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Posts posted by Chocolate570

  1. Oh darn. Let me repost that:

    <html><head><script type="text/javascript">function refreshing(){var oParent = window.opener;oParent.location.reload();window.close();}</script></head><body>...Your Content Here...<a href="javascript:refreshing()">Close Window</a></body></html>

    I forgot the java script: part in the href. :) Sorry!

  2. Congratulations to the newly appointed Moderators, Jonas, Skemcin, and I! We'll do our best to keep this huge forum clean. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to PM us! We're on often, so your question will be answered within 1 or 2 days.Congrats again, and good luck modding!~Choco

  3. Anymore spamming will be deleted once kaijim gets to mod me. :)Yes, we defintley need a sticky. When the mods come in, that'll be the first priority. Meanwhile, think up ideas for it.I voted "No-you just want more posts than Chocolate570" because there's no "Yes-you just want more posts than Chocolate570". :)

  4. Friend Says:I'm running on a private server, not a hosting server. I've tried using the MySQL Monitor (mysql -u root) and CREATE USER x; (which is claims I have a syntax error in) and I've tried MySQL administrator (Bother versions)Second Reply-Wait, in responce to the second guy, I can create/delete users cia mysql-administrator, but I can't edit/grant/revoke after I save changes, I can only do that when I create the user.

  5. Well, i decided it was time i tried making something useful. To make a long story short, i failed completely. :)

    <html><body id="bodyg"><script type="text/javascript">function changeSize(which){y = document.getElementById("bodyg").style.fontSizez=eval("y")if(which=='0'){  z++}else{  if(z!="1" && z!="0")  {    z=z+(-1*z)  }  else  {    return;  }}if(z!="0"){alert(z)y = document.getElementById("bodyg")y.style.fontSize=z}}</script><input type="button" value="Larger" onclick="changeSize('0')"><input type="button" value="Smaller" onclick="changeSize('1')">blahblahblah</body>

    See, what that code does is gives you 2 buttons, one saying larger, one saying smaller. When you click the 'larger' button, it should make the text in the body bigger. It doesn't work, and i know very well why.But the problem is, when you click the smaller button, it can't make the text smaller because now the fontSize of the body is Zpx, where z= the number. I need to remove the px off that, so i decided to use replace(). One problem---i'm new with the pattern thing, forget new, i'm completely useless and have never tried it. So how would i remove the 'px' off the font size so i can reset it? :)Thanks in advance.~Chocolate570

  6. A friend needs some help. He says:

    My question is: I'm running MySQL 4.0.x on the latest Ubuntu, but I can't seem to create users properly. And no, I can't update my MySQL at this time. And/or how do I get the people who run my package system to update?
    Can anyone answer this? Thanks. :)~Chocolate570
  7. It's not possible, unfortunatley. But you only have to fill in the main forms. Anyhting with a '*' next to it needs to be filled out. You didn't fill out all the extra stuff, i hope?~Chocolate570

  8. See, i want to know that too. Because www.dafont.com/en has custom fonts that i never downloaded. I would like to have that on my site, but i can't figure it out....and they aren't using images. :ph34r: I don't know. :S

  9. Hmm........i don't know...that should be working. Try it with ID's instead, and at the top, use document.getElementById("t1a").checked=false:) ~Chocolate570

  10. Ok, first of all. See if you can get ftp access to your server. It'll make everything easier.Second of all. Before you ever buy a server or a domain name, check for better places. You can get much more for much less money! :( I bought my domain for 2.99 a year and my webhosting for i tink 25 bucks a year, webhosting stats: 3gig disk space, 1.5tb monthly data transfer, and some ridiculous amount of bandwidth. :) www.webhostingbuzz.comThird of all. You should upload everything pertaining to your website in the public_html folder. Now, you should be able to point to any of them just by going to www.yourdomain.com/button1.gif. If you can't, you have a serious problem.Yes, i think that using microsoft publisher was a major mistake. It's features ######. If you really need help, you should use us as your html editor. :) No, really, just post here when you have a problem.If you have no clue about html, then learn html from the w3schools tutorial. It's very, very easy. Another place to go to is www.htmlgoodies.com. They have a good starting html tutorial.That's basically it. If you can get ftp access, then post.:D Sorry if i sound rude, i wasn't trying to be. :)~Chocolate570

  11. I need to change this script so that instead of creating a option box, it should create a text box. To test it, go sign up an invisionfree board, then edit your profile. Put this in the footer section to test it.

