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Posts posted by reportingsjr

  1. wow, thats amazing! Would you mind telling me how you did it? And can you make it stop at the edge of the picture?(you would set the height and width). And can you make it so when you click the button once it goes one 'space' (like 10 pixels or so?). Your awesome scott!!

  2. Well, if you dont want to use that freaking much coding here is some simpler coing using the first post example..

    <HTML><HEAD><TITLE> Text </TITLE></HEAD><BODY><table><tr><td><a href="#" onmouseout="mydiv1.style.display='none'" onmouseover="mydiv1.style.display='block'">table 1</a></td><td><a href="#" onmouseout="mydiv2.style.display='none'" onmouseover="mydiv2.style.display='block'">table 2</a></td><td><a href="#" onmouseout="mydiv3.style.display='none'" onmouseover="mydiv3.style.display='block'">table 3</a></td><td><a href="#" onmouseout="mydiv3.style.display='none'" onmouseover="mydiv4.style.display='block'">table 4</a></td></tr></table><table id="mydiv1" border="1" style="display:none;"><tr><th>TABLE 1</th></tr></table><table id="mydiv2" border="1" style="display:none;"><tr><th>TABLE 2</th></tr></table><table id="mydiv3" border="1" style="display:none;"><tr><th>TABLE 3</th></tr></table><table id="mydiv4" border="1" style="display:none;"><tr><th>TABLE 4</th></tr></table></BODY></HTML>

  3. what is the $_REQUEST[] array? Ive never seen that global.. use $_POST[] for forms.. or $_GET[]I dont see anything wrong with it..

  4. You could do the button tag thing (never really used) and have it pointing to the same page but have it like:http://www.example.com?image=1and put in the php script:

    $img = $_GET['image'];if($img == "1"){$imgdisp="img1";}elseif($img == "2"){$imgdisp="img2";}

    etc..but where $imgdisp=""; is put the name of the image in the qoutes.like if you put all of the images in www.example.com/images/(image name) use the image name in the qoutes...then where you want the image to actually be displayed put this:

    <img src="www.example.com/images/<? echo $imgdisp; ?>">

    and all your other body script. This should work well because since all of the images to be displayed are in this one page it wont reload the whole page, only the image.. :)

  5. No, the map will be like 500X500 or larger, but The div will be like 50X50 or 100X100. :)It would only be one image and I want it to be moved to say:x:450, y:100 or other places.. but slowly kind of.

  6. Well, since you can only set one number, and the other number is always 0, I wouldnt like that very much. Heres a function one where you set the min #(num1) and the max #(num2):

    function randomnumber(num1, num2){	num1 = parseInt(num1);	num2 = parseInt(num2);  var generator = Math.random()*(num2-num1);  generator = Math.round(num1+generator);  document.test.result.value = generator;}

    heres and example:

    randomnumber(5000, 5050);

    that would produce a number inbetween those..hope you like this one =]

  7. Z-index? I have some code.. enough to login and register =] probably setting up the page where you see stuff after login today, now.Could you help me out with some coding here? Like how would I move the map around below it.. Lol, now that I think of it I have no use for it really but will be helpful hopefully.

  8. Okay, im making a game ATM. I was wondering if the was a way to have a map, and have a div around it set to like 100X100 px.. and the overflow was hidden.but when they are a dot in the center of it.Is there a way so when they move the map moves and there dot stays in center. Or should I use a different type of coding? Thanks! ~reportingsjr~Ill check later, helping sister move..

  9. The basic error codes can actually help you alot. This one says that there is an isset() but it is missing a '(' by it.. So it cant be parsed. I always manage to get these when coding :) . I have no clue waht the T_ is for but its always there. this happens with ';' ',' and like a hundred other things. Very useful... Also, please look over your code and search around on google or yahoo to see if something is wrong before you post here..

  10. Dan, I have a question. Isnt there a code for each letter-symbol typed then? because to create the same cryption it would need to have a code, or it would be randomly generated. so If someone got the code for this couldnt they create like a javascript page to decrypt for them? And thanks dan and pulp, its all sorted out now.

  11. So, would it still make the same crypted password if you crypted the password going to login.php?so if the mysql stored password is: $09ihdsoiaa3k34845 but the entered password is 'myname' when the person tried to login with the password 'myname' and the page encrypted it would the new encryption be $09ihdsoiaa3k24845? So you would just encrypt them both?

  12. Ok, I am making a textbased game and I am having some issues with securing the passwords for usernames. I have it so when you register your name get encrypted with this code and sent to the database:

    $query2 = "INSERT INTO `g_users` VALUES ('" . $_POST['uname'] . "', '" . crypt($_POST['pwd']) . "', '" . $_POST['email'] . "')";

    Now, it will create an encrypted password and it shows up in database and such. But how do I get it to pull back out uncrypted from the MySQL database?!? I have this code for a login page and its not exactly working:

    $query = "SELECT *  FROM `g_users` WHERE `name` = '" . $_POST['uname'] . "'   AND `password` = SHA1('" . $_POST['pwd'] . "')";

    I looked at some post and the functions but I couldnt get anything from them.Help appreciated!For now I am having uncrypted passwords in the MySQL database.. its not open yet anyways.

  13. What do you mean label? you mean subject or what?PHP mail() function should be setup as so:

      $message  = $_POST['message'];  $to       = "admin@rsbattlehelp.com";  $subject  = $_POST['category'] . " : ";  $subject .= $_POST['subject'];  $from     = $_POST['usrname'] . ", ";  $from    .= $_POST['email'];  $headers  = "from: " . $from;  //sending the mail  mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers);

    You dont need to make it so it include everything I have but most of it if you want it to look nice.. hope this helps.

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