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Everything posted by Ingolme

  1. CSS already splits content into columns without needing tables: http://www.w3schools.com/cssref/css3_pr_column-count.asp Using tables to place content in the right positions is a bad practice. You can use a <div> element if you want to surround something in a box with a specific width and height. If you plan on making things fit an A4 paper, I recommend creating a PDF document, HTML is specifically for web content and not entirely intended to look perfect when printed.
  2. Ingolme

    using FPDF

    It says you can't print anything before outputting PDF data. Move the PDF script to a different file and set the form action to the name of that file. Remove the echo statements as well.
  3. It takes a mind that can understand context in order to figure out which words are meant to be fused and which ones not. It would take an algorithm that understands a language, its grammatical structures and, in some cases, the meaning of words to see if it makes sense to have them joined or separated.
  4. You can set the date with the constructor. I don't see where you're having a problem, though. var d = new Date(2014, 3, 1); Be aware that months are numbered from 0 to 11, so 3 would be April.
  5. Ingolme

    PHP Sessions & $_GET

    You'll have to show us the code for the navigation, then.
  6. Abstract objects and inheritance aren't mutually exclusive. Inheritance is when a class extends from another one. An abstract class is just a class that doesn't represent any particular object you're going to create. An example of abstract class would be Vehicle. You extend Car and Bike from Vehicle, but you never create a new Vehicle.
  7. Ingolme

    PHP Sessions & $_GET

    How do you know it's overwriting $_SESSION`['team'] if it hasn't been printed anywhere in your document?
  8. The content within iframe tags is meant to be displayed if the browser doesn't support iframes. You need to make a separate HTML document to put that script in, which you have to put as the src attribute of the iframe.
  9. Probably you're not allowed to have an empty class value.
  10. Javascript tutorial: http://www.w3schools.com/js/default.asp jQuery tutorial: http://www.w3schools.com/jquery/default.asp
  11. People use Javascript for things like these. There most likely is a pre-built jQuery script that does specifically that, since I've seen very similar interfaces on other websites.
  12. Ingolme


    I understand the concept of separating content from presentation. I design my HTML solely around the content, then use CSS on it afterwards. I provide class names and IDs to give meanings to my elements, elements with the same class name can then be styled the same. A basic layout requires very little HTML when you use CSS to design it: <body> <header><h1>My website</h1></header> <nav id="menu"> <a href="">Link</a> <a href="">Link</a> </nav> <section id="content"> <h2>Section 1</h2> <p>Lorem Ipsum</p> <h2>Section 2</h2> <p>Lorem Ipsum</p> </section> <footer> <nav> <a href="">Link</a> <a href="">Link</a> </nav> <p>© 2014 Ingolme</p> </footer></body> With this code above I never need to change it again, and chances are that multiple pages of my website have this same code with slight differences. Now, by changing one stylesheet I can edit all my pages. If I want to make the menu on the left instead of on the top I just need to change the CSS and all my pages are updated at once.
  13. session_start() and header() are not mutually exclusive, but both of them must be executed before anything is printed.
  14. header$_SESSION['userhome']; This isn't going to work at all, and if you have error messages enabled you should see one. When sending a location header you need to use session_write_close() to save the session variables first because the connection will likely be closed before the PHP script begins the session storage method that occurs when a script is done.
  15. Starting without any knowledge at all, I don't expect it take take any less than a year to learn to do all of that.
  16. Use a <span> element <p class="two">Hello Word <span style="color:white; font-weight: bold;">CSS</span> allows you to modify margins, paddings, and borders.</p>
  17. The scrollbar codes aren't actually part of the CSS specification, they're proprietary to Internet Explorer so most people see ordinary scrollbars on your website. There is no way to change the appearance of the user's browser interface.
  18. They've used Javascript to load an HTML <video> element in the back with the width and height of the window.
  19. The video isn't in the background, the entire website is a Flash document. No HTML at all besides what's necessary to put the Flash document there. From a designer point of view, that background video is annoying anyways.
  20. For the first site, Javascript and CSS. For the second, Flash, Actionscript.
  21. It doesn't matter. I only showed the links because they're the relevant part. Here's an explanation about absolute and relative links: http://kb.iu.edu/data/abwp.html When you want to link to your website files regardless of where on the internet your website is you need to use relative links.
  22. It says ArrayIndexOutOfBounds, which means that one of the indices is too high or negative. It's probably happening on this line: Song nextSong = new Song(tokens[0], tokens[1], tokens[2], tokens[3]); Since the array is being created by splitting a string then you have to check that the string is formed correctly. The strings are coming from src/SongList.txt so check the contents of that file. Show it here.
  23. Ingolme

    Comparing Dates

    You're mixing procedural method with object-oriented methos. You should stick with one or another. if ( $datEvent->getTimestamp() < $datCurr->getTimestamp() ) { echo "$strEventDate < $strCurrDate</br>";} Another problem you have is that the DateTime::add() method will manipulate the actual date you're adding to. In the following line of code, both $dat1OffsetPeriodFromNow and $datCurr will have the same value. $dat1OffsetPeriodFromNow = $datCurr->add($intvlOffsetPeriod);
  24. Those are absolute links. You need to use relative links. <a href="./">Home</a><a href="game/">Game</a><a href="shape/">Shape</a><a href="journey/">Journey</a> The second problem that will occur after this change is that you're linking to folders rather than files. Normally, a web server will be configured to select a file but if you're running this in your local filesystem that won't happen. You can download server software to test your pages on your home computer. I recommend looking up WAMP Server and installing it.
  25. Links will behave the same on your computer as on the internet. If you have multiple HTML files on your computer you can link between them using relative paths.
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