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Posts posted by johneva

  1. Right you have put the right image name in?Your using the right code so it can only be that your refering to an imge that is not there.Make sure you have it in the place you are refering to and make sure the name is correct.Is it local or on a server?If it is on a server have you uploaded the image?

  2. I am not really clear on what your problem is is but this section of your code carnt be right you open UL tag twice and you dont close the second LI tag.Then at the end you close the UL tag twice and have an extra LI tag.Saying that you can get away with naf coding like that with HTML.<UL id=nav><LI><A href="/home.aspx">Home Page</A></LI><LI><A href="/about_council/aboutcouncil.aspx">About Council</A><UL><LI><A href="hysn.aspx">Hills Youth Services Network</A></LI><LI><A href="directory.aspx">Community Directory</A></LI><LI><A href="youthworker.aspx">Youth Worker Profile</A></LI><LI><A href="skateparks.aspx">Skate Parks</A></LI><LI><A href="centres.aspx">Community Centres</A></LI></UL></LI></ul>

  3. That last post I put in the suggestions forum was ment to be there I was simply saying you might want to cover it as you do tutorials for XHTML but you only show the old way of inserting Flash.Just a suggestion sorry if you did not like it.

  4. Aup cheers for your reply.I am only new though I have only been using computers since March 05.I only used XHTML so I could learn how to use XHTML as I already know quite a lot of HTML.I take it I carnt do it then if IE dont support XHTML 1.1 ? That is why I can get it to work in FF or IE but not both at the same time.If I used XHTML 1 strict though I would also have the same problem wouldent I ?Cos the emmbed tag still dont exist in XHTML does it ?Oh well at least I have leant some of it I think it is time to look at learning something else. My CSS aint to good I need to work on that I got the basics but I still dont understand so much with CSS.

  5. I have added some videos to the pages to and I have tryed playing around with the code so it will validate in XHTML 1.1 and show in both IE and FF.Thing is once I have removed the embed tag it dont work in either so I did the same as you do with Flash and added the data attribute to the Object tag and that worked in IE but not FF.So I then removed the Class id and codebase and it worked in FF but not in IE.Heres a linkAny ideas?Thanx John

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