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Little Goat

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Posts posted by Little Goat

  1. it's because your using flash. the one thing about your flash that I don't like is you can't use the back button. it's all on the same page. that's the problem. I don't know flash, but if you want someone to help you, you probably should post your flash. because you just embeded your flash, it doesn't go to a different page; it just alters the flash on the same page. :) I know with javascript, you could do: scroll(0,0). :) p.s. i'm not saying you should use html. :) LG

  2. I'm not sire, but maybe mozilla is ignoring the position:absolute; on the text input and the button. :)sorry, I don't have firefox.(see signature) if I get more serious with web design, I'll probably get it but right now, no.LG

  3. I think you need to put a 1 inside the perentheses, and you can put the javascript in the hrefinstead of the onclick:

    <a href="javascript:history.back(1)">Please try again</a>

    or if you have to use document.write:

    document.write("<a href=\"javascript:history.back(1)\">please try again</a>")

    There ya go :)LG

  4. no, you can use the <br /> tags in html; it was made to be backwads compatible. no need to take that ending / out on the link or break tags.and about the <div class="radiobuttonsmargin"> it does have an end tag; the one that is outside the form. raimo is right that you need to put that end tag inside th form, though. put your <br> tags as <br />.tryadjusting the positioning. is it the input.test, or the other input? maybe put a link to the css file or post it.LG

  5. thanx, Choco!I'm using it for a counter.the counter in the post I linked to.I wanted to use images for the counter, and thanx to you now I can!My code (that works):

    <html><head><title>number</title></head><body><script type="text/javascript">var number='182';len=number.length;zeros=7;zeros=zeros-len;var zero="";for (i=0;i<zeros;i++){zero+="0";}finNum=zero+number;num=[];for(i=1;i<=finNum.length;i++) {num[i]=finNum.charAt(i-1);document.write("<img src='"+num[i]+".gif' alt='"+num[i]+"'/>");}</script></body></html>

    I'm oing to replace the number with a <?php include?> statement to display my counter.thanx again,LG

  6. OK, another question, how do I make a number a specific length by adding zero's to the left end and then seperate the digits of the number?for example, say I have this: Number=182 First I want the javascript lengthen the number to, say 7 digits,resulting in: Number=0000182.then I want to seperate the individual digits so that an array holds them: num[1]=0, num[2]=0,...num[5]=1, num[6]=8, num[7]=2.can anyone help me plz?LG

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