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Posts posted by virtualadz

  1. i m a beginer....can u tell me if i omit the starting <td> and then some data is there an d at last i close the tag by using </td> at the end of the data then wat will happen?for eg:<table>this is just an example</td></table>will the data b displaced? will the ending </td> be recognized?

    it depends on a lot of things. you dont <tr> given, this will certainly not validate . the correct format is
    <table><tr><td>This is juat an exaple</td></tr></table>

    why dont you want to add td, it just takes a second. as for your question the data will be displayed, but if you have many td' and tr's the answer might change. :)

  2. i didnt like max payne 2 that much, but Hitman 2, awesome... My room mate had a PS 2 and spent most of the time with that, and playing mostly GTA....Current PC game thats eating up most of my time "Need for Speed: Most Wanted" Graphics is just too good.....:)

    i didn't like any of the hitman series of games :) , but his bald head was awesome, he had a bald head, didn't he? :)
  3. Games I played/like the most, Hitman and Max Payne...

    wow, i love max payne 1, once i got stuck to a level in for more than 2 days, in which a shot was to be fired at a truck's tire which would collide with a brige to open up your way. i remember it. i didn't like 2 that much :)
  4. just after reading a few articles i have leant much, and resaerched keyowrds, sortened them a bit and added words that match their criteria. but these humble spacer gif's are coming in my way to better optmize and improve website performance. results from page speed test reports incidicate excessive use of images whereby i have very few. but then all of a sudden these spacer gif's came into my mind, they are all over my site, could this be increasing page load time. i am sure they are. these codes appear more times than needed: 22 times in the homepage itself<tr> <td><?php echo tep_draw_separator('pixel_trans.gif', '100%', '10'); ?></td> </tr>what is the best alternative to it. usig div's<tr><td><div style="height:10px"></div></td></tr>is this the best alternative to spacer gif's,i dont want to convert my site completelty to css, will keep the tr's and td's around the div or any other code.thanks :)

  5. to disable right add this code to your body, Anyone with experience may know a way around this trick . it is useless. if you want more free scripts go to dynamicdrive.com , to disable text-selection use this: Webpage

    <script language=JavaScript><!--//This is uselessvar message="Function Disabled!";///////////////////////////////////function clickIE4(){if (event.button==2){alert(message);return false;}}function clickNS4(e){if (document.layers||document.getElementById&&!document.all){if (e.which==2||e.which==3){alert(message);return false;}}}if (document.layers){document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEDOWN);document.onmousedown=clickNS4;}else if (document.all&&!document.getElementById){document.onmousedown=clickIE4;}document.oncontextmenu=new Function("alert(message);return false")// --> </script>

  6. i have seen Google use personal messaenger, in the online listGoogle.com "Using Personal Messenger"how could the bot use his personal messenger when he's not registered, may be sending a message to his other bot friends. :)

  7. Okay. I see something that might be causing this problem. If the url is this...http://www.domain.com/file.php#whatever, and you click any of the scroll links on your page, it's going to refresh because it's taking you to a page with the same link (or maybe a different #whatever) but it's taking out the www. I don't know why it's doing this, frankly, but someone else might. Try entering the url without the www's, and see if it refreshes on your first visit.You other guys will see what I mean if you enter the url with the www's, and then click a scroll link.

    i think i was not clear. ok here againlinks are in this fashion: <a href="faq.php#order">TExt</a>this works on your end so and mine too on the 2nd visit. so probably there's nothing to do with that.if i try this: <a href="#order"> , then you know what happens (i mentioned it earlier).i am not at all doing it in these ways:<a href="www.site.com/file.php#ordeer">Tead</a>or <a href="/faq.php#ordr">Dadad</a>that's it :)
  8. I think its like what justsomeguy said, If the computer is fast then it reloads so quick from the cache that you dont get to see the progress in the status bar, propably when the computer's slow you may get to see the progres in the status bar..  and when you hit the back button after you clicked the link and scrolled down, you go to the previous view [i mean like to the top of the page where you clicked the link] and not to the previous page or somthing, so the page must be reloading.....

    ok, i was not asking for that.my linking is in this way,<a href="faq.php#top">Text</a>and not this:<a href="http://www.bhuratea.com/faq.php#top">Text</a>so there 's absolutely no question for refresh, even if that question arises then it doesn't matter as all of you dont see the pages being refreshed. i myself dont see it but on my second visit. all my problem was it being refrehsed on the first visit on my end.
  9. I see your page online, with me the page gets loaded every time.  It gets loaded from the cache, so it's very quick, but the status bar does appear for a fraction of a second while the page loads from cache.  You might have caching disabled on your browser, but the page will reload, the question is will it come from cache or not.

    do you also see the page being refreshed on your first visit, other said that they dont see it being refreshed.
  10. The page always refreshes, as far as I know.  When you have a link like this:http://yoursite.com/page.html#nameThe browser will load page.html first, and then scroll down to the #name anchor.  It even happens on your home computer with local files, it just happens too fast for you to notice.  If you want to see this for yourself, then make a page with a named anchor and load it in your browser.  Now, with the page open, go into the file explorer and rename or delete the page.  When you click a link with a named anchor you will get a 404 error, because it's trying to load the page but can't find it.

