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Everything posted by thescientist

  1. That's weird, maybe we are reading two completely different threads? Oh wait, no you just don't read... So aside from listing some basic proof of concept features, and suggesting you get someone who is good at design to help you, I don't what else there is you want from us? We've told you numerous times in the past things you could show. It's not our job to keep holding your hand, when you've arguably received more help and direction on this forum than any other member I can think of.
  2. yikes, you clearly aren't reading/getting what people are suggesting, are you? No one is saying you have to fill your website with meaningless content, but the fact that it looks 20 years old will not endear anyone towards giving you serious consideration. If you want to work in the current times, you have to get with the current times. If you know how to develop well, then you don't need copy/paste code to make a good website with decent content and design. You can look at what people have done as inspiration, and to learn from their techniques and apply them to your own situation. A lot of people have made careers out of this, by writing their own code and putting it into production themselves. This applies to a strong core of people on this forum, and some in this thread. Yet they are the one's that you ironically struggle the most when it comes to taking their advice or suggestions. Like we've said, you will live and learn this on your own, if you think you are on the right track. Some people can't be changed.
  3. right, because clearly everyone on an internet (world wide web) forum has to be from USA. Maybe you don't look at other people's profiles, but I do. There is a sample of people from all over the world, and any of them would probably be saying the same thing. You have to take the time to work hard to get good at something. Your website is not evidence of that. Instead of taking it personally, realize that we all start at that level, and if we have the aptitude for, then after a couple years of hard work we can start making something out of it. Honestly, I'm not really surprised we are headed this road of conversation. You asked what we thought, and we are telling you our opinion. You ask every few months about your website/skills, and the answer is the same for a reason. Take more time. edit: I think you will find most clients expect a lot more than you realize.
  4. You can just say and do anything you want really, and whatever the situation is down in Argentina that you think doesn't exist anywhere else in the world is what it is. Regardless, if you are expecting people to base your merits on being a web developer based on this website, then I don't really know exactly what you think you are offering them as far as proof of concept. (JS/Jquery, AJAX UI, CSS menu's, PHP/MySQL, any sort of HTML5, etc). As for a web designer, while not every developer is also designer, they know when to have someone at least make the functionality they provide appealing enough to encourage people to actually navigate their site. So without form or functionality, sure a prospective client may know the difference at first, but when it comes times to get to task and deliver them a web application, I don't really see the capabilities to deliver much based on what your site offers. You only have one opportunity to make a first impression, I would make sure you are actually ready when that time comes.
  5. Yes. But it takes years of practice and building many websites to get to the level that you can charge for it. That's we've been trying to tell you. But you can try regardless, but success may not be inevitable. Patience and persistance is the art of any great developer.
  6. yeah, I figured that's what you would say. Unless you have some radical redesign of form and functionality, I'm not sure what difference an extra day is going to make though. Either way, best of luck.
  7. is this website still to showcase your webdesign work? I'm not really sure how much work you can get if you don't have any work to show for it, and not to be harsh, but your website is very primitive, and doesn't really do much. I don't claim to be a good designer myself, but I can least showcase and implement functionality to serve the site, and make it look somewhat presentable. I don't really see much of anything on your site. I would just keep practicing and take some jobs on the side so you can actually get some experience and have portfolio that people can judge you on. (as we have mentioned numerous times before)
  8. that is the example. instead of your numerically indexed array starting at 0, use the CID as the indexes instead. ( ["813DEC0642E941F0845447B680DA566A"] => Image1.gif, ["6829CB8F2D5D43AAB115DE06572E770A"] => Image2.gif}
  9. first link looks goodhttps://www.google.com/#hl=en&output=search&sclient=psy-ab&q=clear+out+error+console+opera&oq=clear+out+error+console+opera&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&gs_sm=3&gs_upl=93l4118l0l4404l29l25l0l3l3l0l111l1827l22.3l28l0&gs_l=hp.3...93l4118l0l4404l29l25l0l3l3l0l111l1827l22j3l28l0.llsin&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=f20844cc91153529&biw=1440&bih=779
  10. a signature on a forum is anything that a user can set to display with every post they make. Look at JSG's posts. underneath every post is the same text/links/info. That's his signature. If you read it, you will find what he's talking about. an error console is available in all modern browsers. it's show console logging and and any errors in the javacript code that happen while the page is running. if you're scripts aren't working correctly, this is the first place to look. Basically, if you've done programming, you know about debugging. You need trace the steps of your scripts/applications to make sure they are working right. When there are errors, you want to know about them. For web development, you use the browsers console. So, have the console open while you run your page, and you should see the errors JSG is talking about.
  11. It probably has to become a file in order for it to be sent as attachment, or else you can get the raw SQL somehow and add it to the body of the message instead. If you don't want the file on your server, you can unlink the file after you have it sent to your email.
  12. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3826580/what-rules-does-software-version-numbering-follow
  13. I would recommend reading SVN book, in particular the first 4 chapters.http://svnbook.red-bean.com/ Just expand, the trunk is the main line of development and is where all active development will be committed. You create branches to diverge to do some work you want to be able to work solo on or if it touches a lot of pages and you don't want to block other people's development. You can also create a branch say if you need to maintain a 1.0 version of software while also working on a 2.0 version. (2.0 would be ongoing in the trunk). You can merge your side branches back into the trunk once you've tested it, or merge stuff from the trunk into an ongoing branch release. (like a bug fix in 2.0 that should also be applied to 1.0). Like boen said, tags are meant to act as snapshots of your code, typically when creating a version release, like 1.0, 1.1, 2.2, etc. These should never be touched after they are tagged.
  14. I suppose if you are the only one working on these projects then setting up everything on your local machine and backing that up regularly would be sufficient, but especially if there are other developers working on the project, a VCS would be helpful. At the very least, the big benefit of any sort of VCS system is the history tracking/diffing and branching/tagging functionality. That can be help even there is one or a dozen developers working on a project.x
  15. definitely sounds like a version control system would be helpful. Even though I am the only one who works on my personal projects outside of work, I still decided to add my most active projects to github over the weekend. It's just good to have, iMO, and the ease that it affords when branching/tagging/merging is absolutely worth the time invested. A good primer on the theory and work flows of common version control use cases can be found within the SVN documentation.http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.7/index.html
  16. You could look into git as well. http://git-scm.com/And you could just have it hosted on github. You can install it yourself as well.http://code.google.c.../downloads/list I have not installed it but I have setup projects on my computer to work with github and it pretty easy.
  17. valid markup that is clean, semantic, and well organized are three easy and effective techniques you can employ right off the bat. If you aren't sure what constitutes that, conisider posting your code for a code review and we can offer advice. The validator you should be able to do on your own though.
  18. I know it's covered in this presentationhttp://yuilibrary.com/theater/jenny-donnelly/f2esummit2011-donnelly/ and I told myself to remember it because I want to do it all the time, but I haven't gotten a chance to go back and see it again. or it might be a way to commit/push in one fell swoop, but I think your answer is in there.
  19. hey man, hope you make it back soon. I thought maybe the new forum layout freaked you out, but I bet you can learn new trick.

  20. well, what are the errors? have you tried figuring out what to do about them?
  21. you would be better served learning Javascript instead of VB, IMO.
  22. gives you more time for stuff like this? http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.ph...mp;#entry217388
  23. whoa! >.<I guess that's what you get for just selecting the read last post orange box, haha.
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