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Little Goat

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Posts posted by Little Goat

  1. Hi, suggestion:I've been on another forum with IPB and they have a rules forum. since it looks like we are getting a lot of stickies in the general forum, maybe that is something to consider.LG

  2. here, you have an ending %> without starting it first.

    </SCRIPT></HEAD> String name=(String)(session.getAttribute("theName")); Connection con=null; Statement st=null; String sql=null; ResultSet rs=null; try  {    Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver");  con=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:foto");st=con.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE,ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE);  sql="select * from album_bookmark where username='"+name+"'";  rs=st.executeQuery(sql);  while(rs.next())  {  //out.println(rs.getString(2));  } }catch(Exception ert){out.println(ert.toString());}*/%><BODY ONLOAD="java script:showSlide1('rs.getString(2)');">

    I don't know the language, but that might be it.LG
  3. you would do it with ASP, PHP, or Cold Fusion.I would reccomend PHP because it is the most widely available.sorry, I can't tell you how. (I don't know!) :) LGEdit: or you could use any other SSL.

  4. OK, kinda off topic here...anyway, how do you go about getting the information you need to start designing?I mean should the customer know what color scheme and all the content he/she wants?should they know how they want the layout of the site to be, or should you be ready to help them decide?in short, what should the customer know, and what should you be ready to decide?sorry, thats a lot of questions. :) LG

  5. ok, add a qoute at the end of your name, and if you are in control of the recieving script and the recieving script is php:

    <?php if(isset($_POST['nameofcheckbox'])){$checked=1;}else{$checked=0}?>

  6. I would use frames.make a page with all the thumbnails and put it as one frame, and then you can either use a different page for each image, or use javascript.another option is to use a div with a set width and height, and set the div's css to overflow:scroll; then use javascript for changing the images.LG :)Edit: no I take that back. I would use the scrolling div.

  7. use a foreach statement like this:

    <?php  foreach ($_POST as $key => $value){    echo "  <tr><td>";    echo htmlspecialchars($key,ENT_QUOTES);    echo "</td><td>";    echo htmlspecialchars($value,ENT_QUOTES);    echo "</td></tr>";  }?>

    no matter what you send it, this code will echo it all. (post-echo)LG

  8. hi, I use easyphp, but it slows my computer WAY down.does anyone know of a good alternative that works the same way; after you install, open one program, and then go to localhost. ? :) thnx, LG

  9. use this:

    function undoNum(obj){	if(!obj) return false;	var iSpan = obj.getElementsByTagName('SPAN')[0]	if(iSpan.innerHTML != "")	iSpan.innerHTML = "";}

    then change the doNum to this:

    function doNum(obj){	if(!obj) return false;	var iSpan = obj.getElementsByTagName('SPAN')[0]	if(iSpan.innerHTML != "") undoNum(obj);	iSpan.innerHTML = num;	num++;}

    I'm not positive, but that should work. :)LG

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