiles

    Flash Video

    with video, Flash has only one thing for it, like YouTube
  12. smiles

    Flash Forms

    You must have a host support SMPTHave a code ???
  13. Generally, I try to find something that not eye-catching but didn't find Look back carefully, I think that is the height of your logo and following it is shade effect Just my idea, we have different sights
  14. smiles


    well friend, if you can read this postanother simple way is just create a button symbol and go to its frames you can see Up, Over, Down ( and ??? ) frames, modify them and you will get what you want
  15. I suggest Flash :)or you can use Adobe Illustator, Adobe Photoshop
  16. I bet that he use the circle clock with full of minute hand, second hand, hour hand, they are images and he forgot to have exactly links of these images
  17. smiles


    read it, maybe it gives you some idea, any wonders tell me ActionScript 2.0 Language Reference ActionScript language elements > Global Functions > on handler on handleron(mouseEvent:Object) {// your statements here}Specifies the mouse event or keypress that triggers an action. Availability: ActionScript 1.0; Flash Player 2 - Flash 2. Not all events are supported in Flash 2.ParametersmouseEvent:Object - A mouseEvent is a trigger called an event . When the event occurs, the statements following it within curly braces ({ }) execute. Any of the following values can be specified for the mouseEvent parameter: press The mouse button is pressed while the pointer is over the button. release The mouse button is released while the pointer is over the button. releaseOutside While the pointer is over the button, the mouse button is pressed and then rolls outside the button area just before it is released. Both the press and the dragOut events always precede a releaseOutside event. rollOut The pointer rolls outside the button area. rollOver The mouse pointer rolls over the button. dragOut While the pointer is over the button, the mouse button is pressed and then rolls outside the button area. dragOver While the pointer is over the button, the mouse button has been pressed, then rolled outside the button, and then rolled back over the button. keyPress "<key> " The specified keyboard key is pressed. For the key portion of the parameter, specify a key constant, as shown in the code hinting in the Actions Panel. You can use this parameter to intercept a key press, that is, to override any built-in behavior for the specified key. The button can be anywhere in your application, on or off the Stage. One limitation of this technique is that you can't apply the on() handler at runtime; you must do it at authoring time. Make sure that you select Control > Disable Keyboard Shortcuts, or certain keys with built-in behavior won't be overridden when you test the application using Control > Test Movie. For a list of key constants, see the Key class.ExampleIn the following script, the startDrag() function executes when the mouse is pressed, and the conditional script is executed when the mouse is released and the object is dropped:on (press) { startDrag(this);}on (release) { trace("X:"+this._x); trace("Y:"+this._y); stopDrag();}
  18. dont sure but maybe it is the name set up for a functionthese code for reference, you must do more with it if apply to your case <script type=text/javascript>function hlx_js_init() { function createFormField(argStrLabel, argStrInput, argIntRow) { var objDIV = document.createElement('DIV'); objDIV.className = 'wrapper'; var objLABEL = document.createElement('LABEL'); var objTxt = document.createTextNode(argStrLabel); objLABEL.appendChild(objTxt); var objINPUT = document.createElement('INPUT'); var strName = argStrInput + '_' + argIntRow; // Warning - if you use 'name' in lowercase on a dynamically generated element, // it will *NOT* show up in innerhtml but shows in getAttribute. objINPUT.name = strName; objINPUT.type = 'text'; objINPUT.size = 30; objDIV.appendChild(objLABEL); objDIV.appendChild(objINPUT); if (argStrInput == 'url') { objINPUT.onfocus = urlFocus; objINPUT.onblur = urlBlur; } return objDIV;}function createBlankRow(argIntRow) { var objLI = document.createElement('LI'); objLI.appendChild(createFormField('Name:', 'title', argIntRow)); objLI.appendChild(createFormField('URL:', 'url', argIntRow)); var objINPUT = document.createElement('INPUT'); var strName = 'remove_' + argIntRow; objINPUT.name = strName; objINPUT.type = 'submit'; objINPUT.value = 'Remove'; objINPUT.className = 'link'; objINPUT.onclick = deleteRow; objLI.appendChild(objINPUT); return objLI;}function insertDeleteTag(argIntRow) { var objLI = document.createElement('LI'); var objINPUT = document.createElement('INPUT'); var strName = 'isdeleted_' + argIntRow; objINPUT.name = strName; objINPUT.type = 'hidden'; objINPUT.value = 1; objLI.appendChild(objINPUT); objLI.style.display = 'none'; return objLI;}function deleteRowNumber(argIntRow) { var objUL = document.getElementById('doc-body').getElementsByTagName('UL'); var intRows = objUL[0].getElementsByTagName('LI').length; objUL[0].replaceChild(insertDeleteTag(argIntRow), objUL[0].getElementsByTagName('LI')[intRows-argIntRow]);}function insertBlankRow() { var objUL = document.getElementById('doc-body').getElementsByTagName('UL'); var intRows = objUL[0].getElementsByTagName('LI').length; objUL[0].insertBefore(createBlankRow(intRows+1), objUL[0].childNodes[0]); document.forms['blog_roll'].amt.value++; return false;}function deleteRow() { var strThisName = this.name; var intRow = strThisName.split('_')[1]; deleteRowNumber(intRow); return false;}function trim(s) { while (s.substring(0,1) == ' ') { s = s.substring(1,s.length); } while (s.substring(s.length-1,s.length) == ' ') { s = s.substring(0,s.length-1); } return s;}function urlFocus() { if (trim(this.value) == '') { this.value = 'http://'; this.select(); } }function urlBlur() { if (trim(this.value) == 'http://') { this.value = ''; } }document.forms['blog_roll'].add.onclick = insertBlankRow;var objAllInputs = document.getElementsByTagName('INPUT');for (var i=0; i<objAllInputs.length; i++) { switch (objAllInputs[i].getAttribute('name').split('_')[0]) { case 'remove': objAllInputs[i].onclick = deleteRow; break; case 'url': objAllInputs[i].onfocus = urlFocus; objAllInputs[i].onblur = urlBlur; break; }} }</SCRIPT>
  19. They infringed some, hope other tutorials are good ???
  20. you want to need something like the Fast Reply button like you see at the right bottom at one postyeah, Javascript can do it with function createFormField()
  21. that is also the biggest drawback of programming language but we have to accept but if having only one language, does it sense pleased ???just imaging that you have to pass by several doors with different height, you must stoop, straight or even crawl ... I am talking about protocol
  22. smiles

    Some questions

    So you must try more, I always have an English-Vietnamese besideThe problem is not how many hours you learn it, the best way is solving others ' CSS problems, it makes more attractive and you will learn from them
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