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Posts posted by reportingsjr

  1. I recomend using divs, there no difference except tables clutter alot, and if the site is decently big it can be hard to navigate through. Also tables have a few more features, like borders and cells and such so they can be easier to use for the "newb" but for most professionals they prefer to use divs cause they got l33t skeelz and can do stuff like that anyways :).If you want a caption under an image just put the div and image in their own div, then after the image put a <br /> tag. like so:

    <div>stuff...stuff...stuff...stuff...stuff...<div style="width: 200px; height: 200px;"><img src="url" alt="image!!" /><br />Hello, this is an awesome caption isnt it :)</div>stuff...stuff...stuff...stuff...stuff...</div>

  2. I think the array merge works moreover like this:$data1[0] = "1";$data1[1] = "2";$data1[2] = "3";$data1[3] = "4";$data2[0] = "5";$data2[1] = "6";$data2[2] = "7";$data2[3] = "8";$result = array_merge($data1, $data2);And what do you mean remove the current set from the haystack? Do you want to delete certain words or something?

  3. Its alot easier to use javascript alone to do it instead of making 5 different files for one thing. just do this:

    <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">var a = document.getElementById("a");var b = document.getElementById("b");b.style.display = "block";a.style.display = "none";</script><p id="a">a info</p><p id="b">b info</p>

    Now a wont show and b will. if you want it to change when the user clicks it or something do this:

    <a href="java script:myvoid(0)" onclick="var a = document.getElementById('a');var b = document.getElementById('b');a.style.display = 'none';b.style.display = 'block';">hide a</a><a href="java script:myvoid(0)" onclick="var a = document.getElementById('a');var b = document.getElementById('b');b.style.display = 'none';a.style.display = 'block';">hide b</a><p id="a">a info</p><p id="b">b info</p>

    That should work :)

  4. what was my feedback again??? :)
    I think he was refering to me, considering I had the only post there. They like you.. not me :).Can you change the color of the background so its a bit darker? I think a nice blue tint would be nice. Not too blue though.
  5. You can use the $file_upload variable. Check it out on php.net. I never had any luck with it though.. my files would upload to random places lol.

  6. I just looked at some source code and figured out somehow that it was html.. and so I googled it for like 5 days until I found davesite.com. I learned basic HTML from there about a year and a half ago, but around september I had a tech class in school and we were making websites, so I pulled out my knowledge of HTML, but I made really bad things. So I started learning it more and better, then I was wondering how games were made so I asked around for a month or two until someone said "php". That word changed my life :). I did the same thing for php as I did with html, google it til I found the zend beginner guide to php, learned the basics and I have just advanced to here! All thanks to google, no classes.

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