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Don Jajo

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Everything posted by Don Jajo

  1. Ok then, if so Niche has already posted a link to that The code is a lil bit bulky
  2. Hi, Firstly I recommend you move over to MySQLi because MySQL is depreciated in PHP - http://www.w3schools.com/php/php_ref_mysqli.asp , then about your issue. I found no error so far in your code, now I also suggest you do this to check if the error is from MySQL $result=mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
  3. Or you can post what you've done so far then we make corrections
  4. Don Jajo

    Domain setup

    Hi Chikwado, You can configure it for URL Forwarding or DNS to point the records to your nameservers
  5. You are using a wordpress built in function, I know alittle about wordpress output and i guess you left it null Something like this: ARRAY_A - Returns an associative array of field names to values ARRAY_N - returns a numeric array of field values like print_r(get_post(7, ARRAY_A)); will return associative array
  6. Well, I cant inteprete much in your code, its complicating but since you said neither if nor else works then your error should be from this algorithm if(file_exists($this->file)){ if((time() - $this->time) < filemtime($this->file)){ return include($this->file); } which if file exist works then nested if. What if the expression returns false??? What if it is not less than???
  7. ye and some other cool features :)About the logo, I've not found a graphics guy :/
  8. This forum is like a year old, pls review http://elitshell.com Thanks
  9. Use "and" instead of "or"
  10. Don Jajo

    PHP demo

    Hi, I use MySQL database and which examples are found here If you are using Windows, download XAMPP or WAMP Servers then for Linux download the LAMP
  11. Use like this if ($col!=='name' or $col!=='item') {// query would execute here} Once the space, the expression is over "or" is starting a new expression
  12. Hi, pls show full code where $this->file and $this->time is initiated
  13. I don't mean adding htmlentities here, am saying on adding the value to db and that's by the way. Just print the values and see what they are returning first
  14. I see no errors so far, as you say "North & Islands" doesn't change. Check if you did convert htmlentities on insertion which will convert "&" to entities
  15. Docs, you mean pdf, docx etc???
  16. ye, justsomeguy is hitting a point. Even if its not open to hacking, just try to escape strings lets see (we are troubleshooting)
  17. Looking at the above code, there is simply nothing wrong with it Do you get the same error when you run the code above since you lost your main code?
  18. Can I pls see your code where the insertion is done?
  19. Don Jajo


    Try this $path = pathinfo($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'])$allowed = array('jpg','jpeg','gif','png');if(!in_array($path['extension'],$allowed)){echo 'File must be a pic';}
  20. Okay, i got it Here in your code $update = 'UPDATE mcn_users SET first_name = "$first_name", last_name = "$last_name", bill_address = "$address", city = "$city", state = "$state", zip = "$zip", phone = "$phone", email = "$user_email", user_pass = "$password" WHERE user_id = "$userid"'; your MySQL query should start with double quotes (") and the values inside should be in single quotes (') Try that
  21. how do you mean a premium domain???
  22. Don Jajo

    PHP for Mail

    Oh Now i grab, yea show us where you are hooked in your code
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