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Posts posted by dauruk0512

  1. Hi i have some issue about my projects, let me declare first !


    1. i have done create dummy html and css for front end it final template
    2. while developing back end almost 70% i have problem

    after insert article to table using summornote that all css also insert to table all i need how can i only get the content, i'm using strip_tags cannot working, any suggest to insert the content or show the content cause my css crash with it, Thanks




    Freddy Sidauruk

  2. Hey dear, happy IED MUBAROK i hope not to late to said :D

    well i have problem about my carosel, i follow the tuorial from herehttp://bootsnipp.com/snippets/featured/carousel-side-caption

    Then i trying to customize it to my dummy and here is the results IN CODEPEN http://codepen.io/anon/pen/MwZaPZ

    in my localhost carosel running well but my questions not about that, my questions is

    1. How can i make the arrow in the left and right not blocking the article here is the images
    2. How can i make push the bullet to the bottom

    Here is my dummy template


  3. Hi can i give you suggest if you start as new bie


    1. Please start using pure PHP learn from hello world, bassic php
    2. Start using database create simple program CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete)
    3. Then learn javascript, jquery and for user interface you need CSS, CSS3

    Freddy Sidauruk

  4. Hi thanks for reply, oke i understand use class hidden-sm !



    Can i discussion responsive another issue not above topic!


    1. Is it good for users when small device hidden the tag such as h1, h2, h3, h4, h5 for article may be, the impact for users are they know what this title or what part of this article ? as programmers it big issue in others hand some users doesn't care the title article, they just focus on the article ? do i wrong to hidden Sub menu Title not tittle article in navbar ?
    2. you are seniors developer right ! My question is what a common tag need to hidden in small device, sometime i'm trying to resize it but not ggood looking when i small device and also not good position, such as force margin-top:-10px <----is it allow in css using - ?


    Thanks for respon, Hope God Bless You :Pleased:



    Freddy Sidauruk

  5. Hi again, i don't mean to ask every time i face bugs i'm trying by my self but sometime i success remove line when small device, Please resize it.


    Here is my simple demo http://codepen.io/anon/pen/pJaXGa


    i want to remove line white when small device

    here is image http://imgur.com/l0mUcnC


    I want to remove three line white between tooglle button and search form, only remove it in small device, Will big thanks for debuging or suggest where is the code should remove it

  6. ${EntryCategoryLink}">${EntryTitle


    I DON'T MUCH HTML AND CSS but every day work on it never know it html and css, what kind of languange is that !



    Please kindly use this codepen.io to tell your need :D


    Freddy Sidauruk

  7. FROM produk as p, kategori_produk as kp, produk as p, jenis_material as jm, produk as p,

    Did you see to much Ayou metion table as P, you need make alias table diffrent with each table her eis i give simple

    Select * from product a, kategori b, merk c where a.id_kategori=b.id_kategori and a.id_merk=c.id_merk

    Look above i make alias each table with diffrent table hope you understand query above, here is give trick



    1. You need to alias each table with diffrent name, just use abjad make you understand fast !
    2. when you trying join please remember where is came from field then use alias


    If you don't get it please provide us your name table and what you want so we can guide you,




    Freddy Sidauruk

  8. Really thanks dsonesuk for your support, Hope your family fine ! but there is problem after final this issue, my big issue is making this navbar ! i know bassic about responsive


    then here is your css i implement to my css responsive

    /* TABLET LANDSCAPE / DESKTOP */@media only screen and (min-width: 1024px) {.container { }.subMenu {z-index: 100; left: 0; right: 0}.container, .subMenu .container-fluid{    width: 1024px;  box-shadow: 0 0 30px grey;}}

    just answer me yes or no and explanation if you don't mind, is it true to make width navbar same with screen as above mention in media query ?

    @media only screen and (min-width: 300px) {/*.container, .subMenu .container-fluid  has width same as screen media query above*/}@media only screen and (min-width: 480px) {/*.container, .subMenu .container-fluid has width same as screen media query above*/}@media (min-width: 1200px) {/*.container, .subMenu .container-fluid has width same as screen media query above*/}

    Bye the way i use your old way to make my nav bar working well, i don't know it working after this morning testing



    Freddy Sidauruk

  9. Sorry for late testing dsonesuk after testing in my real project it give me little errors !

    here is images http://imgur.com/YI2Y0sy


    Then i move your whole example to my local also give me errors also !


    Well after debuging and follow your codepen i found little things need disscus


    1. Your codepen use real js smint but in my local i use js sminth which modify by my self cause js smint has css left:0px so remove the filejs sminth change the original like your examples but give me errors too !
    2. Why there is diffrent results with your codepen with real file, i dont how to debug css might be css struktur but i dont know, bellow my strukture css

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo base_url()?>asset/css/bootstrap.min.css"><link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo base_url()?>asset/css/style_luar.css">

    then i trying to change the position css like this

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo base_url()?>asset/css/style_luar.css"><link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo base_url()?>asset/css/bootstrap.min.css">

    The navbar not shrink when scroll but the navbar to be default here is images http://imgur.com/ogU8zZw



    Sorry for stupid question, Really thanks helpfull !



    Freddy Sidauruk

  10. Yes you can add up function like such as facebook ?


    Used PHP to store database how many people liking then you need to modify jquery eventk click and ajax to send data !


    But there is my question how can you prevent users like over and over! do you have form to prevent user, then oke !


    Then this is my feed back to you as users for examples


    1. How can you manage user came to your site then he / she fill in the form then liking, do you think it make them comfort for that !


    2. As users i will not spend more time to liking might be i just look your portofolio


    So the point you should'nt put function like




  11. Wow you are really master of CSS, JQUERY PHP hire me to be your student !


    Bye the way


    1.how can you add up js sminth in code pen ?


    2. How to debug it in bootsrap and i know what is wrong !


    3. subMenu has setting style css in js script with fixed:0px; left:0px after i debug use firebug is it no problem when you add up style in css like this

    .subMenu {z-index: 100; left: 0; right: 0}{  width: auto;}

    and again what is width:auto <-----it's useless or not cause i didn't see any selector ?Really feel helpfull dsonesuk




    Freddy Sidauruk

  12. Hi, i have been searching about why my navbar shrink when scrolling !


    So here is my codepen




    but not working cause i don't know how to load it from domain people here is script need to load


    Honestly i want to make one scroll page in my template yesterday i solve with same issue but diffrent width so here is my template http://imgur.com/1e1wKl2


    but when i click then automaticlly scroll my navbar become shrink like this http://imgur.com/vyBb8th


    How can i prevent that shrink my navbar, Thanks !

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