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Posts posted by Chocolate570

  1. Well, i don't think document.forms[0].event works. What i suggest:

    <html><head><script type="text/javascript">function ya(){alert("OMG! MESSAGE HERE! OMG!")}</script></head><body><form><input type="text" value="blah" onchange="ya()"></form></body></html>

    That is multi browser, and will work perfectly.

  2. I am pretty much advanced with JavaScript, but only not for cookies.I passed the quiz at W3Schools, with 19/20 because I did not want to learn about cookies, dates and times.For the rest, I understand most of it, and can write my own codes :(I've been experienced in writing scripts for forms. I've also done a lot of JavaScript's alternate way of handling ?this=something in URLs (with match() and RegExp).Edit: but now I'll replace most the codes I've done with JavaScript by codes of PHP, which are stronger, more secure and well,. just better :)

    Ya, i got a 19/20 for the same reason as you. Cookies are just..weird. :)
  3. Only one that pertains to use of Web Browsers. I do have dreams about other stuff though. But I digress... :)

    Na-uh! I digress more than you!Before we go into CSS, i would like help with the javascript. Afterwards, i will post it in the css forum. Then you can have a go at it with all your fancy input.whatever#blah{} stuff. I really have to learn CSS...
  4. Ok, i'm a pain in the neck, i know..I need some help.Because the answer-textbox in the calculator is "dir='rtl'" whenever the answer is a negative number, it automatically puts it to the right side. For example, if you did:90-91 The textbox would show1-So this is what i did in the operators section.

    if (operator=='+'){var y=eval(first)+eval(second)zoop=Math.abs(y)document.forms.myForm[0].value="-"+zoop}

    It turned out with the same thing, "1-". :)Does anyone know how i would accomplish fixing this without having to make the text box's dir ltr? Thanks! Choco

  5. Ok, let me clarify as i explained it horribly.What i wanted to do, i put 2 frames on the page. One frame would have a text area in it, where you can code, and then there would be a button at the top.When you click the button, it will change the rught iframe to a window, and then write what you put at the left side in the document at the write using the method i kinda explained at the top..Anyone?

  6. :) darn stealers! (not the football team! :))Well, if you want the complete code thing to hide the css, this is how it would go.<script src="http://hostofscript/script.js"></script>Inside that hosted script, would be this:document.write("<link rel=\'Stylesheet\' href=\'\' type="text/css">Where all bolded parts are up to you. I need a second opinion;would this work?
  7. First, don't post the file there, second, do a really complex way of posting it through js. For example.x = sy=cz=riptdocument.write("\<"x+y+z+" src=\"\"\>")If you wanted to cloak a script src. Most people use the find option for webpages, so that would hide it.

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