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Everything posted by Ingolme

  1. I see the text centered in Firefox, Internet Explorer, Chrome, Opera and Safari. In which browser and version have you seen the problem?
  2. XML is for storing data. XML is used in some file formats; Files like RSS and SVG. I do not think that PDF uses XML. CSS gives style to HTML pages and to XHTML pages.
  3. Ingolme

    Forum Issues?

    It seems to be working.
  4. Ingolme

    Forum Issues?

    I won't be writing any posts or replies until the forum stylesheets are loaded again. My browser's getting a 500 error for the stylesheets and other forum media.I have no information as to when the problem is going to be fixed.
  5. If you turn it into a block element its margin is passed on to its parent element. One way to fix that is to give one pixel of padding on the parent element, or to give it a border.
  6. Ingolme

    <!DOCTYPE html> ?

    The <!DOCTYPE> tag itself is the same as something being printed with echo. There's no difference between <!DOCTYPE html> and <?php echo '<!DOCTYPE html>'; ?> The only things that have to be put before printed content is sent are functions that send headers, such as setcookie(), header() and session_start(). In many systems you don't see HTML anywhere because it's being loaded from a template file. PHP can be used to output more than just HTML, it can output image data, plain text or a PDF document among other things.
  7. <a> is an inline element, so you can't give it margins like that. You can either use the line-height property or turn the element into a block.
  8. It seems you need to read the PHP tutorial thoroughly before continuing. http://w3schools.com/php/php_intro.asp You need to understand the PHP syntax and the difference between PHP and HTML.
  9. The two pages are on different domains. They are not allowed to interact with eachother. Here's the message from the error console:
  10. It is an old technique that may not work in a lot of servers today, it's being phased out in the next PHP version. The proper way to do it is like this: <?php echo $title; ?>
  11. Ingolme

    Php documentation

    I don't believe there's much more to say about the function than what they have there.
  12. Ingolme

    JSON reviver?

    It seems like a transformation to the object that's done after the object is parsed. A function is called for every single element in the object that's being created and the return value of that function is the value that is used for the element in the resulting object. The function has two arguments: One referring to the key and one referring to the value of the element. I'm not sure why you would use this, but perhaps the program creating the JSON string works differently than the one parsing it and changes need to be made.
  13. Aside from that, you probably should get your HTML errors fixed http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.post-traumata.com%2F
  14. I believe it's a Javascript library called Lightbox. But of course, it's nothing you can't program with Javascript on your own.
  15. Ingolme


    I don't think a good program would ever need to use it. Except maybe browser that don't support JSON.parse(), but I did build my own JSON.parse() function once just for the experience in order to avoid the use of eval(). Actionscript used to have eval() and they removed it in ActionScript 3, so they know eval is useless.
  16. They're equivalent to if(var_name == false) and if(var_name == true)
  17. robots.txt stops search engines from indexing certain files. It won't stop people from downloading them.
  18. First of all, $con doesn't have a value, so mysqli_query is failing. The other problem is that $_FILES is empty. Try this to see if you're getting the file. print_r($_FILES); Don't forget that the <form> element must have the enctype attribute: <form enctype="multipart/form-data" ...
  19. The <option> element only has a value attribute, not a name attribute. The <select> element needs a name in order to be sent to PHP. <select name="operation"> <option value="multiply">Multiply</option> <option value="divide">Divide</option></select> On the server $_POST['operation'] will have the value "multiply" or "divide"
  20. Despite being able to stop right clicking, you still can't stop them from taking the image or the video. They can copy the URL from the page's source code, or check all the page media from the browser's options. There's no way to protect content that you've posted online.
  21. eval() runs code in the window scope, I believe, so x_val and i are undefined. You can solve it by putting the value itself into the string: "Math.pow(" + x_val + "," + i + ")" I don't know about all this string manipulation and evaluation, though. I think there might be a better way to solve this, like breaking the string into a few pieces and doing different operations on each piece.
  22. Actually, escaping is done with blackslash, not forward slash. ^ The ^ character indicates the beginning of a string in a regular expression.
  23. You should read the tutorials about databases and file uploading: http://w3schools.com/php/php_mysql_intro.asp http://w3schools.com/php/php_file_upload.asp
  24. Normally I don't put a <tag2> and <tag1> would be a <fieldset> element. I turn the <label> elements into blocks to make them stack up on eachother.
  25. Because in the second case, the comment is blocking out the code for the rest of the browsers. Ignoring the [if !IE] part, it looks like this: <p>Some HTML code</p><!-- A comment --><p>More HTML code</p><!--<style> /* table-related media query stuff only */ </style>/* Or an external stylesheet or whatever */--> Which is simply commented code that doesn't do anyhting. In the other case: <!--[if !IE]><!--><style> /* table-related media query stuff only */ </style>/* Or an external stylesheet or whatever */<!--<![endif]-->
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