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The Praetorian

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Everything posted by The Praetorian

  1. Okay. Now the paragraph appears fine when I hit search with a blank field, but none of the search results are coming out. The paragraph appears every time, no matter what I enter. Here's the code again as I edited it, based on what you added. (I left out the dbh connect part and the opening/closing php tags just to make it shorter.) if ($search_string == ""){ echo "<p>There are no matches for the word you entered. Please make sure that the word is spelled correctly, and that you haven't left out any spaces or apostrophes. If your search still doesn't return a match, then we probably haven't added it yet.</p>";}else{ $result = mysql_query ("SELECT * FROM dictionary WHERE word LIKE '%" . mysql_real_escape_string($search_string) . "%' ORDER BY word ASC") or die(mysql_error()); $r = mysql_fetch_array($result); if ($r['word'] != "") { echo '<h2>'.$r['word'].'</h2>'; if ($r['category'] != "") echo '<span class="blue">Category</span> <b>:</b> '.$r['category'].'<br />'; if ($r['pronounce'] != "") echo '<span class="blue">Pronunciation</span> <b>:</b> '.$r['pronounce'].'<br />'; if ($r['definition'] != "") echo ''.$r['definition'].'<br />'; if ($r['definitiontwo'] != "") echo ''.$r['definitiontwo'].'<br />'; if ($r['related'] != "") echo '<span class="blue">Related Entries</span> <b>:</b> '.$r['related'].'<br />'; echo "<br />"; echo "<title>The Shattered Realms ~ Search: $r[word]</title>"; } else { echo "<p>There are no matches for the word you entered. Please make sure that the word is spelled correctly, and that you haven't left out any spaces or apostrophes. If your search still doesn't return a match, then we probably haven't added it yet.</p>"; }}
  2. Okay. Didn't see this response here. I tried using that code snippet, but I'm not sure if I did it right. Where should I put it in?As it is right now, the structure I have is...if (word != search string) echo "results";if (mysql num rows (results) == 0) echo "error message";Not sure if that's right or not. Obviously the syntax is wrong since I just wrote that bit structurally and not correctly, but that's what my structure is right now. Do the results need to be an else of the num_rows if?
  3. Attn mods. If possible, can you merge this with my other topic? The "Help with an if statement" one? Thanks.This script works fine, but doesn't do exactly what I want it to. I want the error message (the else) to appear when the field is blank or nothing matches. Right now it only appears when nothing matches. When the field is blank, however, the first entry in the db shows up. Any ideas? Thanks in advance. <?php ob_start(); $dbh=mysql_connect ("****", "****", "****") or die ('I cannot connect to the database because: ' . mysql_error());mysql_select_db ("author_localhost");$search_string = $_GET['s'];$result = mysql_query ("SELECT * FROM dictionary WHERE word LIKE '%" . mysql_real_escape_string($search_string) . "%' ORDER BY word ASC") or die(mysql_error());$r = mysql_fetch_array($result); if ($r['word'] != "") { echo '<h2>'.$r['word'].'</h2>'; if ($r['category'] != "") echo '<span class="blue">Category</span> <b>:</b> '.$r['category'].'<br />'; if ($r['pronounce'] != "") echo '<span class="blue">Pronunciation</span> <b>:</b> '.$r['pronounce'].'<br />'; if ($r['definition'] != "") echo ''.$r['definition'].'<br />'; if ($r['definitiontwo'] != "") echo ''.$r['definitiontwo'].'<br />'; if ($r['related'] != "") echo '<span class="blue">Related Entries</span> <b>:</b> '.$r['related'].'<br />'; echo "<br />"; echo "<title>The Shattered Realms ~ Search: $r[word]</title>"; }else { echo "<p>There are no matches for the word you entered. Please make sure that the word is spelled correctly, and that you haven't left out any spaces or apostrophes. If your search still doesn't return a match, then we probably haven't added it yet.</p>";}?>
  4. Yes, thank you. I've read the tutorial. Thus the "just want to double check" line.
  5. I just want to double check something. Which is correct...<head><link rel="" .... >or <link rel="" .... /></head>Does the link tag need a trailing slash?
