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Posts posted by dauruk0512

  1. do you mean copy and paste this script to sql box

    UPDATE `cu_employee` SET `cu_employee_sisa_cuti`=cu_employee_sisa_cuti+cu_employee_jatah_cuti WHERE 1

    yes it give me success but nothing happen in my event, thanks for reading this well sorry if this is cross question i post in here also but not give results

  2. i didn't read that before posting but i follow all instruction in stackoverflow and google and it same with documentation mention on it (i'm on reading documentation now), well i almost give up on this issue but will you help me to debug where do i wrong, please correct ya

    1. i set status enabled status event by adding
       event_scheduler=ON // in xammp/mysql/bin/my.ini
    2. then i restart xampp but nothing happen, i don't know how to debug each month, i change date in local computer but nothing respon if only 10 second it give me working fine, thanks a lot
  3. Hi Again, thanks for anyone read or help me figure this issue, i got this tutorial from here , please click and check


    how can i make when


    1. users click crop only the result crop images in the box
    2. prevent user only 1 click


    i knew why users can click crop multiple time and results multiple images too cause this script


    line 62 from index.html

     $('#btnCrop').on('click', function(){
              var img = cropper.getDataURL()
          $('.cropped').append('<img src="'+img+'">');

    Any one please guide me

  4. Hello guys, i have been build form that need to validations demo is here



    Please fill in all form without artikel (tinymce) then submit, i need to show modal in here for warning already googling here but not found the right things





    Thanks for any help



    Freddy Sidauruk

  5. i have been go through this issue, let me guide you ya


    1. Did you understand css , if yes easy to keep move on
    2. Did you familiar with bootsrap, if yes little help you if yes you luck to keep move on
    3. Responsive means your website can accsess in every website so you must googling about media query which is define all screen
    4. please consider img, and px in your template
    • Like 2
  6. what do you mean validations ? validations on what case, i guess you need validations in form submit to database ?
    before submitinsert to database you should use function if which is check your input already fill in or not ?
    please explain more so people her ecan debug adn help you

  7. did you mean like this moderator ?

    SELECT * FROM li_product_post a where a.product_toko=(select t.product_toko from li_product_post as t where t.id_product_post='14' order by t.id_product_post desc)

    let me assume you have a lot data, then you clicked then you get detail product. as your advice add order by in the last sub query, how about data with highest id_product_post ?


    if your advice will happend like this, users click product then the detail product is with the highest id_product_post ?



    *Hi moderator my langunge can you understand cause i have been learn communicate in english as long as programmers ? thanks a lot moderator

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