    <script type="text/javascript"><!--/*Display mood in mini profile, view profile.Created By Peter[url="http://s9.invisionfree.com/iFusion/"]http://s9.invisionfree.com/iFusion/[/url]*///Add moods herevar iMoods = ["Happy", "Sad", "Angry", "Euphoric", "Cheerful", "Gloomy"];//URL to be used when users don't have one.var emptyURL = "http://invisionfree.com";iCur = {  mood: null};var iTable = document.getElementsByTagName("table");var iCell = document.getElementsByTagName("td");String.prototype.check_web_url = function(type){  mRe = /\[mood:(.+?)\]/i  if(this.match(mRe)){      iCur.mood = RegExp.$1;      document.theForm.WebSite.value = this.replace(mRe, "");  } else if(type){      if(this.length == 0 || this.match(/^http:\/\/$/i)){        document.theForm.WebSite.value = emptyURL + "[mood:" + iCur.mood + "]";      } else {        document.theForm.WebSite.value += "[mood:" + iCur.mood + "]";      }  }}function makeMDrop(){  var iDrop = document.createElement("select");  var iFont = document.createElement("font");  var iTxt = document.createTextNode("Select Mood");  var iOptTxt = document.createElement("option");  iFont.style.fontWeight = "bold";  iFont.appendChild(iTxt);  iOptTxt.text = "Select Mood";  iOptTxt.value = "null";  iDrop.options.add(iOptTxt);  iDrop.appendChild(iOptTxt);  iDrop.id = "mood";  iDrop.className = "forminput";  for(m=0;m<iMoods.length;m++){      var iOpt = document.createElement("option");      iOpt.value = iMoods[m];      iOpt.text = iMoods[m];      iDrop.options.add(iOpt);      if(iMoods[m] == iCur.mood){        iDrop.selectedIndex = (m + 1);      }  }  for(c=0;c<iCell.length;c++){      if(iCell[c].className == "pformleft" && iCell[c].innerHTML.match(/<b>Your website url<\/b>/i)){        var iParent = iCell[c].parentNode.parentNode;        var nCell = iParent.insertRow(2).insertCell(0);        nCell.className = "pformleft";        nCell.appendChild(iFont);        var nCell = iParent.rows[2].insertCell(1);        nCell.className = "pformright";        nCell.appendChild(iDrop);      }  }}function doViewPro(){  var iFont = document.createElement("font");  var iTxt = document.createTextNode("Mood");  iFont.style.fontWeight = "bold";  iFont.appendChild(iTxt);  for(c=0;c<iCell.length;c++){      if(iCell[c].className == "row1" && iCell[c].width == "70%" && iCell[c].innerHTML.match(/\[mood:(.+?)\]/gi)){        iCur.mood = RegExp.$1;        iCellHTML = decodeURI(iCell[c].innerHTML)        iCell[c].innerHTML = iCellHTML.replace(/\[mood:(.+?)\]/gi, "");        var iParent = iCell[c].parentNode.parentNode;        var nCell = iParent.insertRow(2).insertCell(0);        nCell.className = "row3";        nCell.appendChild(iFont);        var nCell = iParent.rows[2].insertCell(1);        nCell.className = "row1";        nCell.appendChild(document.createTextNode(iCur.mood));      }  }}function miniProfile(){  var re = /(\[|%5B)mood:(.+?)(\]|%5D)/gi  for(t=0;t<iTable.length;t++){      if(iTable[t].width == "100%" && iTable[t].cellSpacing == "1" && iTable[t].cellPadding == "3" && iTable[t].innerHTML.match(re)){        var iDiv = iTable[t].getElementsByTagName("div");        for(d=0;d<iDiv.length;d++){            if(iDiv[d].align == "left" && iDiv[d].className == "darkrow3" && iDiv[d].innerHTML.match(re)){              iCur.mood = RegExp.$2;              iDivHTML = decodeURI(iDiv[d].innerHTML);              iDiv[d].innerHTML = iDivHTML.replace(re, "");            }        }        var iSpan = iTable[t].getElementsByTagName("span");        for(s=0;s<iSpan.length;s++){            if(iSpan[s].className == "postdetails" && iSpan[s].innerHTML.match(/(Posts: \d+<br>)/i)){              iSpan[s].innerHTML = iSpan[s].innerHTML.replace(RegExp.$1, RegExp.$1 + "Mood: " + iCur.mood + "<br />");            }        }      }  }}if(location.href.match(/act=UserCP&CODE=01/)){  document.theForm.WebSite.value.check_web_url();  makeMDrop();  if(document.theForm){      var theDrop = document.getElementById("mood");      document.theForm.onsubmit = function(){        iCur.mood = theDrop.options[theDrop.options.selectedIndex].value;        document.theForm.WebSite.value.check_web_url(true);      }  }}if(location.href.match(/\?showuser=\d+/i)){  doViewPro();}if(location.href.match(/\?showtopic=\d+/i)){  miniProfile();}//--></script>

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