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Everything posted by SFB

  1. SFB

    Suggestions needed

    I didnt change the font. it had always been verdana. i have an error in my css somewhere. cant seem to find it but opera decides to display it slightly differently each time i load it. I will change the colors but the layout feels like it needs something. o yeah and the login is going to go. it is a pointless script anyways.Edit: I will be working on the new layout for about three hours starting from the time of this post.
  2. SFB

    Suggestions needed

    I am working on a new layout for my site http://snowforts.ath.cx . here is a link to what i have so farNew Layout. it nees something. the colors i have chosen wil most likelyl be replaced unless people really like them. previously i had a table layout and then i removed the table and made the same look with divs and css relitive positioning. i wanted my site to be even more flexible so i am working on this layout.
  3. I agree With little goat. your server should be just a server. once you get another old computer or something you can download fedora core 5. then you install that os on your computer. now download apache. install that. now you can download a ftp program of your choice and install that. you can install php if you think you ar going to use it. you may have to do some configuring but it should all work together nicely.
  4. hey dan do you have ajax on your server?
  5. well they are similar. if i rember corectly i did have a simple layout similar to this before dcole.ath.cx. it is still like the one i had when i was hosted by freeservers. just a little cell padding... I think we both took lots of things from http://mogaard.ath.cx though. there is one big difference currently. I dont use a table for my layout and dan does. take a look here http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://snowforts.8m.net thats an archive of my old site on freeservers. um lets see mogaard.ath.cx was clanazc.8m.net at that time and dcole.ath.cx was ultralink.8m.net or mabey ul.8m.net i cant rember when he changed the url. but not too long after that he changed his whole site to net view(nv.8m.net).
  6. you could always try using the anchor tag. <html><head><title>Some Text</title><style type='text/cs'>#baixada06 { background-color: #ccc; color: #ccc; border: 6px solid #666; padding: 4px; font-size: 11px; text-decoration: none; }#baixada06:hover { background-color: #ccc; color: #000; border: 6px solid #666; padding: 4px; font-size: 11px; text-decoration: none; }</style></head><body> <a id="baixada06"> some text</a></body></html> i sort of think that this method isnt valid html but it should work in IE.
  7. Site Name: Snow Fort BuildersSite Description:I Created this site mainly to show off my snow forts. Now I add things to it so I can learn more about php and other languages. Site Owner/Developer: Me, Myself, and ISite Address:http://snowforts.ath.cxExtra Comments: Recently I have added a pointless login system and created a spam filter for the message board. you can also choose from one of the color schemes i have designed for my site. once i fix the advanced settings you can choose your own colors.
  8. SFB

    valid css

    #header { clear : both; margin : 0 0 1.5em; border-top : 0.1em solid rgb(175, 175, 175); border-bottom : 0.1em solid rgb(175, 175, 175); background-color : #ebebeb; text-transform : uppercase; line-height : 2em; height : 2em; color : rgb(50, 50, 50); border : none;}i am not sure if this is an error but it looks like you set the top and bottom border and then later on you set it to have no border
  9. SFB

    send email from localhost

    I use xampp to test my files. I can send an email using the mail function in php. You could try sending it to me(snowfortbuilder@gmail.com). you should also look in junk mail or spam box. sometimes mail sent by unkown servers is considered junkmail.try using the script below. I will try to reply if i get the message. <?php$to = 'snowfortbuilder@gmail.com';$subject = 'Can I send an email with xampp';$message = 'hello my email is webmaster@example.com';$headers = 'From: webmaster@example.com' . "\r\n" .mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers);?>
  10. SFB


    when google retreaves a page you server would treat it like any browser retreaving a page so it could be a bot that is visiting you page and increasing your count.
  11. SFB

    multiple line text indent

    i decided to subtract the padding from the div and then add padding to all the div's so now they are the same size they started as. i just hope that padding is added to the size of the div in most browsers and browser versions. otherwise i will have a large gap in the center.
  12. SFB

    multiple line text indent

    i was going to update my site but i decided not to and well i lost my original style sheet. this no table design was far enough along that i thought i would just wait untill it got done because it would have the necessary fix to my template to be XHTML Strict. margins are set outside of the border so i cant use them to indent text. if it was a table margins would work and padding would also work but this is done without tables.
  13. I want a multiple line text indent. text-indent: 3px; only does the first line. padding will not work because it adds that to the size of the div. I would rather not subtract padding from the size of my div to get the effect i want. so i want a way to indent all the lines without padding.
  14. SFB

    NO Tables

    I just decided to use an exact size insted of precents. i got 90% of the problems i had solved by doing that.
  15. it isnt worth your time trying to block people form viewing your script. people can just disable javascrip. you can also go view => page source and get it without right click
  16. SFB

    NO Tables

    actually i am not so much worried about margins currently. it is more that when you set a div to be 100% and then put another div that is set to 100% inside of it, the second div does not set itself to 100% of the page. it just sets itself to auto.
  17. SFB

    NO Tables

    Getting closer all the time. still dont have it correct. any help would be good. now i just have to get the width of the bottm nav set and then figure out how to get the side nav to be the same height as the body section.
  18. SFB

