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Posts posted by reportingsjr


    skills... or just use a program, like adobe photoshop and learn how to use it. Then just make imags in that program and copy them onto flash. ;-) I hae yet to see a really 3d on yet though.. all cartoonish.

  1. Ive wanted to read rss's but not in the xml format, like when you click on the rss button/links. Is there like a reader for these so you can actually use them? and is it free?thank you!

  2. I have one input for you guys, you are using the gloabal $_request, I wouldnt use that because it isnt really.. good? I would use $_post or $_get, depending on what you set it to. Thats just my opinion. But I seem to have forgotten why request isnt good.. oh well. I just know it isnt :) ill look it up if you want backup..

  3. Its html...

    <meta HTTP-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=http://www.w3schools.com";>

    in content, the 0; part is how soon to redirect the page (in seconds) and the url=blahblah; is what url to redirect to. Hope this is the kind of redirect you want, this will just change the page.. or you could do it in javascript, like this..

    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">window.location="http://www.w3schools.com";</script>

    Im not sure how to put a timer on that one though.. :) maybe someone else who actually knows javascript can

  4. or you cant just do:

    SELECT * FROM users WHERE unam = ' PASSWORD($logn)  ' AND pwrd = ' PASSWORD($logp) ';

    sorry about it being in mysql format, wanted to try out the bbcode =]

  5. or... just pre load all of the images and pull the day, in three letter for (Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, etc..) and do if elses? that seems like the easiest approach.. cause pictures take up a LOT of space in databases :)

  6. actually.... here is one:

    <html><head><style>div.shadow{height:80px;width:80px;position:absolute;left:10px;top:10px;z-index:-1;background-color:gray;}div{height:80px;width:80px;background-color:white;}</style></head><body><div>text</div><div class="shadow"></div></body></html>

    Now, it worked in the try it editor on w3schools but not on a page in my website... dont know why

  7. Well, my site works best in Firefox but not in IE so I wanted to have an alert to say "You are using Internet Explorer! For the best optimization(preformance) of our website please use Firefox or Opera, both of which you can get free!"But, I think the popup blocker on IE blocked it. Any ideas on how to get past this, or do I have my coding wrong on this (sorry, im not too good at javascript. Im finally doing tutorials on it today!)

    <!--[if IE]><script LANGUAGE="Javascript">alert("You are using Internet Explorer! <br />For the best optimization(preformance) of our website please use <a href="http://mozilla.org">Firefox</a> or Opera, both of which you can get free!");</SCRIPT>Please download Firefox by clicking on the following banner:<br /><a href="http://www.spreadfirefox.com/?q=affiliates&id=0&t=76"><img border="0" alt="Get Firefox!" title="Get Firefox!" src="http://sfx-images.mozilla.org/affiliates/Buttons/120x60/take.gif"/></a><![endif]-->

    Now the code part works. Its just the popup which is basically the main part. Thanks!

  8. Maybe you could use margins? They solve everyting for positioning :)Oh yea, If you didnt se on your message board here is this:directly from your message board

    Lol, I think you messed up somewhere in the css for this.. Ohh I see. You didnt make the background color different like on the front page and the font is white, so it is all white. Try to set a background color man. Nice site though. You could set this up with AJAX, it will make it much smoother :).
    I cant see anything on there, either you dont have a background set or its not ahexadecimal safe code (that happens alot on laptops, they dont have as many hexa values as pcs.. try changing it a tiny it :)).
  9. Well first as I was looking at your code I saw one odd thing. You used the .php ending on your css page? isnt it supposed to be the .css ending? Odd...Another thing I noticed is your using css, but you still have a font tag? (line 112) and a bold tag.... USE CSS!!First question: Im guesing thats all one div where the gradient is.. *checks* yep, it is. you just used a background image I guess..heres some coding to fix that:

    <div class="category" style="vertical-align: middle; line-height: <replace with height of div>; font-weight: bold;">The Betrothal of Ericanque!</div>

    Second question: im confused but ill give it a shot..so, theres one div for positioning the menu into the center, and inside the actual div that contains all the menu; but you want it 20 pixels from the right? heres a quick fix:

    <div class="middle"><div style="margin-right: 20px;">menu coding crap</div></div>hope this works for you! :)

  10. set margins.. like 5 pixels each I guess. like this:

    <style type="text/css">div { margin:  5px 5px 5px 5px; } </style><div>content</div><div>content</div>

    Now, I havent tested that but it should work.. that will make every side have a margin of 5 pixels so if you want to change it to be wider or smaller just change those numbers.. :)

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