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Posts posted by Jonas

  1. I have sent an e-mail to hege.refsnesdata.no (three days ago), but I haven't received any reply. :) Regards, NormanWeb City Forum Online
    You mean hege@refsnesdata.no?And as for translation of w3schools.com content, here is the last quote from kaijim (site admin and w3schools spokesperson on the forum):http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.ph...post&p=2044This still stands as the last word. Also, the already linked-to about copyright page claims:
    Pages, code or other content from W3Schools may not be redistributed or reproduced in any way, shape, or form without the written permission of Refsnes Data.Failure to do so is a violation of copyright laws.
    So you'd need a written permission either way. I don't know if email counts.
  2. Actually, many of the urls that the spammers link to include words that are filtered, and as such a smart add-on would be a filter that searched strings for http and one of the words that are filtered through the admin panel. Of course, to write something like that, one would need a very deep knowledge of Invision Power Board.

  3. Well of course there wont be 99 mods! But there is a need for a few more. I mean, 3 or 4 more mods would be nice for the forum. It would put a lot less work on the current mods (how many are there? 3, or 4?). So no one is saying get 10 or 15 mods right now, just double the amount right now.
    I think you're taking it a bit too literal. Of course he doesn't mean there's going to be 99 mods. I think even 3 or 4 is more than we need. The main priority isn't quantity, but location, getting people from different timezones that also have a certain level of maturity. There are currently four mods, btw.
  4. Hey, what you do on your own time, that's your business. :) That doesn't mean that it should be allowed on a public forum, and I'm absolutely 100% sure that w3schools.com don't want to condone or allow something of that nature (pornography).

    Well, if you as a mod say you do need more help, then I guess you should get some no matter opinions like mine .
    I'm saying if the members feel it is needed to hinder spam even more, we should oblige. If things are cool the way they are, and we delete the spam fast enough for most people, I think we're fine with the number of mods we have. So it really depends on what you (plural) want the mods to do.
  5. Actually, having more mods may hurt at some point I think. There's a saying "Lots of chieftain, little redskin" (the plurals are intentionally made to singulars). The saying implies there should be a balance of power and that this power must be given only to the worthy.I think our current mods are worthy enough and are doing a fine job as it is. True, spam does show up now and then, but does it always get deleted, even without people reporting it? Sure it does.
    Yes it does, but with an increasing amount of members come an increasing amount of spam, and with it there should perhaps be an increasing amount of mods..? If more mods are to be selected, it's most likely only one or perhaps two.
    And why are you so child protective like anyway?
    Possibly because he's aware that there are posters as young as eleven -11- here.
    As if you haven't seen such nudity stuff. As if I as a minor haven't seen nude stuff either. As if we're not going to see it sooner or later anyway :) . I'm not saying that's a good thing to see, especially in a web development forum. What I'm saying is that it's not that critical if mods aren't there asap to delete it. I mean, they will eventually, right guys?
    Yeah, we will, but it wouldn't hurt if we got to it faster. And thinking of IP blocking and other possibilities for hindering spammers, more mods are definetely needed, as running IP-searches can be quite time-demanding. Just saying that we're all going to see nudity sooner or later anyway is not a really good argument. By that logic we could just leave all the spam be. Also, you should really separate the term "nudity" from "pornography" which the spam typically is. People who are naturists/nudists/whatever term you use would probably still, and should, shield their children from viewing pornography.
  6. why dont you delete these kind of posts I just see that you give them an X sign beside I afraid that too many of this sign will lead to a negative way :)
    Actually posts with the X on are just locked. We usually do this with threads that are redundant or just questionable and not necessarily spam. There's a lot of spam topics that you can't see.And regarding more mods, we'll see if that's a possibility.
  7. We can't moderate and approve every new member, that won't work, even if more members are modded to help, it's just too time demanding. But I agree we should try to stop the spam somehow. IP block is one way, if we find IP's that are used for more than one account and spamming. It's being discussed. Still, that would also take quite some time.

  8. You probably mean the Acid2 test...http://www.webstandards.org/action/acid2/guide/http://www.webstandards.org/files/acid2/test.htmlAlthough Opera is really the only browser of the three mentioned to show the image properly. If you read the guide link, you'll see why, as the image is really a mix of webstandards, and this proves that Opera has the best support for said standards (of the three). Safari for Mac also shows the image as it was meant to be shown.Discussion on this can continue here:http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=8655Thank you. :)

  9. I would slightly disagree with this statement... reason is that if there are few things destined then there should be equality, why is one person different from another, why is one born poor and another rich with all comforts??
    You're disagreeing with me believing what I believe? :)One born rich and one born poor has nothing to do with things being destined in the way I'm talking about, as in decided by a higher power. The reason why one person is born rich and one poor is that the one person's parents (grandparents, forefathers, whatever) are rich while the others are poor. It is predecided, and one person is born with options the other may never have, but I still don't think it "destiny", it's what the people have made of themselves based on what they had to begin with. And it is possible to change your stars.When you say a person is destined for great things, you believe a person will be in some way great because of some indication telling you this despite it not lying openly in the cards the person has been dealt. If that makes sense...
  10. how is it that there was an explosion of nothing? Seems to me that belief in the Big Bang takes just as much faith and believing in God
    Well, the scientists are still working on it, and it remains one of the biggest mysteries. There's a differance in accepting just not knowing and actually believing in something to explain things.
    I've since come back to science, but I don't look to it for answers to the question "Why?". For that, you need philosophy and religion. And, like you said, faith.
    Personally, I prefer philosophy over religion. When I hear of a child being killed prematurely, and people say "God has a purpose with everything", that's just a cliché that annoys me. "Although we don't always see it, God has a plan." Just settling with that is something I can't do. I don't believe my life on earth has a purpose other than the purpose I give myself, and my destiny is largely as I make it myself (with the surrounding taken into account). You might say "if you can't settle for not knowing, why don't you study the big bang yourself?" Because that's not what I want with my life. I'm perfectly happy not knowing how it happened, and I don't feel the need to believe in something to explain it. In my every day life, it's not important how it happened, so I'd rather study something that interests me more on a personal level.
    Exactly, they say don't ask questions about what happened or existed before the big bang, just believe it....hmmmm....not really a scientific answer.
    Like I said in the paragraph above, I don't need to know what happened or existed before, I know the Big Bang happened (or at least I have been taught that, and so for every purpose I know). How that happened doesn't affect my decisions in life, and so it doesn't matter.
    but they can really only explain the world as we experience it - not as it actually is.
    Ah, Plato. Have you read philosophy of Immanuel Kant by any chance.
  11. I'm not angry with you for your beliefs, but I do think it's really narrow-minded, and I could never see it the same way. Even if I believed in a higher being, a deity, the creation would have to date back to the Big Bang, because that's the only thing they can't explain (as of now at least). Before the Big Bang there was nothing, or they don't know what. Still, the world being only 6,000 years old is just ridiculous to me.Have you heard of Bill Hicks? You should rent the DVD Revelations and see it through. For example, if the world is only 6,000 years old (or 12,000 as some fundamentalist christians think), why wasn't dinosaurs mentioned in the bible? Why have scientists dug up fossils that show evidence of dinosaurs having existed? Do you not believe in dinosaurs having existed?

  12. Might I suggest a "Top Tips" page for each subject. Lots of little things that the more experienced members have come across. Not huge amounts of text - that would be a tutorial - but just a couple of sentences.
    Sort of like "gotchas"?
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