    NO Tables

    I am removing the table from my layout. here is my problem i want http://snowforts.ath.cx/test to look like http://snowforts.ath.cx I will continue to work on this so the problem may or may not be solved when you look at this. here is my code <?phpsession_start();$username = $_SESSION['username'];$first = $_SESSION['first'];$last = $_SESSION['last'];$email = $_SESSION['email'];$website = $_SESSION['website'];$style = "/var/www/html/sfb/style.php";$snav = "/var/www/html/sfb/nav/snav.txt";$bnav = "/var/www/html/sfb/nav/bnav.txt";$pgtitle = "Home";?><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"><html><head> <title>Snow Fort Builders -- <?php echo"$pgtitle"; ?></title> <meta name='keywords' content='Snow Fort, snowfort, snow fort builders, snow, fort ' /> <meta name='description' content='Learn how to build snow forts just like mine, see pictures of my snow forts and other winter related activities' /> <meta name='robots' content='all' /> <meta http-equiv='content-Type' content='text/html charset=utf-8' /><style type='text/css'>body { font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: small;}div.size { width: 85%; height: auto; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;}div.title { font-size: 50px; display: block; text-align: center; font-family: Comic Sans MS, arial, verdana, sans-serif; font-weight: bold;}div.url { font-size: x-large; text-align: center; font-family: Comic Sans MS, arial, verdana, sans-serif; font weight: bold;}div.welcome { font-sixe: small; text-align: right;}a.welcome:link, a.welcome:active, a.welcome:visited, a.welcome:hover { text-decoration: underline;}div.top { display: inline;}div.nav { text-align: center; float: left; width: 20%; border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; border-color: #000000;}div.pgtitle { text-align: center; float: right; width: 79%; border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; border-color: #000000;}div.middle { display: block;}div.snav{ text-align; left; float: left; width: 20%; border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; border-color: #000000;}div.body { text-align: left; float: right; width: 79%; border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; border-color: #000000;}div.bottom { display: inline;}div.bnav { text-align: center; border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; border-color: #000000;}</style><base href='http://snowforts.ath.cx/' /></head><body><div class='size'> <div class='title'>Snow Fort Builders</div> <div class='url'>http://snowforts.ath.cx</div> <div class='welcome'><?php if(isset($_SESSION['username'])){print" Welcome <a class='welcome' href='/login/profile.php'>$first $last</a> | <a class='welcome' href='/login/logout.php'>logout</a> ";}else{print"Welcome <a class='welcome' href='/login/newuser.php'>Guest</a> | <a class='welcome' href='/login'>Login</a>";}?></div> <div class='top'> <div class='nav'>Navigation</div> <div class='pgtitle'><?php echo"$pgtitle"; ?></div> </div> <div class='middle'> <div class='snav'> <?php include($snav); ?> </div> <div class='body'> text<br /> text<br /> text<br /> text<br /> text<br /> text<br /> text<br /> text<br /> text<br /> text<br /> </div> </div> <div class='bottom'> <div class='bnav'> <?php include($bnav); ?> </div> </div></div></body></html> i am having problems getting to divs to sid down next to eachother and then if i do get them to be by eachother the next one overlaps part of them.
  19. SFB

    PHP Images

    Sometimes i try and search google for how to do things and programs for doing things but i have found that often the best products or tutorials are recomended by people that alredy know the language. it saves me time sifting through google results.
  20. SFB

    PHP Images

    I wanted to try and make a few siple images in php. i was looking at php.net how to make an image. i sort of have it figured out. I was just looking for a better place to learn how to make an image. php.net seems to be more of a reference than a tutorial sort of thing
  21. SFB

    Spam protection script

    for ($i = 0; $i < count($spam); $i++){ if((substr_count($body, $spam[$i]) > 0) or (substr_count($ip, $spamip[$i]) > 0)) { print "DO NOT SPAM"; exit(); }} this is what i use now. its got an ip blocker added to it.
  22. SFB

    Spam protection script

    got it working... my error was a result of coppy and paste.
  23. SFB

    Spam protection script

    ok i simplified it. but it still doesnt work $spam = array();$spam[] = "morgage";$spam[] = "mortgages.advancegrouponline.com";$spam[] = "refinance";$spam[] = "vladislav_ivashu@mail.ru";$spam[] = "mrtgage123r";$spam[] = "######";$spam[] = "pills";$spam[] = "buy";$spam[] = "medicine";$spam[] = "enlarge";$spam[] = "credit";$spam[] = "credit card";$spam[] = "sign up"; for ($i = 0; $i < count($spam); $i++){ $look = substr_count("$mg", "$spam[$i]"); if($look != "0") { print"DO NOT SPAM"; $mg = ""; exit; }}
  24. SFB

    Spam protection script

    so far i got include('/sfb/mb/filter.php');$count = "0";for ($i = 0; $i < count($blocked); $i++){ $look = substr_count("$mg", "$spam[$i]"); $count+$look;}if($look >= "2"){ print'please try not to use words that spammers may use'; $mg = ""; exit;} the only part i was wondering about was the part where i add count and looki know you can add one to count like $count++; i'm just not confident this is how i should add count and look together.
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