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Everything posted by sbrownii

  1. It does move to html_form_action.asp, correct? The problem is just that your asp doesn't show anything...?Sounds like the problem is with the asp page -> you might want to post in the asp forum?Since the problem is with the asp page, please show the source of the asp page you are using
  2. IMHO... if you are using iframe for layout - use css insteadif you are using iframe to include content - use server side scripting instead
  3. Please give us the a link to your page, or if that is not possible, please provide the source.It is a waste of our time to try to guess all the possible reasons it might not be working.
  4. I'm not totally sure, but I think the border of the drop down list is something the browser just does - Firefox does draw a border around the text box part of the select, but not the drop down part. Similar for borders on the option element. IE does nothing, FF draws the border as you tell it to.There seems to be a "work around" that involves dhtml. Search the net for "css select border" and I'm sure you'll come across some ideas.
  5. sbrownii

    a:hover help

    You should be aware that it isn't a hover issue. Try setting the borders and the bottom border doesn't show up in IE for some reason... a{border: 2px solid yellow;} I found 2 different things that made the bottom border visible:1) If you remove absolute positioning and float from your css, your bottom border is visible in IE - but your layout is lost.2) If you comment out "padding-bottom: 1em;" for the links then the bottom border shows in IE - but some of the border is cut off...
  6. sbrownii

    date function

    Have you tried to echo the value of "$today" ?Your code says: $today = theDate($date, $time); But your function "theDate()" returns no value... not sure why you are passing $date and $time to it either...Rewrite "theDate()" to take no parameters and actually return a value. The return value should be the date that you want to be stored in $today.remove the lines that assign values to $date and $time (get rid of those variables all together) and put something like this at the end of the function. return date('m/d/Y H:i',$timeZone); You can, of course, adjust the format of the date how you like ( I just based it on what you where doing already ), but it does need to be returned as a single value.I guess you are pretty much on the right track.You do realize that "theDate()" is subtracting 7 hours from the time on the server?You said you needed to add 3 hours - so you should change the "7" to "3" and then add "($timeDiff*60*60)" to $time instead of subtracting.
  7. If the WHERE condition were the same for both statements then you could combine them into one.http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/4.1/en/update.htmlJOIN is used for 2 different tables. You seem to be working with just one in those statements, so JOIN doesn't applyI don't understand why your statements would need to be in the same query. The aren't dependent on each other in any way. Just execute them separately.
  8. That is under the section "Page-enter Effects", right? Notice these ONLY work in IE. They are not part of the standard. I still don't understand why w3schools has so many of these things - it just makes the people coming here to learn learn the wrong things.The example given just changes the page to another page when you click the button. It is actually silly that they used a button, as if the button does something magical. You can use a link to the page, or just put it on your page and it will show the effect when it is loaded.I don't recommend taking the time to learn these things. They may seem cool at first, but they get annoying later - and they only work in IE. Stick with standards that work in most browsers.
  9. Sorry... I thought everyone already knew why... lolanyway... DocDaneeka... do you think you could give us a link to a page that is actually accessible?I'm not going to go through and create my own images to be place fillers just so I can see what is wrong - mostly because I'm not that good with images...I would like to say I could just read through your page and find what's wrong, but with the table thing and all these attributes set on individual elements instead of a stylesheet, it is actually kindof hard for me...I will keep trying your site though...
  10. sbrownii

