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Everything posted by vchris

  1. I made it. It's the one I had before, I just added some texture on it Like it?
  2. Site Name: DeepCodingSite Description: PortfolioSite Owner/Developer: meSite Address: none yetExtra Comments: Will be my personal portfolio and should be online as soon as done with content.What you think?
  3. I tried that before when I was working on my footer but it never seemed to work right... Try % values for your height.
  4. I always program to not have any warnings or errors. Just seems more professionals when it's perfect.I guess in some cases you can't always do that.
  5. vchris

    Top menu

    You can just reuse the same code and mod it a bit. Change the <table> tags for <ul> and <td> for <li>, basically...
  6. Well I had a page with transparency on a div and it gave me warnings.
  7. Transparency is nice and all but will not pass validation and I believe it doesn't work in Opera
  8. vchris

    Top menu

    I think that menu can also be done with lists instead of tables. That would be a lot easier to work with.
  9. vchris

    Online Business

    WOW! Awesome essay guys Seriously this helps me a lot to know what I'm getting into. I also had a couple contracts but they were both cheap contracts. ~500$. We have some agencies here especially for web designers, I could go and put my name in. I have also heard of those 14 year old guys trying to design web sites and screwing everything up. I have redesigned a site from a guy who had that problem and was extremely happy with the results! I have enough xp to create a great website, I know that now.Justsomeguy, do you do that full time? Do you have a team working on the sites or only yourself?
  10. vchris

    Online Business

    That is also in my plans! It'll take a while to be able to live off it... I guess you start part time and try to get known. That is also a great idea! But what kind of costs would it be for a car posting site? any idea?delete the double post please (deleted)
  11. vchris

    Online Business

    What kind of costs are we talking about here? I know the servers will cost but how much? I should be able at the beginning anyway to get a normal plan from any hoster.Let me worry about the clients ok.
  12. vchris

    Online Business

    Well at the end that's what it's all about... money. I'm not saying I wanna take advantage of clients. What I wanna do is offer them a service (car selling board) which would be better in some ways than others. I know it takes time to get known online so 5+ years is expected.
  13. vchris

    Online Business

    I think car postings or job postings would be great. I have a friend that has a job posting board and it's 45$ Canadian for each posting. So imagine if you have lots of posts!!!Same for car postings but I think the cost would be lower. When I design a site I always make sure to make it easy to navigate. If you ask me it's one of the most important things.I just need to figure out how to charge people for postings. I'm probably going to let a company like paypal take care of it. Do I need to create a company in order to charge people?
  14. vchris

    Online Business

    Ok, I wanna make money online and I wanna start an online business such as sell fonts, web templates, car postings, job postings...I was just wondering which would be the best online business to start and that has a lot of demand for?
  15. What I did is downloaded the phpbb forum and then you can look at all their code they used so it helps to understand how it works. You can view their database so you can understand the structure. Helps a lot.
  16. Try with pixels instead of ems. IE seems more precise with pixels.
  17. vchris

    Validating my css

    give me an example pls.
  18. vchris

    Validating my css

    So I'm validating my css on w3c but I only have a couple warnings that I'm not sure how to solve. It's all about the font-family.CSS font: bold 11px "trebuchet ms", verdana, arial; Warnings I tried putting them all on the same line... font-weight... font-size... font-family... but doesn't work. FYI, I have a different font-family declared in the body.
  19. Look at this: http://www.alistapart.com/stories/alternate/Might help you.
  20. I know they'll ship anywhere a printed copy. To me I don't think this certification would make any difference. Some people I worked for had no idea what w3schools is... But I guess it wouldn't hurt.
  21. Site Name: Deep CodingSite Description: portfolioSite Owner/Developer: MeSite Address: none yetExtra Comments: will include a gallery of all the sites I've done and tutorials on php, css, html, asp, cf, mysql....What do you guys think of this design? I personaly love spacy sites!Deep Coding
  22. I got it.... What a ###### error lol. I forgot you needed the "images/" path in there.I'll post my project in the show off the sites thread. It's very hot!
  23. It must be somekind of bug with the page probably... I have checked so many times the paths and filenames, trust me it's fine. I guess I'll play around with my code and see.
  24. Age 22HTML: 8+ years xpCSS: 5+ years xpXHTML/PHP/ASP/ColdFusion/MySQL/SQL: 1 1/2 years xpJava: 2 years xp
  25. Hey!Ok so I have a javascript that basically changes the image when the cursor is on it. Simple right? Well not for me it seems. Usually it is but it seems like it's not working today...First when I load the page the image is there and then on hover you only see the alt and the X in the corner. no pop-ups.Script <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- // //if browser is compatible if (document.images) { //preload images //base image a= new Image(91,40); a.src= 'topnav-home.jpg'; //hover or rollover image aover= new Image(91,40); aover.src= 'topnav-home-over.jpg'; function myOn(myImgName) { document[myImgName].src=eval(myImgName+ 'over').src; } function myOut(myImgName) { document[myImgName].src=eval(myImgName).src; } } //--> </script> HTML <li><a href="index.htm"><img src="images/topnav-home.jpg" name="a" height="40" width="91" alt="Home" onmouseover="myOn('a')" onmouseout="myOut('a')" /></a></li> For testing purposes I have changed the html name of the img to "a" to eliminate chances of typos. I have double and triple and quattriple checked the image file name and they are exact. I have copy pasted them to make sure.I have taken this code from 2 previous projects I've done and it worked perfectly.Thanks!
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