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Posts posted by Chocolate570

  1. I have a regular expression. Now what I want to do is execute the expression upon my document's body innerHTML. How would I do this in a crossbrowser way?I was going to use document.body.innerHTML, but this takes some time, and also is not supported accross all browsers. What to do?Thanks.Choco

  2. Perl comes with almost all distro packages and is installed automatically. But yes, Aspnet, your command is correct. :) Well, not so sure about -c, i thought it was capital c....Hmm.

  3. See, the problem with your script is that it uses the += operater with innerHTML. += Makes javascript rewrite the innerHTML of an element, so the form element you just typed in has been replaced. :S

  4. Hmm...well, what you could do is somehow put a filler element inside the border element. And then put a height=100% for it. Put a z-index of lower than the upper element, and what you should get is what you need :)

  5. From what I know, it's not possible with one element. What you coudl do is position 2 divs (on top of eachother). The first div would be 200 px high and x px wider on each side than the inner element--where x is how big the border should be. The second div should be the same, except more in height, and then you just change the background color to the color of your border. :)

  6. I'm pretty sure the alias directive, after the first parameter, has an equal sign? Or not?Also, you should try chmoding your aliases---you're on a linux server, correct?

  7. Well, it is kind of subliminal, but you basically learn it through reading the HTML and CSS tutorials on this site and going through other people's sources. But if you'd like a quick run down:ID's are suggested to be used only once in a page. ID's are used, in JavaScript, to reach an element through getElementById(). In CSS, ID's are used to format only 1 element with style sheets. They are set inside the tag, like this: <a href="" id="omg" title="" /> To select IDs in stylesheets, use this (if 'blah' is the id)#blah { property:value;}And that will format only that element. (remember the # sign)Classes are exactly like ID's, except they can be used multiple times over. To select a class, just use this:.blah { property:value;}And that will format all elements with 'blah' in their class= attribute. (note the '.')Hope that helps.

  8. Oh, whoops! Try putting this on your XHTML page, and make sure you're using a browser that supports mathML.<math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"><mrow>...</mrow></math>Edit:Ok, disregard that. MathML is way more complex than I had ever though. I've looked through some great articles and faqs, and here are a couple of links to better understand it. The W3C mathml example suite: http://www.w3.org/Math/testsuite/A great mathml article: Browser Support: http://cnx.org/content/m10845/latest/I'll get you more links if I find any. :)Choco

  9. Adding to the gradient thing.For those properties that have sub properties and for those people who want to be able to easily read the code without shorthand stuff, how bout property-sub hiearchies?For example,.specialA { gradient: { firCol=#blah secCol=#blah dir=vert or hont whatever=gjo }}No? It could be cool. :)

  10. Somehow, that seems like a huge scam. I'm sure no memory card company would make a card that would hold old pictures---it would take up too much space. That program probably wouldn't work. You can try it thought...you never know :)

  11. Just use this code:<script type="text/javascript">function openWin(url) {window.open(url,"window","menubar=1,resizable=0,width=100,height=100");}</script><a href="#" onclick="openWin(yoururl)">Open new Window!</a>

  12. Hello,It's ok. We've had camera discussions before, so this isn't too bad.Unfortunatley, unless your camera has a cache that stays with it forever, there will be no traces of the pictures on its memory card. Cameras usually do not have hard drives, so you can try going to a local camera store and asking if there's anything on your memory card. If there's not, i'm sorry, there's no way to retrieve the data. :)Choco

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