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Posts posted by Chocolate570

  1. I made this. It is cool. Comment on it. Give me suggestions. I am hyper. Wee.

    <html><head><script type="text/javascript">function gothing(h){var h=document.getElementById("test").valueif(h.length!=0){var win=window.open("test")win.document.write(h+"<br><br><input type='button' value='Close Window' onclick='window.close()'>")}else{alert("Error: 1a45f66d-'No Text Recieved'")}}</script></head><body><form><textarea id="test" cols="50" rows="20" scrollable="yes" hsrcoll="yes" vscroll="yes"></textarea><input type="button" value="Test Code" onclick="gothing()"></form>

  2. Here.<html><head><script type="text/javascript">function mouseOver(i){if(i=='b1'){document.getElementsById("ref1").src ="b_blue.gif"}else{document.getelementsById("ref2").src="b_blue.gif"}function mouseOut(i){ if(i=='b1'){document.getElementById("ref1").src ="b_pink.gif"}else{document.getelementById("ref2").src="b_pink.gif"}}</script></head><body><a href="http://www.w3schools.com" target="_blank"onmouseover="mouseOver('b1')"onmouseout="mouseOut('b1')"><img id="ref1" border="0" alt="Visit W3Schools!" src="b_pink.gif" name="b1" width="26" height="26" /></a><br /><a href="http://www.w3schools.com" target="_blank"onmouseover="mouseOver('b2')"onmouseout="mouseOut('b2')"><img id="ref1" border="0" alt="Visit W3Schools!" src="b_pink.gif" name="b2" width="26" height="26" /></a></body></html>

  3. Here you go, if this is what you want.

    <html><head><script type="text/javascript">var password="put the password here"var secondurl="put the second url's location here. Remember the 'http's!"var message="put the congratulations message here."function checkPass(){if(document.forms.myForm[0].value=password){alert(message)window.location=secondurl}else{alert("Sorry, you didn't guess it! Try again!")}}</script></head><body bgcolor="lightblue"><form name="myForm"><input type="password"><input type="button" value="Submit" onclick="checkPass()"></form></body></html>
    The red parts are the parts that you can change.
  4. yup, you can. Suppose you had:<input type="button" value="function test" onclick="dothisthing();dothisecondthing()">That would work. Unless it's supposed to be a semicolon.... uhhh.... ok, here's an example.

    <head><script type="text/javascript">function dothisthing(){alert("First thing done,")}function dothisecondthing(){alert("Second thing done")}</script></head><body><input type="button" value="function test" onclick="dothisthing();dothisecondthing()"></body>

  5. Congrats... :)then again, :active isn't the way to go if you want to make the background-change last until you reload... I guess mozilla doesn't really support JavaScript that well, or at least not HTML events...

    Oh, psh. Just accept your defeat. :)Also,
    then again, :active isn't the way to go if you want to make the background-change last until you reload
  6. Hmm...so let me understand this.All you want is a select box with a file box and a submit button, and when the user selects a file and selects a site and clicks the submit button, take the user to the site? If that's what you want, i can do it. If you want the location of the file to be taken to the site..... :ph34r:


    <html><head><style type="text/css">td {width: 200px;height: 150px;background-color: #000000;}td:active{background-color:#eeeeee;}</style></head><body><table><tr><td></td><td></td></tr><tr><td></td><td></td></tr></table></body></html>
    Hahah! I beat jonas! :)the red parts are the parts where you change the color of the td. the td:active means when the table cell is clicked, and the td part is the table in general. Good luck!
  8. OK, first of all try to type in a legible sense, your post has several spelling mistakes and breaks several basic grammatical rules. If english isnt your first language perhaps consult another member before posting to check these things.
    You're correct, but i really don't think that it's that bad.
    Second, you seem to have very basic skills in all three areas that you claim to offer 'codes' for. Your HTML tutorial for example offered no explanations of the strucure of the syntax which is essential in teaching the language.
    That is correct in every way. For example, instead of showing how a <img> tag and a <a> tag can be combined, give ideas. Or don't show it at all, actually ask the person to guess how that can be done!
  9. Sorry bout that, i meant:

    <script type="text/javascript">function setthing(element){if (element=="1"){document.getElementById('set1').style.visibility="visible"document.getElementById('set2').style.visibility="hidden"}else{document.getElementById("set2").style.visibility="visible"document.getElementById("set1").style.visibility="hidden"}}</script>And then for the form part,<form><DIV><input type radio id="sel" value=A onclick="setthing('1')"> Option A   <input type=radio name=sel value=B onClick="setthing('2')"> Otion B</DIV><DIV id="set1" style="visibility:hidden">Questions 4-8</DIV><DIV id="set2" style="visibility:hidden">Questions 9-10</DIV></form><DIV>and so on for the rest of the questionnaire</DIV>

  10. Well, you could use javascript functions like this:function setthing(element){if (element=="1"){document.set1.style.visibility="visible"}else{document.set2.style.visibility="visible"}}And then for the form part,<DIV><input type radio name=sel value=A onclick="setthing('1')"> Option A   <input type=radio name=sel value=B onClick="setthing('2')"> Otion B</DIV><DIV name="set1" style="visibility:hidden">Questions 4-8</DIV><DIV name="set2" style="visibility:hidden">Questions 9-10</DIV><DIV> the rest of the questionnaire</DIV>I think that should work.

  11. <form name="combined" action=""><input type="file" name="file what to name this??? 3 different names above(!)" /><select name="selecting"><option value="">select the server</option><option value="form_1">upload to site 1</option><option value="form_2">upload to site 2</option><option value="form_3">upload to site 3</option></select><input type="submit (or should use button? )" onclick="if (this.selectedIndex = 0) { alert('you didnt select a server!') } elseif (this.form.file.value = 0) { alert('you didnt select a file to upload!') } elseif (this.options[this.selectedIndex].value = form_1) { here goes the code to submit form 1 } elseif (this.options[this.selectedIndex].value = form_2) { here goes the code to submit form 2 } elseif (this.options[this.selectedIndex].value = form_3) { here goes the code to submit form 3 }" /></form>

    What the heck?
    You put WAY too much javascript inside the events of the button/whatever, you have to write a function. Explain better what you're trying to do, and i'll help out.
  12. window.onload=function(){hover()}First of all, i'm pretty sure it's window.onload="function(){hover()}"And you can put that in the body-onload section. Also, that makes no sense..window.onload=function(){hover()}Just use window.onload="hover()"

  13. You know what? Just shoot me. Check this out:a.one:hover {background-close:#5f5f5fcolor: #000000;font-family: Verdana;}Also-divs aren't needed.Instructions: put the ahref tag like this:<a href="blah" class="one">Blah</a>

  14. #nav a:hover {background-color:#5f5f5f;color: #000000;font-family: Verdana;}Did that wrong. Put this:

    a:hover#nav{background-close:#5f5f5fcolor: #000000;font-family: Verdana;}

    Tell me if that works?

  15. #nav a:hover {background-color:#5f5f5f; color: #000000;font-family: Verdana;}Then put a <div class="nav"> before navigation, and after it. That should work. I'm a newbie to css, so maybe someone more advanced can double-check that. :)

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