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Everything posted by dauruk0512

  1. Hello again, i want ask about query mysql here is my demo i have data products which recored all products in some area has store, then as users select product by id but also want to see where store avaiable product SELECT * FROM li_product_post a where a.product_toko=(select t.product_toko from li_product_post as t where t.id_product_post='14') by this query yes i can see all products where store avaiable but i want product selected in the top not bottom, if add up order by desc it also give me error if there are products has high values, what should i write query to get product in the top then others in bottom product_toko in english (Store product) Thanks in advance, Freddy Sidauruk
  2. Hi moderator yes i know in the demo i give simple to make members know what i'm feeling.it's oke, how to query to select data with multiple order by Order by id_product_post desc product_akurat desc product_tidak_akurat desc Thanks
  3. Hello guys i have some stuck about multiple join and multiple order by . here i cut all field to make you understand what i feel CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `li_product_post` ( `id_product_post` int(11) NOT NULL, `id_user` int(11) NOT NULL, `product_akurat` int(11) NOT NULL, `product_tidak_akurat` int(11) NOT NULL) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;INSERT INTO `li_product_post` (`id_product_post`, `id_user`, `product_akurat`, `product_tidak_akurat`) VALUES(1, 32, 5, 4),(2, 28, 1, 0),(3, 27, 0, 1),(4, 27, 2, 0),(5, 27, 0, 0); i need to select data from that table which is priority Order by id_product_post desc product_akurat desc product_tidak_akurat desc group by id_user so here is i make demo please see, the worng things i need to put id_product_post 5 in the first place not id_product_post 3 cause order by id_product_post desc the first priority, hope you guys help me !Thanks in advance
  4. still no idea what should do this, should i rebuild agaian my autocomplete, duh
  5. what do you mean ? what should i fix the code, my autcomplete working good only css. please tell me where should i fix
  6. cause my css in modal bootsrap doesn't working good, here is my screen shot http://imgur.com/UHVxbPx my css not being small, please guide me how to fixed !
  7. Hey guys thanks for support this forum please goes to here http://lihatdulu.earworks.co.id/register then logginemail: sidaurukfreddy@gmail.com pass :dauruk0512 after login 1. Please type in form search any abjad (up tp you) here is my css working perfectly 2. please see above icon plus, please click on it and bootsrap will appear then please type merk or tipe what do i worng in here my css autocomplete doesn't working ? already use firebug to see what my css errors but don't get the point ? Thanks for any comment Regards Freddy Sidauruk
  8. dsonesuk thanks for respond Moderator yes like i said this is my wrong but is there any alternative to help me, but thanks for respond ya Freddy Sidauruk
  9. Hello guys, Thanks for some support in past. now i have been confused about this issue, yea this is my wrong cause i don't know if the projects doesn't care about responsive. the client want to keep every thing same in mobile, ipad, tablet or desktop. so i this is my simple demo , please click on it. my question is How can i remove effect responsive in bootsrap whatever the device access ? Case : The demo just a simple demo, there is img in my project i have been remove class img-responsive but the col- i don't know how to remove effect repsonsive ? will big thanks and many apreciatte about this issue
  10. <div class="NumberOfPeople_R"> <label for="edit-submitted-eventinformation-number-of-people">Number of people </label> <input required="required" class="NumberOfPeople_C form-text form-number required" type="text" id="edit-submitted-eventinformation-number-of-people" name="submitted[EventInformation][number_of_people]" size="4" min="10" max="250" step="1"> <div class="description"><p>10 to 250</p></div></div> and here is the css .description p {color:red;} the reason why .description {color:red;} this give you succes because you wrapper div with class description whatever inside div will be red
  11. Thanks for your respond, i use margin bottom for image second force as long as need it to make images goes to bottom ?
  12. Hello all been surviving to be good designer by using bootsrap Now i have been in new projects spend long time in design, and i need to push the third images to bottom but don't know why been searching google http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6520940/html-image-bottom-alignment-inside-div-container http://jsfiddle.net/thiagobraga/pwVLt/ But it gave me not clear, so here is my html <div class="col-md-1 one"> <img src="img/teropong.png" class="img-responsive images-top-left-nav" alt="Teropong"> <img src="img/tambah.png" class="img-responsive images-top-left-nav" alt="Tambah"> <img src="img/image-bottom.png" class="img-responsive images-bottom-left-nav" alt="Icon Bawah"> </div> and this is my css .one img:nth-of-type(1), .one img:nth-of-type(2){ margin:5px 0px 5px 5px;}.one img:nth-of-type(3) { vertical-align:bottom; border:0;} How can i push the third images become in the bottom, i didn't create codepen cause i don't know how to get images as online hope you all understand guys, Thanks for any comment Freddy Sidauruk
  13. Solved thanks moderator for reply, hope you are doing great today ! +1
  14. Hello huys, i’m doing create dummy html using bootsrap and need some help how to customize my template will be like images,and images is here and all i have been done is here My question is how can i give one div in the left, i have been adding one div but the div show in the top of three div, if any suggest will be thanks full. PS : Sorry upload in printscreen cause trying upload here file to bigs. Regards
  15. OOT united kingdoms is the dream town to live there , any way i have friend in forum jquery he lives in UK, but don't know he is avaiable or not !
  16. can you give simple code of your logic ? thanks
  17. Sorry late respond the problem is using summornote is not easy to customize so i change to be tinymce, thanks moderator
  18. Please share your code controller, view and also model if it already database, hope i can help you
  19. You didn't save your input name in variable. Your jquery is exist in your directory ? just compare yours with mine, good luck !
  20. <html><head><script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.1.4.js"></script><script> $(document).ready(function(){ $("#sub").click(function(){ var name = $("#name").val(); $.post('test.php',{ name:name },function(data){ $("#result").html(data); }); }); }); </script> </head> <body> <div id="box"> <h2>new user register</h2> <input type="text" name="name" id="name" placeholder="enter your name"><br> <input type="submit" name="sub" value="submit" id="sub" /><div id="result"> </div> </div> </body></html> then here is tes.php handle your post from index <?php echo $_POST['name']; ?> this is my way to solved yours, thanks
  21. I know but in codiegnter i don't understand of it how to save variable itself here is my model //detail trend function detailtrend($art_slug) //consider art_slud is the max id from table { return $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM `articles` WHERE art_slug='$art_slug'"); }//sisa trend function lefttrend($art_slug) { return $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM `articles` WHERE art_slug != '$art_slug' and art_jenis='TREND' limit 1"); }//how can i write funtion as your said above Thanks for comment Freddy Sidauruk
  22. what exactly you want get result from users ? are you trying to compare one site with others site if yes, all you need just give users tested the both site and write what the best for them and the reason and you get it
  23. Hi, need some advice to do logic in my table casue i never face this before, hope you guys help me out this issue i need to show data from database and the image upload here cause cannot upload here to big system respond but let me tell here what i stuck it I need show the row with max id ( Done ) I need show data limit 1 where id != row with max id (Done) I need show all data without max id (point 1) and point 2 Thanks, and think that it can handle by css by hidden or by selector asecending but still figure out how. edit : i use codeiigniter
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