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The Praetorian

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Posts posted by The Praetorian

  1. Okay. I don't have photoshop, but I have paintshop pro. I opened the file there and tried re-saving as a .gif.. but that actually made the file size bigger. (From 250 some odd kb to 600kb.) Anyone know what I'm doing wrong?

  2. I'm inclined to believe that the chain letter (and all such chains claiming that aol will donate money) are fake simply because.. well.. I doubt very seriously that aol would do anything like that. It's clear (by their insistance on using out of the country call-centers and half-trained help-line operators) that aol not only cares nothing for its customers, but that it's willing to sacrifice customer service in a selfish attempt to save money. Bearing that in mind, I see little reason why they'd give money away per forwarded email.No idea if the email tracking thing is possible, though. I'm sure the technology exists, but whether or not AOL employs it is another question.

  3. Well only if you want them to be, really. All of my pages have 6 meta tags which are all the same. So you can imagine the hassle when I create new pages, or when I need to add a new meta tag or change one.

  4. Anyone know if we can ever hope to get general meta tags, such as the robots one, built into the css? I notice most of these tags are repeated through each html document, and it would be alot easier to just have to put them in one place (like the css) rather than having to copy/paste the same meta tag into each of my html docs.

  5. I've had a few comments from people about the size of my website. Now, most of the people who will be using my site (my target audience) have high-speed internet, but I'd still like to get an idea of my options. I have a large image as my background, as well as images underlaying my text-link navigation. Now, these images are all imbedded in Css, and if I understand css correctly, then the person should only need to load these images once, right? After that they're saved in cookies? (Unless they have cookies turned off.)Here's my site, if anyone wants to take a look. Click me. I used the link that was posted some time ago, to a site that evaluates your load times, and according to that on a dial-up connection my site takes 56 seconds. Anyone have any suggestions on how I can lower my load times without sacrificing my images?

  6. I've noticed that when I change things on my website, sometimes I actually have to go to one of the pages and hit refresh before the changes will take effect. I use FF as my default brower. Is this a browser issue? Or is there a tag I can add to my code to make it refresh automatically on viewing?

  7. hm. That all seems simple enough. Google seems to make it alot more complicated than that. They have programs for building site maps and all that that I really don't understand.

  8. I'm just curious if anyone knows of any good sitemap tutorials. Specifically for google. And by the way, anyone else notice that google seems to be... broken? I've been reading through posts on one of their message boards, and they seem to be having alot of problems with their bots lately.

  9. Right. So to get a perfect validation on my css without warnings, I changed all the background colors for my headings to inherited. However, I had to change the background of my body to inherited as well. Otherwise, the headings all showed up with black backgrounds instead of just being clear.Does anyone know how I can keep my background black, and have my headings on inherited, without getting the black background on my headings?CSSMy LayoutxHtmlMy Website

  10. Okay, I had a question. The searchable thing works great. Now if I want to adjust what comes up for the description on google, would I change "ALL" to what I want the description to be? Or would I need to add a different meta tag for this?Also, does adding keywords actually help? I read somewhere that Google just ignores keywords anyway. Using the bot thing added my site to googles list (turned up 3rd page in when I typed in the title of my site). And in the keywords, are they case sensetive?

  11. I fixed it. I still don't know why the same error popped up four times.. but I went through and fixed it. Turns out I needed to define the color of the element as well as its background color. And for some reason, that Font family warning doesn't count Times as a default font. It wouldn't go away until I added serif in there too. Very odd. Thanks for the help though.

  12. Hm. Well, I can't use inherit, because I use an image as my background. If I use inherit, then the background of the elements becomes black and obscures the background image.As for the rest, my css does validate. And they are warnings, not errors. This is what it reads. * Line : 15 (Level : 1) You have no background-color with your color : a * Line : 26 (Level : 1) You have no background-color with your color : h4 * Line : 26 (Level : 1) You have no background-color with your color : h4 * Line : 26 (Level : 1) You have no background-color with your color : h4 * Line : 26 (Level : 1) You have no background-color with your color : h4 * Line : 29 (Level : 1) This property applies to block-level elements. : h4 * Line : 29 (Level : 1) This property applies to block-level elements. : h4 * Line : 29 (Level : 1) This property applies to block-level elements. : h4 * Line : 29 (Level : 1) This property applies to block-level elements. : h4 * Line : 37 (Level : 1) This property applies to block-level elements. : p * Line : 44 (Level : 1) This property applies to block-level elements. : *.news * Line : 52 (Level : 1) This property applies to block-level elements. : div.banner * Line : 61 (Level : 1) You have no color with your background-color : div.banner * Line : 68 font-family: You are encouraged to offer a generic family as a last alternative * Line : 68 (Level : 2) font-family: You are encouraged to offer a generic family as a last alternative : div.banner p * Line : 73 (Level : 1) This property applies to block-level elements. : div.banner p * Line : 79 (Level : 1) You have no color with your background-color : div.banner a * Line : 98 (Level : 1) You have no color with your background-color : div.banner a * Line : 107 (Level : 1) You have no color with your background-color : div.banner a:hoverAnd just so you can compare, here's the link to my css.My CSS

  13. Which is the proper syntax? They both seem to work, but in case the next version of css rules one or the other out, which one is considered proper?Also! Is there a # for transparent/clear? I'm trying to get my css down to a perfect validation.. but it keeps telling me I have no background-color with certain elements, where I've put "background-color: transparent". It also gave me the same error four times for an element that only appears once. Is there a bug in the validator?

  14. Well, frankly I don't know much about tables. I can tell you that your page looks different in Ie than it does in FF. In FF the two tables are further apart than they are in IE. I noticed something similar happen with my page, and I think it's because FF and IE interpret px in different ways. Try using % instead.

  15. Of course IE is causing problems.Right, so I think I have an answer to my menu problem. If I can set the margin right next to it, my text should resize before reaching that point. Except! #&$# IE seems to read my margin instructions in a completely different way from Firefox. When I do this..

    p.blocktext{margin-left:5em;text-align: justify;width:60%;}

    IE will put the margin in a different place from Firefox. Firefox puts it really close to the window, while IE actually goes further away. The same thing happens when I use %. I'm not sure, but I think IE is counting from the edge that I define by saying (width 60%), while firefox is counting from the edge of the window.Anyway, anyone know how I can get around this?

  16. Well, I have changed the site to have a frame now, because the menu wouldn't work like I wanted it to. I've added the menu back so you can see the problem. I did (and do at the moment) have the div set as top:x% and left x%, but that doesn't stop it from sliding into the text. And I can't use px, because IE will ignore those.EDIT:Okay, I found this. Can anyone tell me why this works but mine won't? I've read through the source code but I just can't figure it out...http://www.w3.org/Style/Examples/007/

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