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Everything posted by SFB

  1. SFB

    scroll bar

    the horizontal scroll bar clutters my site so it really isnt that bad of idea to make sure it doesnt appear. I always manually wrap my text. I try to make my site look the same on all browsers. this topic should be closed. I will do things my way.
  2. SFB

    Rounded corners...

    I have classes. I dont want to set a specific height because the height from page to page changes.
  3. SFB

    Rounded corners...

    My html/phpnote that locations have been cut short in my php just to be safe. <?phpsession_start();$username = $_SESSION['username'];$first = $_SESSION['first'];$last = $_SESSION['last'];$email = $_SESSION['email'];$website = $_SESSION['website'];$style = "/test/style.php";$snav = "/nav/snav.txt";$bnav = "/nav/bnav.txt";?><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"><html><head> <title>Snow Fort Builders -- Home </title> <meta name='keywords' content='Snow Fort, snowfort, snow fort builders, snow, fort ' /> <meta name='description' content='Learn how to build snow forts just like mine, see pictures of my snow forts and other winter related activities' /> <meta name='robots' content='all' /> <meta http-equiv='content-Type' content='text/html charset=ISO-8859-1' /><?php include($style); ?><base href='http://dcole.ath.cx/sfb/' /> </head><div class='header'>Snow Fort Builders</div></td><div class='url'>http://snowforts.ath.cx</div><table class='sfb' cellspacing='3' cellpadding='3'> <tr> <td colspan='2' class='welcome'><div class='welcome'><?php if(isset($_SESSION['username'])){print" Welcome $first $last | <a class='welcome' href='/login/profile.php'><div class='welcome'>Profile</div></a> | <a class='welcome' href='/login/logout.php'><div class='welcome'>logout</div></a> ";}else{print"Welcome <a class='welcome' href='/login/newuser.php'><div class='welcome'>Guest</div></a>| <a class='welcome' href='/login'><div class='welcome'>Login</div></a>";}?></div></td> </tr> <tr> <td class='corner'> <div class=rtop></div><div class=r2></div><div class=r3></div><div class=r4></div><div class=r5></div> <div class=rc><div class='bc'>Navigation</div></div> <div class=r5></div><div class=r4></div><div class=r3></div><div class=r2></div><div class=rbottom></div> </td> <td class='pgtitle'> <div class=rtop></div><div class=r2></div><div class=r3></div><div class=r4></div><div class=r5></div> <div class=rc><div class='bc'>Home</div></div> <div class=r5></div><div class=r4></div><div class=r3></div><div class=r2></div><div class=rbottom></div> </td> </tr> <tr class='nb'> <td class='nav'> <div class=rtop></div><div class=r2></div><div class=r3></div><div class=r4></div><div class=r5></div> <div class=rc><div><?php include($snav); ?></div></div> <div class=r5></div><div class=r4></div><div class=r3></div><div class=r2></div><div class=rbottom></div> </td> <td class='body'> <div class=rtop></div><div class=r2></div><div class=r3></div><div class=r4></div><div class=r5></div> <div class='scroll'> <div class="bold">Welcome </div> Welcome to Snow Fort Builders @ [url="http://snowforts.ath.cx"]http://snowforts.ath.cx[/url] <br /><br /> <div class="bold">Snow Fort News </div> The end of snow fort building season has come to an end! Last year was not very good for snow forts. January and Febuary were too warm and we did not recive much snow. In march we recived over a foot of snow but I felt like making a sleading track insted. <br /><br /><br /> <div class="bold">Updates </div> <div class='bold'>XHTML</div>--This site is now Valid XHTML <br /> <div class='bold'>New photos</div>--I added some pictures of my snow forts form before 2003 <br /> <div class='bold'>Contact Us</div>--I got the Contact page working again.<br /> <div class='bold'>Settings</div>--You can choose the colors as well as some preset settings.<br /> <div class='bold'>Message Board</div>--Added style tags and improved display in Internet Explorer.<br /> <div class='bold'>Loading Time</div>--decreased loading time by removing statcounter<br />test<br />test<br />test<br />test<br />test<br />test<br />test<br />test<br />test<br />test<br />test<br />test<br />test<br />test<br />test<br />test<br />test<br />test<br />test<br />test<br />test<br /> </div></div> <div class=r5></div><div class=r4></div><div class=r3></div><div class=r2></div><div class=rbottom></div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan='2'class='bottom'> <div class='bnav'> <div class=rtop></div><div class=r2></div><div class=r3></div><div class=r4></div><div class=r5></div> <div class=rc><div><?php include($bnav); ?