    date function

    Read about the date() and mktime() functions:http://us2.php.net/manual/en/function.date.phphttp://us2.php.net/manual/en/function.mktime.phpIf you read through those 2 pages, you will find your answer. Actually, if you just look at the examples OR usernotes, you will find your answer!You could also read the user notes on the gmdate pagehttp://us2.php.net/manual/en/function.gmdate.php#usernotesThese are links to particular entries that exactly solve your problem:http://us2.php.net/manual/en/function.gmdate.php#58773http://us2.php.net/manual/en/function.date.php#61674
  11. Don't know... lol... sorry...I honestly don't even know if the search engines would even look at more than one meta description, let alone if they would pick the one that has the language set to the one they are interested in.Let us know if you ever find out...
  12. Sounds like it would make a good homework assignment to me.As far as writing out to the text field, follow the same idea as for ex-vat : add the id attribute to the text field and just use "mytextfield" instead of "ex-vat" when you use document.getElementByIdPassing values to functions is too basic, if you don't know how you need to studyhttp://www.w3schools.com/js/js_functions.asp
  13. as far as horizontal menus go, take a look at the following pages if you get time and see if any of them are what you are looking forhttp://www.alistapart.com/articles/dropdowns (working example -> http://www.htmldog.com/articles/suckerfish/example/ )http://www.alistapart.com/articles/hybrid (working example -> http://www.alistapart.com/d/hybrid/hybrid-4.html )
  14. like gsmith said echo 'Subtotal: $'.$subtotal=number_format(($tiretotal+$oiltotal+$sparktotal),2).'<br>'; Is your problem.It is assigning the subtotal as a formatted string to $subtotal.Until you get 10 tires the subtotal doesn't go over 999 so there is no comma until then.Try the following code to get a better idea what is going on.... echo ("1,000.00" * 1); What does it print????? not "1000" as you might hope...If you want to stay with the one-liner (for the sake of keeping yourself and everyone else confused about what is going on!) try this echo 'Subtotal: $'.number_format($subtotal=($tiretotal+$oiltotal+$sparktotal),2).'<br>'; The above is setting $subtotal to the actual sum - not the formatted string! So even if you do the assignment in a separate line, make sure you are assigning the sum of the numbers to $substring - don't use nubmer_format() until the echo!
  15. Have you tried making t a global variable so you can clear the timeout before setting it again?You might want to go ahead and have a function called "hideSub" or something and have it called on mouseout and when the timer goes off...Also... please don't use tables for layout!...It is just too easy do menus without tables!
  16. Give the input element for ex-vat an id of "ex-vat" and the following will work document.getElementById("ex-vat").value= y + " Euro"; You have a stray closing HTML comment just after your <script> tag - take it out.
  17. The layout of 3 columns, header and footer is very common. To add your footer, just set the clear attribute in css for footer to "left", and set float to "none". You may also need to put "clear:right" for your rightContent - but I don't think so.CSS isn't too much. You just need to look at some good examples, and read up on a few decent articles about cross browser css. I promise there are some horrible articles, and it seems like a lot of people having trouble have read them...Just try to go for simple first -set as few properties as possible to get the layout you want. This time you are done, except for the horizontal menu, which I imagine is a javascript problem. If I get time I will try to look through it, but at first glance it looks pretty messy and I think you would be better finding something else that already works - be it script or css or both.Don't give up hope on cssOnce you finish this project, you should probably read through some good sites on standards compliant / browser compatible css.Some good places to read are:http://css.maxdesign.com.au/index.htm (if you are interested in 3col layout look at Selectutorial)http://www.westciv.com/style_master/house/...ials/index.htmlhttp://www.alistapart.com/ (good site, but may take you a while to figure out how to find what you want)There are, of course, more resources, but the sites I listed give pretty simple, clean examples of how to do things you will probably be trying to do pretty often if you stick with css.
  18. take the "html" selector out of your css file.You used it a few times. I will give an example: html>body #banner { height:74px; } "banner" is an id, so there can only be one element accessible by the id banner, so just use "#banner" Also change your definition of border for "#banner" so it is like this: border:1px solid #FFCC00; ... is there a reason you defined the height 2 times for several elements?Find the following and take it out of your code - it is the cause of your float problem in FF html>body #centercontent { margin-left: 143px; margin-right:143px; } Make sure all of your css statements end with a ";" (check your definition for the background on "#banner")There is no such thing as "font-color" - change it to "color" in your definition of "#banner"One thing I didn't notice before is that your horizontal menu doesn't work in ff. Did it work before? I don't know if it is a script you found somewhere or not, but I can promise there are simpler ways to do horizontal menus, even ones with dropdown menus. If you have a hard time fixing it, just find another one.... Just search around for "css drop down menu" or something like that.
  19. What is a "pull down search box"Is there a reason you don't want the search boxes ALWAYS visible?Would it be like a drop down menu except that instead of a list of menu items that are links it will show a box with your search forms? If so, read up on drop down menus using cssYour first steps should be to get rid of the table. Use <div> or <span> elements instead.Define width, height, font, style, etc... either between <style> tags or in a separate style sheet.
  20. You should put meta tags in the language of the page.If you have different language versions, then the meta tag for each page should be in the corresponding language.Is that your situation? Or do you have mixed languages on a single page?
  21. Was there a question in there somewhere? Or are you just letting us know what you are working on?I'm not as good at reading minds as some people seem to think...
  22. just wrap the pretty little javascript up in a function (make sure you return the value you want to use). Change the document.writeln at the end to a return statement.Then make another function and call it on the body element's onload event. That function will call the other one to get the browser info you want to display, then use the HTML DOM to print it to the location you want. Give that location an id like "browserCell".Didn't feel like test so there might be something missing/wrong... function writeBrowserInfo{ browserInfo = getBrowserInfo(); document.getElementById("browserCell").innerHTML += browserInfo;} Instead of using to methods, you could just as easily use one, and change the document.writeln to do the same as what I put in writeBrowserInfo().
  23. Each line (element in the array) will be a string.Use some string functions. Ever heard of php.net?Here is one function for finding a string in a string -> http://us2.php.net/manual/en/function.stristr.phpMake note of the list on the left - those are other string functions. Have a look....
  24. sbrownii

    div background image

    Remember that if you use a relative path, it is treated as relative to the location of the stylesheet.The safest way might be to put your background images either in the same directory as your style sheet, or in a directory inside that directory.If the browser is unable to find the image based on the url, then no image is shown.
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