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Posts posted by Chocolate570

  1. I can't really explain it. All I know is it has capabilities of plotting things, including creating 3d characters, grids, and 3 dimensional graph plotting. :) I also know that a person on another forum I'm part of created something with it so that, with the right equation, you could take a 3d rendered image from a 3d studio program, and put it on the web and view it in all its glory (rotate, spin...) It was quite cool. :)Also, this is what the Safari JavaScript programming topic documentation says.

    A canvas is an HTML tag that defines a custom drawing region within your web content. You can then access the canvas as a JavaScript object and draw upon it using features similar to Mac OS X’s Quartz drawing system. The World Clock Dashboard widget (available on all Apple machines running Mac OS X version 10.4 or later) shows a good example , though using a canvas is by no means exclusive to Dashboard.There are two steps to using a canvas in your web page: defining a content area, and drawing to the canvas object in the script section of your HTML.
  2. That would just put an image you have on your site as the background. the numbers are images---he just made something up to 20 images with the numbers on them in a graphics program and saved them, I'm guessing. Or he has a dynamic PHP image script to create the images on the fly. :)

  3. Yes, it is CSS. :)Just find the id/class of the container that's holding your comment element. Then add this to the css, if the class of the element were "container"..container { background-image: url("image url") no-repeat; }

  4. I think it would be best if we only had one person do the graphics. Otherwise, it gets too confusing---so, if anyone would like to do the graphics job... :)(Don't worry, it's probably just going to be a couple of gradients, and maybe making the template. Not too hard.)

  5. Wow...I hope that was edited after I read the project post. Not sure how I missed that. Thanks.
    No, you evil little gnome! It was there when I first wrote it! EVIL EVIL EVIL!:)Ok, it might be trouble doing that, you're right. Akula, it would be nice if you could set up some forums. Or actually, I can do phpbb forums---I think i'll do that. I'll give you all the link when I'm ready =) Choco
  6. You must remember that they run a company almost. There are HUNDREDS of pages that this side needs updated every day. If only one of us could actually do that job for a day--we'd probably all understand that even 10-20 minutes is too much time. :)

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