  6. Okay. Now, the paragraph in the if statement is appearing when there are matches.I want it to appear when there are no matches, but be invisible for partial matches. As the search script is now, if someone hits search on say K, then the script will return everything with a k in it. I'd like it not to do that too, if I could. It's fine if it returns partials that start with K, but not partials that start with anything else.The point is, I want the paragraph to appear if there are no matches in the database at all. So it should appear only if the script would output a blank entry.
  7. Here's the whole code as it appears. The sql query pulls out exact matches and similar matches. I don't mind that. What I want it to do is when it matches nothing, so that the output would be just blank, it would show the message.Here's the script including the part I added that's not working. Again, still not sure on the syntax for that last if statement. $dbh=mysql_connect ("localhost", "*****", "****") or die ('I cannot connect to the database because: ' . mysql_error());mysql_select_db ("author_localhost");$search_string = $_GET['s'];$result = mysql_query ("SELECT * FROM dictionary WHERE word LIKE '%" . mysql_real_escape_string($search_string) . "%' ORDER BY word ASC") or die(mysql_error());while ($r = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ if ($r['word'] != "") { echo '<h2>'.$r['word'].'</h2>'; if ($r['category'] != "") echo '<span class="blue">Category</span> <b>:</b> '.$r['category'].'<br />'; if ($r['pronounce'] != "") echo '<span class="blue">Pronunciation</span> <b>:</b> '.$r['pronounce'].'<br />'; if ($r['definition'] != "") echo ''.$r['definition'].'<br />'; if ($r['definitiontwo'] != "") echo ''.$r['definitiontwo'].'<br />'; if ($r['related'] != "") echo '<span class="blue">Related Entries</span> <b>:</b> '.$r['related'].'<br />'; echo '<br />'; if ($r['word'] != $search_string) echo "<p>There are no matches for the word you entered. Please make sure that the word is spelled correctly, and that you haven't left out any spaces or apostrophes. If your search still doesn't return a match, then we probably haven't added it yet.</p>"; }}?> On a side note, what's the php syntax so far as quotes are concerned? How many of those single quotes are supposed to be double quotes?
  8. Okay. So no error this time. But the script isn't working the way I'd hoped. Is my syntax on the variable wrong? Or should the if statement be within the other if statement and not standing alone?
  9. This is only my third attempt at editing a php script. The other two attempts were successful, but this one I can't figure out.I'm using this code to display search results. I'm trying to add another if statement so that if they enter text but it doesn't match any of the results, it will display a message. Here's the script. while ($r = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ if ($r['word'] != "") { echo '<h2>'.$r['word'].'</h2>'; if ($r['category'] != "") echo '<span class="blue">Category</span> <b>:</b> '.$r['category'].'<br />'; if ($r['pronounce'] != "") echo '<span class="blue">Pronunciation</span> <b>:</b> '.$r['pronounce'].'<br />'; if ($r['definition'] != "") echo ''.$r['definition'].'<br />'; if ($r['definitiontwo'] != "") echo ''.$r['definitiontwo'].'<br />'; if ($r['related'] != "") echo '<span class="blue">Related Entries</span> <b>:</b> '.$r['related'].'<br />'; echo '<br />'; } This is the portion I tried to add. I added it as another if statement, within the While statement but after the first if statement. It's giving me a Syntax error ("was expecting ',' or ';' on line 100") on the echo line. Not really sure which part is wrong. Also not sure on the syntax of the if part where I insert the variable.. if ($r['word'] != ($search_string)) { echo '<p>There are no matches for the word you entered. Please make sure that the word is spelled correctly, and that you haven't left out any spaces or apostrophes. If your search still doesn't return a match, then we probably haven't added it yet.</p>'; }
  10. Yea. I got the same thing. What's it supposed to do?
  11. Hm. Didn't work. It's doing the same thing as when I tried it. The sub-categories are hidden, but clicking any of the radio buttons doesn't make them appear. They stay hidden.It's possible I screwed up somewhere. I copied both blocks of code exactly as you gave them to test them. Did I need to combine the javascript you just gave me with the one from your previous post?
