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Posts posted by dauruk0512

  1. Oh i get it !


    But the original size will be keep in that images, isn't ?


    as developer i should remind users should upload with criteria width and height to make images not to big or to small in front end, i hope you understand what i'm talking about this ?


    bye the way my english is not hard to understand to comunicate with me, Moderator ?

  2. Hm i'm getting close with this issue !


    let me give simple code

    <div class="col-md-12"><img src="here is image" class="img-responsive img-header"><h1>This is H1</h1><h2>This is H2</h2><h3>This is H3</h3></div>

    i've always use img-responsive in my images but it doesn't give me sense without setting width and height




    please if you don't mind elaborate about your technic in my simple bootsrap ?


    i mean should i make with and height in every screen css like i said in my thread !


    Thanks for your elaborate

  3. well i have been searching then find out mostly answer like you said but how can i make if use in bootsrap and make it in div class="c0l-md-12" it give me 100%,


    cause not only image in header there are h1. h2. h3 and etc, so how about your trick for me, remind you not only col-md-12 ?


    yes i have been resize it by photoshop but still dont get it about this concept

    .img-header {  max-width: 100%;  height: auto;}

    if height make me sense, but the width is not answer, will you expalantion width:100% and every col in bootsrap,



    Really big thanks Moderator :good:

  4. Hi again, thanks for some respond in past question really feel helpfull to discuss here.


    let me describe my problem i set images in front end for original 383 px * 533px but then realize that my client has photo 2024px * 2559px,


    succesfuly make it responsive but not good looking sprawl but the point is really near with responsive,


    here is my old css for 383 px * 533px

    /*large desktop*/.img-header {  height:auto;  width:250px;  top: 0px;  position: absolute;}/*landscape tablet*/.img-header {  height: 240px;  width:180px;  top: 10px;  position: absolute;}/*Potrait tablet*/.img-header {  height: 210px;  width:160px;  top: 20px;  position: absolute;}/*landscape phone*/.img-header {  height: 200px;  width:160px;  top: 10px;  position: absolute;}/*portrait phone*/.img-header {  height: 130px;  width:110px;  left:0px;  margin-top:-20px;  margin-bottom:10px;  position: absolute;}

    so any idea to make this images to responsive with original size from my client, what should i use for keep responsive used % or px,

    any link or explanation will be apreciate, Thanks




  5. Hai again last question, really here is my code

    $image_path = base_url()."uploads/testimoni";$image=$row->tes_beforeafter;       $img_from_DB ="<img src='$image_path/$image'>";     		$content_from_DB =$row->tes_des;		

    i'm trying to take substr in this $content_from_DB =$row->tes_des; to be like


    $content_from_DB =substr($row->tes_des, 0, 250) give me blank also but when i didn't give substr it working well, Thanks a lot !



  6. great logic use it





    But let me describe first what i reall need mr ,first there 2 input type one is textarea which artikel then upload image, if your logic above i understand but we need to post then insert to table, how can i mix add this into artikel post here is my post

    $artikel=$_POST['artikel'];$image= nama file image;

    it hard to do for me addd up the image inside artikel, can i just use this http://codepen.io/anon/pen/yNzMMe only modify css file !


    i don't mean force cause i need the easy way in css, thanks

  7. Hi @dsonesuk and Alatoru i make the demo like that cause i need to show came from database, how can i move the images when i have table which store data, look this is my table for example image, artikel



    so here i show in table use php

    <!----field artikel show all pargraph cause type text in table----><?php echo $row->artikel ?><img src="uploads/<?php echo $row->image?>">

    so i make simple demo like above to make same conditions with my table, Thanks for respond




  8. I suggest to you use bootsrap then you devide it every screen. each screen you should write css then use media query in every css then resize every tag you need it !


    here is mine simple css

    <!-- http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18424798/twitter-bootstrap-3-how-to-use-media-queries--><!--Large desktops and laptops--><link rel='stylesheet' media='screen and (min-width: 1200px) ' href='<?php echo base_url() ?>asset/css/largedesktop.css' /><!-- Landscape tablets and medium desktops--><link rel='stylesheet' media='screen and (min-width: 992px) and (max-width: 1199px) ' href='<?php echo base_url() ?>asset/css/landscapetablet.css' /><!-- Portrait tablets and small desktops--><link rel='stylesheet' media='screen and (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 991px)' href='<?php echo base_url() ?>asset/css/portraittablet.css' /><!--Landscape phones and portrait tablets --><link rel='stylesheet' media='screen and (max-width: 767px) ' href='<?php echo base_url() ?>asset/css/landscapephone.css' /><!-- Portrait phones and smaller --><link rel='stylesheet' media='screen and (max-width: 480px) ' href='<?php echo base_url() ?>asset/css/portraitphone.css' />

    hope this make sense of you !

  9. sorry for late respond, you are write wrong query kevin !


    if you want to update row in table, you need to post primary key too which show in your edit.php cause it need in your query clasue where,


    so your query wrong, i guess this is not change at all you data in table cause you need set each table !

    update students set where username='$user

    here is my query suggest to you why there is id_user in my query because id_user is primary key, $usernmae, $password, $id is variabel came from your form, in this case you need show id_user in your form so you can update it,

    UPDATE  `students ` SET  `username` =  '$username',`password` =  '$password' WHERE  `id_user` ='$id'

    so here is simple table from me ->id_user, usernmae, password



    oh ya almost forgot if you need encrypt your password you need md5 when you post password




    Hope this make sense, please let me know if working, Thanks




  10. just more than one column but still one table right !


    here is my query just give comma

    UPDATE  `tabel_annual` SET  `tglmulai` =  '$tanggalmulai',`tglakhir` =  '$tanggalakhir',`acara` =  '$acara',`id_lokasi` =  '$lokasi',`tarip` =  '$tarif',`ket` =  '$keterangan',`cp` =  '$cp',`status` =  '$cek' WHERE  `tabel_annual`.`id_anual` ='$id'

    Hope this make sense


    sorry edited what do you mean multi query ! i saw your query trying update same table, please more detail what you want to



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