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Little Goat

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Posts posted by Little Goat

  1. ok here is what I use. no matter which column is longer, the other will lengthen to the same size:

    #container{height:100; overflow:visible;}#col1{height:100%; overflow:visible;}#col2{height:100%; overflow:visible;}

    of course, you must set the div's ids to those, or change them in the CSS. this still uses a container div (as you can probably see).LG

  2. thanks, justsomeguy.I figured a few things out on my own, (it's funny how sometimes we ask questions and then we find out we could have done it ourselves :) ) but you gave me a few things I hadn't found yet. thanx again.LG

  3. I was trying to find a heavy duty counter that not only counts, but also records the refferer, the IP address, and the date or something.I found a few on another site, but I was wondering, how hard would it be to make my own? (so there are no copyright issues, personalized, you know...)could someone point me in the right direction? (notice, I am not asking for a ready made script. :) )thnx, LG

  4. I started leaning on W3schools, but then I found Beginning XHTML (Wrox press) secondhand and I learned a lot from it. that book taught me XHTML, CSS and Javascript. it also got me introduced to XML and XSLT. the PHP tutorial on W3s didn't help me much, so I bought a book for that too. (maybe I'm just wimpy... :) )LG

  5. ok, I'll atatch the edited file on here if I can figure out how... its 4:00?!?ok, can't attatch, here is code:

    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"><html><head><title>Knimbus | High flying flash animations!</title><meta name="keywords" content="Flash, Animation, Movies, Cartoons, Funny, Music videos, Fighting, Knimbus, Nimbus, Newgrounds"><meta name="description" content="Lots of Flash animations to be put on this site. Flash animations of all different catagories including humour, fighting, musical and more. "><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://images.freewebs.com/Members/Generationz/CSSStyles/WaveForm/Blue/style.css"></head><body ><!-- Copyright 2005 Freewebs Corporation.  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My aim is to do my best to provide all the users of this site with good quality Flash animations. There are two main sections to the Flash animations: Knimbus animations and Public animations. If you wish to have your animation on Knimbus.com then please go to the Contact page and follow the instructions.</P><P align=center>On Knimbus.com We also use Javascript so please enable that on your browser to unleash this sites full pontential because it is a joint site between Javascript, which you can request off us to use on your own site and of course, Flash animations.</P><P align=left>Hope you enjoy the animations here and wish a long and eventful life for Knimbus.com </P><P align=left>-: Chael McLean</P><P align=left> </P><P align=left>P.S. </P><P align=left>Knimbus.com is still under construction ans so some features mentioned above may not be in operation yet, Please check the News section for updates.</P><P align=left><HR><P></P><!-- ParagraphBodyEnd -->  </div> </div><!-- ParagraphEnd 77113648 --></div><!--<div class="fw-mini-pars"> <hr> <dl>  <dt>Title thing</dt>  <dd><p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. 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    just upload that.LG

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