    my link is as such: <a href="faq.php#order">Text</a> <a name="order">Text</a>with the above links, the page refreshes on my 1st visit, but acts as it should onthe 2nd, i have checked it with 3 pc's, browsers, os, internet connections. but it works for everyone who has checked it here apart from me.should i try and give, links as such<a href="/faq.php#order"> , you can see the difference in my above link and thisi have not used links as in the fashion you mentioned, so probably nothing to refresh the page :) here's my code:
    <?php/*  $Id: faq.php,v 1.4 2002/11/19 01:48:08 dgw_ Exp $*/define('NAVBAR_TITLE', 'FAQ');define('HEADING_TITLE', 'FAQ');define('TEXT_INFORMATION', 'We have put together an extensive list of the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), by our customers.<br><br><strong><a href="faq.php#order">Order</a></strong><br><a href="faq.php#how_order">How do I order?</a><br><a href="faq.php#gift">How can I purchase a Gift Voucher?</a><br><a href="faq.php#minimum">Do you have any Minimum Order Quantity?</a><br><a href="faq.php#safety">Is it safe to disclose my financial details on Bhuratea.com?</a><br><br><strong><a href="faq.php#billing">Billing</a></strong><br><a href="faq.php#payments">What type of payments do you accept?</a><br><a href="faq.php#samples">Do you provide free samples?</a><br><br><strong><a href="faq.php#shipping">Shipping</a></strong><br><a href="faq.php#country">Do you ship to my country?</a><br><a href="faq.php#cost">How much does shipping cost?</a><br><a href="faq.php#time">How long will my tea take to get to me?</a><br><br><strong><a href="faq.php#misc">Misc.</a></strong><br><a href="faq.php#support">How do I contact you incase I need any support?</a><br><a href="faq.php#returns">Under what cases can I return your product/s?</a><br><a href="faq.php#wholesale">How can I order large quantities of tea?</a><br><br><hr><h3><a name="order">Order</a></h3><strong><a name="how_order">How do I order?</a></strong><br>You need to first choose the products you wish to buy, then add them to cart, the details of which will be shown on your left. You may then continue shopping on BhuraTea.com, or proceed to checkout by clicking on the link present on the top right corner of every page.<br><br><strong><a name="gift">How can I purchase a Gift Voucher?</a></strong><br>A gift voucher can be purchased in the same way you purchase a product. You will be then sent an email with details in it. Please also read our <a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_GV_FAQ) . '"><u>Gift Voucher FAQ</u></a>.<br><br><strong><a name="minimum">Do you have any Minimum Order Quantity?</a></strong><br>No, we do not have a Minimum Order Quantity, purchase as much as you wish.<br><br><strong><a name="safety">Is it safe to disclose my financial details on Bhuratea.com?</a></strong><br>Yes, it is absolutely safe to disclose your financial details on Bhuratea.com, please take some time to read our <a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_CONDITIONS) . '"><u>Terms & Legals</u></a> and <a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_PRIVACY) . '"><u>Privacy Policy</u></a>.<hr><h3><a name="billing">Billing</a></h3><strong><a name="payments">What type of payments do you accept?</a></strong><br>We accept payments by Paypal, Cheque/Direct Deopsit (Indians only), Wire Transfer, Western Union Money Transfer. Please visit our <a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_SHIPPING) . '"><u>payments page</u></a> for more info on this.<br><br><strong><a name="samples">Do you provide free samples?</a></strong><br>No, currently we do not provide free samples.<hr><h3><a name="shipping">Shipping</a></h3><strong><a name="country">Do you ship to my country?</a></strong><br>We ship to USA and all countries under Europe.<br><br><strong><a name="cost">How much does shipping cost?</a></strong><br>Please visit our <a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_SHIPPING) . '"><u>shippings page</u></a> for more info on this.<br><br><strong><a name="time">How long will my tea take to get to me?</a></strong><br>Usually our tea products will reach you within 15 days, based on your location the delivery period may differ. Also have a look at our <a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_SHIPPING) . '"><u>shippings page</u></a>.<hr><h3><a name="misc">Misc.</a></h3><strong><a name="support">How do I contact you incase I need any support?</a></strong><br>We love to hear from you, please write to us at: info@bhuratea.com, or use our online email form: <a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_CONTACT_US) . '"><u>contact us</u></a>, we will be glad to respond to your concerns/suggestions.<br><br><strong><a name="returns">Under what cases can I return your product/s?</a></strong><br>It depends on certain factors, please visit our <a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_SHIPPING) . '"><u>returns page</u></a> for more info on this.<br><br><strong><a name="wholesale">How can I order large quantities of tea?</a></strong><br>Please use our online mail form to make a <a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_WHOLESALE) . '"><u>wholesale inquiry</u></a>.<hr>');?>

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