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Everything posted by pulpfiction

  1. Try this for your search function function search(){ var a = window.prompt("Enter the string you want to search for:",0); var b = F1.T1.value; var count = 0; for (var i = 0; i <= b.length -1; i++) { if (b.substring(i,i+1)==a) { count = count + 1; } } F1.A1.value = count;}
  2. This might help you a little,http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/Code/2004/May/MasterPages.asp
  3. pulpfiction


    Are you having problem with font color, cos use color:white; instead of font-color:white.body{background-color: black;font-family: verdana;color: white; /* font-color: white; */............
  4. If you are using normal HTML text box <input type="text"> then I dont think there is a multi line option, so instead you can use a TEXTAREA http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_textarea.asp It will be easy to find the error if you can post the code.....
  5. Another option [not very different] is to create a batch file and schedule it to run everyday...
  6. Then it seems like there in no such named color "rainbow"...
  7. Yeah sometimes it happens, glad could help you...
  8. If you are using javascript the Request.querysting will not work..Try this,http://www.activsoftware.com/code_samples/...s_in_JavaScript
  9. try DOJO..http://dojotoolkit.org/
  10. Is this something you are looking for....http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2822#section-3.4.1check this out too...http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E-mail_address
  11. If you use a GET method then the values in the form will be redirected to the mentioned page in URL [query string]Try this<form action="redirectURL.asp" method="get">.............<INPUT TYPE="Submit" NAME="submit" VALUE="Submit Form"></form>
  12. I would suggest ASP.NET cos with IDE like VS 2003 or 2005... ASP.NET is easier to learn....
  13. This reminds me of a quote [dont remember the source], sounds so true.... Politics is war without blood, war is politics with blood.
  14. pulpfiction

    OT: Humans

    Its upto us to seperate natural and artificial....Things found in "nature" is natural and we modify [with other natural or artificial substance] it and call it artificial... crude oil is natural but petroleum is artificial...
  15. this explains about that....http://www.bluerobot.com/web/css/center1.htmlTry this for IE along with margin:auto;body {text-align:center;}
  16. pulpfiction


    I am in the same situation too, i build website templates [just for fun, a past-time], I give it to frnds but i dont have a personal website, damn.. hav to build one fo myself...
  17. pulpfiction

    OT: Humans

    Yeah, sounds true... everything's already there [exists] and we just bring it out....
  18. pulpfiction

    OT: Humans

    I think many hav misconception about religion or God as a shear belief or faith in some supernatural power... When some grt, intelligent ppl found the idea of religion, it was built in such a was to suit different kinds of ppl. There are like different levels [not in any hierarchy], some minds go for belief or faith, but some needed explanation. as far as i know about Hindu philosophy, which supports idol worship to higest level of self-realization....
  19. pulpfiction

    OT: Humans

    I would slightly disagree with this statement... reason is that if there are few things destined then there should be equality, why is one person different from another, why is one born poor and another rich with all comforts??I believe in God in a different way, raised in a Hindu religion background, I believe in one God [sanskrit: Advaita]. but God not as a person with higher powers sitting above us and doing stuff. its the energy or power [whatever you wanna call it] inside us. Vedanta is a science which deals with this kind of religion.....
  20. Try this....it worked in IE 6, not sure about firefox...text-decoration: underline overline;
  21. There are slight variation in writing query in SQL Server and MySql...http://www.x7media.com/resources/SQL_Diffe...r_and_MySQL.asp
  22. Check out this link, it has connection string for databasehttp://www.connectionstrings.com/
  23. I would definitly follow jesh's idea and also would learn some basic consepts about object oriented programming too...
  24. This is exactly how I felt about myself till like just now.... well seems like its a common problem...
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