></div></div> <div class=r5></div><div class=r4></div><div class=r3></div><div class=r2></div><div class=rbottom></div> </div> </td> </tr></table></body></html> my dynamic stylesheet <?phpif(isset($_COOKIE['background'])){$color = $_COOKIE['background'];$color1 = $_COOKIE['tdbg'];$color2 = $_COOKIE['links'];$color4 = $_COOKIE['title'];$color5 = $_COOKIE['text'];}else{$color = "F0F8FF";$color1 = "039";$color2 = "F0F8FF";$color4 = "039";$color5 = "F0F8FF";}print <<<STYLESHEET<style type="text/css"> body { overfolow: auto; font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: small; background-color: #$color;}table.sfb{ margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; height: auto; width: 800px;}td.welcome{ vertical-align: top; text-align: right; width: 800px; height: 20px;}td.corner{ vertical-align: top; text-align: center; width: 180px; height: 20px;}td.pgtitle{ vertical-align: top; text-align: center; width: 620px; height: 20px;}td.nav{ vertical-align: top; text-align: left; width: 180px; height: auto;}td.body{ vertical-align: top; text-align: left; width: 620px; height: auto;}td.bottom{ text-align: center; width: 800px; height: 20px;}.rtop { display: block; overflow: hidden; height: 1px; font-size: 1px; background: #$color1; margin: 0px 5px;}.rbottom { display: block; overflow: hidden; height: 1px; font-size: 1px; background: #$color1; margin: 0px 5px;}.r2 { display: block; overflow: hidden; height: 1px; font-size: 1px; background: #$color1; margin: 0px 3px;}.r3 { display: block; overflow: hidden; height: 1px; font-size: 1px; background: #$color1; margin: 0px 2px;}.r4 { display: block; overflow: hidden; height: 1px; font-size: 1px; background: #$color1; margin: 0px 1px;}.r5 { display: block; overflow: hidden; height: 1px; font-size: 1px; background: #$color1; margin: 0px 1px;}.rc { background: #$color1; font-size: small; overflow-x: hidden; overflow-y: hidden; display: block; height: 100%; padding-right: 5px; padding-left: 5px;}div.scroll { background: #$color1; height: 100%; overflow-x: hidden; overflow-y: auto; display: block; padding-right: 5px; padding-left: 5px; scrollbar-face-color: #$color1; scrollbar-highlight-color: #$color; scrollbar-3dlight-color: #$color1; scrollbar-darkshadow-color: #$color1; scrollbar-shadow-color: #$color; scrollbar-arrow-color: #$color; scrollbar-track-color: #$color1;}a.snav:link, a.snav:active, a.snav:visited{ text-indent:10px; vertical-align: top; font-size: small; color:#$color2; border: solid 1px #$color1; text-decoration:none; display:block;}a.snav:hover{ text-indent:10px; vertical-align: top; font-size: small; color:#$color2; border: solid 1px #$color2; text-decoration: none; display:block;}a.bnav:link, a.bnav:active, a.bnav:visited, a.bnav:hover{ font-size: small; text-decoration: none; color: #$color2;}a:link, a:active, a:visited, a:hover{ text-decoration: underline; color: #$color2;}hr{ width: 100%; height: 1px; color: #$color5;}div.bc{ color: #$color5; font-weight: bold; display: inline; }div.bold{ color: #$color2; font-size: small; font-weight: bold; display: inline; }div.bnav{ color: #$color2; font-size: small; display: inline; }div.header{ font-family: Comic Sans MS, arial, verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 50px; font-weight: bold; display: block; text-align: center; vertical-align: top; color: #$color4;}div.url{ font-family: Comic Sans MS, arial, verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 20px; font-weight: bold; text-align: center; display: block; color: #$color4;}div.welcome{ font-size: small; color: #$color4;}div{ font-size: small; color: #$color5; display: inline;}</style>STYLESHEET;?> when the td for my navigation links loads it decides it is just long enough for the links to fit in. then when the body td loads it makes it longer than the nav one. I have tried setting the hight for the tr but that didnt help eather. you can sometimes see what i am talking about at http://snowforts.ath.cx/test but i may be changing the script so you may not see the problem. I will try and post a screan print here (immage wont show up untill i take the screan print and upload it) http://snowforts.ath.cx/test.jpgas you can see the blue from the nav is shorter than the blue for the body section. I want them to be the same. i have had a scroll bar on the body section but it is annoying(at least i think) Many of my pages are different lengths and i dont want to go setting sizes differently for all of them. I could write a dynamic php script but i would rather try and get it to work without one.edit: how do i get the code boxes that scroll?
  4. lol I like just about any browser that isnt IE.
  5. SFB


