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Everything posted by Hema

  1. pleas i need the clear steps of, reserving the name for my iOS app before publishing it
  2. https://caniuse.com/mdn-html_elements_form
  3. is there any way to make the Notifications API supported in ( IOS ), i wanna build an app with Electron but I'm worried about the notifications ?
  4. yeah that's right but, if that webpage is an interactive one and other contents are added to it, here the <main> element has to not take the full hight px you know i have been testing screen reader on mobile & pc and found out that using ( details ) element for containing elements and navigating using screen reader is the best way so i may go with, that thank you so much🥰
  5. i need to do that for screen reader, because it reads the elements in the order, so i want the element to be put in the bottom while it's a child to the header if i do that using a fixed unit it will not be the last if another element added to the middle of the body
  6. how to make an element in a container, comes after another different container, without using units to not make it fixed? for example: - if i have an element inside the <header> element, and i want it to appear after all of the elements in the document?
  7. when creating a new file as an html file do we need to set the endcoding or we can skip it and set in the the meta element ?
  8. thank you so much, i appreciate it 🙏
  9. i can't set margin to the strong element it's really weird ?
  10. Hema


    thank you so much🙏
  11. Hema


    why doesn't the <option> element has an end tag when it's added between the <datalist> element
  12. i usually recap from w3schools reference and i found that <data> tag is not supported on safari but i had to recheck it and i found it now fully supported
  13. what i learned about libraries is that, they are made of the main technology but for canvas the main technology is already slow so how are the canvas libraries faster
  14. I think here you will find a way https://www.w3schools.com/css/css3_flexbox_container.asp specially in this example https://www.w3schools.com/css/tryit.asp?filename=trycss3_flexbox_align-items_baseline
  15. is that's what do you mean https://www.w3schools.com/html/tryit.asp?filename=tryhtml_images_background7
  16. first of all let's try to solve what do you mean step by step because i'm also not an expert but i may tell you what to do or where to find the hint for doing it, 1- the first thing can you get the value that you add it to the text input or not ? please answer it to get to the second step.
  17. you're so welcome, happy to help 😀
  18. I think doing that will through the operating system that you are using, try to search on youtube you may find the solution
  19. Because i still didn't get what do you mean well, could you take a look at the link below, and tell me whether is has what you're looking for or not https://www.w3schools.com/html/html_images_picture.asp
  20. Hema


    Why isn't the tutorial of node.js here as rich as Javascript's tutorial ?
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