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Posts posted by dsonesuk

  1. first of all, NEVER use spaces in file names, use alternative of hyphen '-' or underscore '_', as in practise-css.html oor practise_css.html. secondary, this should be done on web server, WAMP for example not your computer filesystem.

    I would imagine the problem is you have no content in body, so the height is 0, so the background image has no area to show. Try setting body and html elements to min-height: 100vh;

  2. You must know some server  language such as php to upload the file in the first place? You can get the date  in format of '20210630_' and add to start of filename that is gathered by the server language.

  3. Yes! Because this


    IS WRONG! Its structure does not make sense, they return true or false, ok! Now what? They require a if condition to check each is true ie 'empty' if so, return error message and return false to stop going any further. That is what my example showed, if you set any of these to = "";

    $_POST['name'] = "fff";

    $_POST['email'] = "AA";

    $_POST['phone'] = "123";

    $_POST['message'] = "WTH";

    Empty Error message would show otherwise 'all fields filled' will show.

  4. You are not checking name, email etc, for a specific value of true or false, and then return false only if any of the field are empty.


            $_POST['button'] = "Submit";
            $_POST['name'] = "fff";
            $_POST['email'] = "AA";
            $_POST['phone'] = "123";
            $_POST['message'] = "WTH";
            if (isset($_POST['button'])) {
                if (empty($_POST['name']) || empty($_POST['email']) || empty($_POST['phone']) || empty($_POST['message'])) {
                    echo "You gotta fill in required fields of name, email, phone and message";
                    return FALSE;
                } else { /* optional, just for testing */
                    echo "all fields filled";


  5. Somewhere I don't know where, cus you can't identify the problem element with a picture, a element type or css property is forcing it to do exactly that!.

  6. ??? thats what it does? I suggest you use an array to store values, with an extra storage of currentcount, use that to check if zero or above. If you look through database field it will return to original value each time. You can also set a default value of 0.

  7. You wanted a long menu text to not wrap and make the menu text container adjust to width of text content. That is exactly what you get! YOU CANNOT USE A FIXED WIDTH, THAT IS WHY WE REMOVED IT AND REPLACED WITH MIN-WIDTH. Your code still uses IN several places I might add, a fixed width, with overflow: hidden;  So if text extends beyond fixed width, the text will be clipped by using overflow: hidden. That is NOT! issue with my css, the issue is fixed width is still used.

    FIXED WIDTH(width: 250px;) BAD.

    MIN WIDTH (min-width: 250px;) GOOD!

    and seriously, do you really need the font size and weight to be that humongous. 

  8. I just used there code to add white-space: property as part of styling.

    .dropdown-menu, represents the actual element the class name is attached to, .dropdown-menu * represents with space the child elements and with * any child element tag type within parent class .dropdown-menu.

    Just add to style.css or additional styling box that wordpress uses, ideally you would be using a child theme to separate from original theme thus avoid css being overwritten when theme updates.

  9. OH dear! wordpress, uses absolute path links, everyone will now know where to hack your site! were doomed, doomed i tell you.

    Right! NOW that we have something to work with!

    .dropdown-menu, .dropdown-menu * {
        white-space: nowrap !important;

    Just imagine how much time and posts would have been saved

  10. <!DOCTYPE html>
    table, td {
      border: 1px solid black;
    <p>Click the button to return the number of tr elements in the table.</p>
    <form id="myform" class="one-filled-all-required">
    <table id="myTable">
        <select name="select1_1">
        <option selected value="">default</option>
        <option value="1">option #1</option>
        <option value="2">option #2</option>
        <select name="select1_2">
        <option selected value="">default</option>
        <option value="1">option #1</option>
        <option value="2">option #2</option>
        <input name="input1_1" type="text" value="">
        <select name="select1_1">
        <option selected value="">default</option>
        <option value="1">option #1</option>
        <option value="2">option #2</option>
        <select name="select1_2">
        <option selected value="">default</option>
        <option value="1">option #1</option>
        <option value="2">option #2</option>
        <input name="input1_1" type="text" value="">
    <form id="myform" class="one-filled-all-required">
    <table id="myTable">
        <select name="select1_1">
        <option selected value="">default</option>
        <option value="1">option #1</option>
        <option value="2">option #2</option>
        <select name="select1_2">
        <option selected value="">default</option>
        <option value="1">option #1</option>
        <option value="2">option #2</option>
        <input name="input1_1" type="text" value="">
        <select name="select1_1">
        <option selected value="">default</option>
        <option value="1">option #1</option>
        <option value="2">option #2</option>
        <select name="select1_2">
        <option selected value="">default</option>
        <option value="1">option #1</option>
        <option value="2">option #2</option>
        <input name="input1_1" type="text" value="">
    var y = document.querySelectorAll('.one-filled-all-required');
      		var vOneAllFilledclassLength = y.length; 
      			var vTableRowsCount = y[i].querySelector('table').rows;
      				console.log(vTableRowsCount[j].querySelectorAll('input, select').length+" xxxx")
      				var inputNumb = vTableRowsCount[j].querySelectorAll('input,select');
      					inputNumb[k].addEventListener("change", function(){
        				highlightEmpty(this);}, false);
      					inputNumb[k].addEventListener("blur", function(){
        highlightEmpty(this);}, false);
      console.log('required found');
      console.log('required NOT found');
    function highlightEmpty(elem){
    var thisRow = elem.parentElement.parentElement;
      var inputNumb = thisRow.querySelectorAll('input,select');
      		if(inputNumb[k].value == "" ){

    Is this similar to what you are trying to achieve?

  11. Html is text based, the vulnerability would be if you showed the server language code that produces the end result of text based html that is only what we want to see! I don't see the problem OF GIVING the link, It will be exposed anyway to everyone. Soon as it goes live bots will identify that it is WordPress, and your address will be passed on, and the attempting hacking to yoursite.com/wp-admin (that is the default location to access wordpress backend dashboard) will begin, unless properly secured. Suggest you use defender plugin to help you with that!

  12. This is useless information without a concept of the html menu/submenu structure, itself!

    Also, if you want a reason why you suddenly had  'endless phishing attacks', look no further than WordPress itself! Its the most targeted cms for such attacks.

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