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Everything posted by jeffman

  1. Your whole page is now black, so I don't understand the first part of your question. As to the flags, did you try using <img> tags before the words design and disenador?
  2. I don't know what you mean. It opens as HTML for me. Are you trying to open it by double-clicking? That proves nothing. Did you really stop using &entities; for your special characters? You still need to fix the Rotate Div comment, unless you want it to be visible.
  3. The browser is looking for ex1.css in the same directory where your index file is. That should be easy to verify.
  4. Online or offline, there are still 6 important errors and one small one. I see no reason to think your website is unsafe. Maybe someone is trying to scam you? Exactly what doesn't work when the site is offline?
  5. jeffman

    PHP Copy function

    I wondered about interpolating the object element inside the quotes, too, but FWIW, this works for me: $o->file = "file";echo "str/$o->file";
  6. jeffman

    PHP Copy function

    Echo the value of those strings to be sure they are what you think. Then make sure the relative paths are correct. Then make sure the write permissions in the directory are correct.
  7. I see big changes. There are still a few errors in your HTML. The validator gets confused on line 38. /* comment */ is not correct comment syntax for HTML. This is: <!-- comment -->
  8. jeffman

    PHP Copy function

    Example 1 shows copy being used with variables. So, yes.
  9. It would be useful if you create a temporary page on your website using the new code. I can test all of this on my computer, but without the images, I cannot test it properly.
  10. jeffman

    DJ centre script

    So if I understand you, you need to learn how to make: A login dialog (Do you have a login script already, or do you need that too)A way to upload files from the browserA way to store the files on the serverA way to associate the files with the right DJA way to display the files with the right DJ This can all be done. Depending on how pretty you want all the parts to be, this is at least 8-hours work for a professional. It is not something you can be tutored about in a single BB post. Where would you like to start? How much do you already know how to do? I mean, how deep and wide is your skillset?
  11. Did you remove the link to your style sheet? A link element is one that goes in the head. It is not required, but if you need it, that is where it goes.
  12. Unfortunately, the + operator works on strings and numbers differently. In your case, it thinks it's operating on strings, because the value of a form control is always a string. Try this: month = parseInt(month) + 1; There are tricks you can use to save a few characters in that code, but this way makes your intentions 100% clear.
  13. jeffman

    submit review

    Please rephrase the question. I don't understand it. But I will warn you that your code gives any malicious user the ability to damage your file system. You should validate your GET and POST data before opening and writing files that are determined by that data.
  14. The title element is the only element required to be in the head. Of course you can put many other elements there also, as the link shows. The text in the title element is displayed in the top of the browser window. It should help your user know what your page is about.
  15. Time does fly on the Internet. I teach at a community college. I encounter professors and high school teachers all the time who haven't updated their skillset in 5-10 years. Tag names in all caps. Obsolete attributes. Font tags. My school's homepage uses a transitional doctype. It's humiliating. Obviously there are good teachers out there, but you need to watch out.
  16. Well, someone is confused. You posted an XHTML 1 doctype. Is your teacher calling it an HTML5 doctype? Also, there is no such thing as strict HTML5. Rather, there is only strict, so strict is never specified.
  17. The HTML5 doctype looks like this: <!DOCTYPE html> Yup. That's all there is.
  18. Read about combined operators (Second example) to understand .= What the code is doing is creating one long string of name-value pairs separated by the & character. Flash or whatever will use the & to distinguish each pair from the others.
  19. It seems to me that statements like this would work. (And don't chain them together.) document.getElementsByTagName("tr")[i].cells[j].childNodes[0].id = nameandid; Now, since it's always the same table row, you can simplify things by getting a reference to the row just one time, like this: var myRow = document.getElementsByTagName("tr")[i];myRow.cells[j].childNodes[0].id = nameandid; // the other statements would also begin with myRow There would be no advantage to that if you only had one assignment to make, but you have four, so there is a slight advantage.
  20. You simply forgot to put xpto in 'quotation marks'. That's the first problem. The second problem is that you can't echo the contents of an object. Try var_dump($dayphp);
  21. I think you need to explain a little more specifically what you are trying to do. If you are trying to change the id and name attributes of some elements, there are simpler ways to do it. If you are trying to change something else, there are almost certainly simpler ways to do it. That huge replace statement might work in some browsers, but it's certainly not best practice. I don't know one experienced developer who writes code like that. I'm just being honest.
  22. Note that to send to retrieve the data in $_GET['xpto', you will have to change your location something like this: location.href = 'new.php?xpto=' + string; Where string is the stringified JSON data.
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