    ok well time to tell the story again... dan cole (my host) changed servers then lost data. I luckly had an old coppy. his server isnt back to normal yet so my links dont work. most of my files i havent uploaded because they wont work anyways. Dan has finals in school and doesnt have much time for the server. i really stopped careing. there is something wrong with the way i uploaded the .htaccess file. restarting didnt help.
  6. I was wondering that sometimes. its too bad though. i should make my own scroll bar but that would be to much work and i am lazy.
  7. I dont know if this is just me or what. I have tried to get custom scroll bars to work in FF but it isnt working. they have always worked in IE. I am thinkin for some reason this is just happening on my computer. I havent found anyone's custom scroll bars working in firefox. if someone has a working (in Firefox) colored scroll bar that i could try i would greatly appreciate it. thank you.
  8. SFB


    just so i dont confuse anyone i will start from the begining. I am hosted by the dcole server (http://dcole.ath.cx) automatically you get a folder. my folder is sfb so to get to my files i could go like http://dcole.ath.cx/sfb I have the option of getting my own subdomain from dyndns.com. I chose snowforts.ath.cx. when somone goes to http://snowforts.ath.cx it goes to the same place http://dcole.ath.cx/sfb goes to. I just wanted to redirect everyone that goes to my site the dcole way to my site having my own subdomain. i do not have access to the httpd file so i am using .htaccess. I think dcole has to restart the server or just apache or something for the changes i made to take place.
  9. SFB


    I think i got this figured out. now if i could only get apache to do what my .htaccess tells it to. do i have to restart apache?
  10. SFB


    I wanted to use .htaccess to redirect http://dcole.ath.cx/sfb/any_file.any_extensionto http://snowforts.ath.cx/same_file.same_extension both of these locations point to the same place on the server so i could use htaccess to redirect one to the other but i dont know how to do this. note any_file.any_extension is not just one file it is any file with any extension in the folder sfb.
  11. SFB

    Auto links

    <?php$month = date('F');echo"<a href='http://yoursite/$month.ext'>$month</a>";?> just make each file the name of the month and then you can change .ext in the code above to what ever extension you are using (ie .html, .php .xml .....)Edit: I didnt realize someone else was replying at the same time i was.
  12. I am a little confused on what you are doing. do you want to create an index.php page that you go to before the SM page? Just so you know php writes html for the browser to read.
  13. SFB

    scroll bar

    well i do belive that I wrap the text so it doesnt.EDIT: I love to be an impossible person lol
  14. It may not be needed (like in this situation) but sometimes it is a good idea. I always add it because sometimes by accident i will repeate a class name without noticing. like lets say i was working with a tabe and its class was title and the div in the table i may also call title unless i notice that i have alredy used title. if you place the element first table.title is different form div.title where .title and .title would confuse the browser.
  15. SFB

    scroll bar

    In my opinion this way was prety easy
  16. SFB

    scroll bar

    YES! I GOT IT!all i had to do was replace overflow: scroll;with overflow-x: hidden;overflow-y: scroll;now i dont have the bottom scroll bar any more.
  17. didnt you mean that firefox was dispaling it incorrectly?this is the first time someone has said firefox messds up and ie did it right. is this happening on your home page? i went to your site you posted above but couldnt see what was wrong with it. I dont see any problems with the css
  18. SFB

    scroll bar

    ok well that didnt work so well. I need the scroll bar only on the left and only when it is needed. it shows up when it isnt needed like on the bottom.
  19. SFB

    scroll bar

    wow duh. i should have guessed it was siple like that. thanks!
  20. SFB

    scroll bar

    I was wondering if there was a way to get a scroll bar on something like a div. I want to use css. I dont want to use a textarea or a frame.
  21. SFB

    Php and apache

    I use XAMPP. I think it works nicely. I have one question for you. are you trying to set you computer up as a server or are you just trying to test a few php files? If you want to set up your own server you should install everything seperately because xampp has some security issues that can be fixed but take some time. I dont know if you can use phpeasy as a server. i am thinking you cant but i may be wrong. on windows you have to install apache and php and other things like that as a service.
  22. overflow: hidden made all the difference for me. In Fire Fox it displayed how i wanted it to but in IE it was larger than i wanted it to be. overfolw hidden fixed it for me.
  23. lol i was working in Fire fox and making a test page with rounded corners. well when i looked in ie everything was messed up. it wasnt just the rounded parts. background colors and everything....
  24. The mail function that i was talking about is in php. it looks like <?phpmail("me@site.com", "subject goes here", "body of email goes here");?> you can read more about it here at php.netnow that i think of all the things that go into an automated newsletter it would take me about a month to finish it.
  25. I wonder what would happen if you put this inside of a table with a specific height. I bet it would make the table larger but it may work. you could also try doing this with layers but I couldnt help much there
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