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The Praetorian

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Posts posted by The Praetorian


    I put up a nav frame for my website, but I'm wondering, is it possible to make the line that separates the frame from the website invisible?

  1. I'm having a similar problem with my div. The only advice I can give for the moment is... don't use percent for the width, at least. If you use % for the width, then your div with get skinnier or wider when people resize the window. So use px or em or cm for the width. For the rest, I can't really help. heh. But keep an eye on my topic here too, because our answers will probably be similar.

  2. Well, from what I can see of your code, for one thing your link to your style sheet should look like this.<link href="(the name of your stylesheet).css" type="text/css" ref="stylesheet">You don't need the whole link so long as your css document is uploaded to your server in the same folder as your html pages. The same goes for your images. Are they uploaded properly into your public folder? (The same folder your html pages are in.) And when you reference them, the same as with the CSS, you don't need all the "http://" stuff. You only need the exact name (remember that they're case sensative) of the document and its .identity. (ie... image.jpg, image.gif and so on.)Other than that, I don't see a problem with your code, unless you're forgetting to close the first image tag ( ie <img alt="" src="image.gif"> ) before moving on to the next.

  3. Is it possible to make it so that my website will appear the same way no matter what a person's resolution is? Perhaps using % instead of px or cm?Also, I have a div banner with links as my menu, but when the browser window is resized, the menu slides over into the text. I have it fixed so that it will scroll with the page, but is there anyway to keep it fixed and also prevent it from moving when the window is resized?Help would be greatly appreciated.websitehttp://www.tsrealms.com/welcome.htmlcsshttp://www.tsrealms.com/layout.css

  4. Thank you for the compliment.The link for dic.php is in a sub-menu. (Compendium->Dictionary) I can't add the css you just mentioned to my style sheet, otherwise it would effect all the pages. That css code is supposed to be specific to that page.When adding the doctype declaration, what would I put for a page that's php and not html? And by the way, what does a Doctype declaration even do? From what I can tell, it obviously doesn't change how my page appears in any way, so why do I need it?And, I'm sorry if this seems rude, I don't mean it to be... but neither of those things solved my problem...EDIT: Gah. Turns out I had a typo in some random part of my code. Closed a heading tag with </a> instead of </h3>. *Kisses the xhtml validator* Anyway, sorry for the fuss.

  5. My websiteFor some reason in IE, that one button (compendium) sticks out further than the rest, and as a result adds space to the menu that eats into my text on anything but a wide screen. Also, I notice that on IE, the button only works when the mouse is actually over the text, where as in other browsers it works by simply clicking anywhere on the button. Anyone have any suggestions?Edit: Okay, this is weird. Having checked my website from another computer, using IE, I can't see any evidence of the problem I just mentioned. It shows up that way on my computer on IE (which is new, and a widescreen), but when I check it on a different one it shows up normal except for the thing about the buton links. I would really appreciate if a few people could look at the site and tell me if they see any glitches... because I had one person say that the menu was eating into the text. Thanks!CSS
    div.banner{margin:0;font-size:105%;line-height: 1.2;text-align:center;position:absolute;right:auto;width:8.5em;left:.05em;top:5%;border-bottom: 2px groove gray;border-top: 2px groove gray;border-left: 2px groove gray;border-right: 2px groove gray;}a{text-decoration:underline;color:#778899;}body>div.banner {position: fixed}div.banner p{margin:0;padding: 0.3em 0.2em;font-family: "bernhardMod BT", arial;background: #000000;color: #D2B48C;letter-spacing: 2px}div.banner a {display: block;margin: 0 .02em}div.banner a:link{text-decoration: none; color: #D2B48C}div.banner a:visited{text-decoration: none; color: #D2B48C}div.banner a{background-image: url('1043.jpg');border-bottom: 2px outset gray;border-top: 2px outset gray;border-left: 2px outset gray;border-right: 2px outset gray;}div.banner a:hover{background-image: url('1043.jpg');border-bottom: 2px inset gray;border-top: 2px inset gray;border-left: 2px inset gray;border-right: 2px inset gray;}

  6. Anyone know how I can get the banner to align in the middle of the screen rather than at the top?WebsiteCSS:

    div.banner{margin:0;font-size:105%;line-height: 1.2;text-align:center;position:absolute;right:auto;width:9em;left:.05em;border-bottom: 2px groove gray;border-top: 2px groove gray;border-left: 2px groove gray;border-right: 2px groove gray;}

  7. Okay, so I have the .ttf files uploaded to my server in the public folder (where my html pages are) under a subfolder labeled Fonts. Now, is it possible to call that file using php so that someone viewing the website will see that font whether or not they have it on their computer?( I know I posted this in html, but I figured it was worth a try to post it here too and see if anyone here knew the answer. )

  8. Okay, what about this. ( And if you don't feel like doing the leg work don't worry about it.) How can I make a link to a blank page that would automatically start a download so the person could download the font on their computer? If someone could point me in the right direction for that one... I don't know if it would be html or php...

  9. Okay, I located the font file on my computer. Anyone know how I can upload it at have my website call from my server instead of from the persons computer it so that people viewing my page can see it?

  10. Right!Okay, that worked. It sent all the information in the right way with only one exception.When the text comes in my email it's all in a solid line with only spaces between, no text breaks. Off the top of your head, any way around this? If I have to live with it I will, just so long as it works now and I have the format to add more forms. (Thanks, by the way!)

  11. Yes, that one worked fine. Even after I changed some of the fields it worked. It just stopped sending the right text to me after I changed the fields to what they are further up in the topic.

  12. Awesome, I'll give that a try. One question though. Will this work if I want to add more form areas? That's what I'm really looking for, is how to keep adding form areas but still be able to have the added areas sent to me, so I can add to the form if I need to.----- EDIT -------Okay, adding the code you gave me returned this error when I tried to visit the page url.Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_VARIABLE in /home/author/public_html/appmail.php on line 10Do you think it's a problem that I have the page saved as .php?

  13. Well, I don't actually want the form to be in the format of an email. Ideally, I want it to have multiple fields like Name, Gender, Age, Location, Email, and so on. As well as a text box. And then have all that information sent to me once they hit submit.

  14. Well, the site uses a whole mess of different things. I don't really understand alot of the features it has, since it's probably not built for beginners like free webs is. It does use php, though, among other things. I actually found the right code, but I can't seem to get it working the way I want it to work. Here, I posted another question in the php forum.http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=4884I put the code I'm currently using there. I got the code from w3schools and I adjusted it, but after adjusting it it stopped working correctly.

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