  12. That's not quite what I wanted, but it might be enough. I'll fiddle with it. The one I actually wanted to change was the part where it says the races.Ignore the <select for the moment. I'm going to change that to a list of radio buttons. What I want is for the script to hide two or three other sets of radio buttons, that would appear if one of the corresponding radio buttons from the previous set was clicked.So...race1 (radio) [if clicked, another set of radio buttons will appear] > sub-race 1 (radio)race2 (radio) > sub-race 2 (radio) [will stay hidden unless the race2 radio button is clicked.]And the form would send the values of both race1 and sub-race1. Does that make more sense? I may just need a whole new script for this, since I realize the script I posted is pretty bulky. If someone could just give me an idea of what I'd need to do.. or if the one Jesh posted will work for what I want to do... I'd appreciate it.
  13. Okay. I'm using this script to expand and contract items, which I know basically just means it hides them and reveals them. I want to use this script on a form.What I want to do is this.One part of the form has several options which are radio buttons. I want it so that when they click a particular option, the Javascript reveals another sub-option that they can also click. And the form will send the result of both.The form already works fine, what I can't get to work is the reveal when clicking a radio button. It's possible that it's not written into the Javascript, but I can't read JS, so I really don't know.Here's the script : JavaScriptHere's the form on the webpage: ApplicationAnd here's the code for the form. The select:option is what I want to change. Instead of using a dropdown I want to use the radio buttons, and have it so that clicking any of those choices will open the sub-choice and send both when the form is processed. I basically have the form figured out, I just don't understand how to change the Javascript to make it work. Thanks ahead of time for the help. <?phpif (isset($_REQUEST['Email'])){$CharacterName = $_REQUEST['CharacterName'];$CharacterAge = $_REQUEST['CharacterAge'];$gender = $_REQUEST['gender'];$nation = $_REQUEST['nation'];$guild = $_REQUEST['guild'];$History = $_REQUEST['History'];$Writingsample = $_REQUEST['WritingSample'];$alias = $_REQUEST['alias'];$YourAge = $_REQUEST['YourAge'];$icq = $_REQUEST['icq'];$aim = $_REQUEST['aim'];$msn = $_REQUEST['msn'];$Email = $_REQUEST['Email'];mail( "author@tsrealms.com", "Subject: $Email","~Character Information~\r\n\r\n\r\n~Name~\r\n$CharacterName\r\n\r\n~Age~\r\n$CharacterAge\r\n\r\n~Gender~\r\n$gender\r\n\r\n~Nationality~\r\n$nation\r\n\r\n~Guild~\r\n$guild\r\n\r\n~Brief History~\r\n$History\r\n\r\n~Writing Sample~\r\n$WritingSample\r\n\r\n\r\n~Personal Information~\r\n\r\n\r\n~Name/Alias~\r\n$alias\r\n\r\n~Age~\r\n$YourAge\r\n\r\n~ICQ~\r\n$icq\r\n\r\n~AIM~\r\n$aim\r\n\r\n~MSN~\r\n$msn", "From: $Email" );echo "<h1>Thank you for your application! One of the admins should be getting back to you via email within 24 hours. If you're accepted, you'll be given the link to register a user name on the message board.</h1>";}else{echo "<form method='post' action='appmail.php' name='app' onsubmit='return ValidateRequiredFields();'><h1>Character Information</h1><br /><center><p>* : Required Fields</p><p><b>Name *</b><br /><input type='text' name='CharacterName' size='20' /><br />Please read the Naming guideline for the country you've chosen for your character. Or if you'd rather have the writing staff come up with an appropriate name for you, just put a ~ here.</p><p><b>Age *</b><br /><input type='text' name='CharacterAge' size='2' /></p><p><b>Male:</b><input type='radio' name='gender' value='Male' /><br /><b>Female:</b><input type='radio' name='gender' value='Female' /></p><p><b>Nationality *</b><br /><select name='nation'><option value=''></option><option value='Siyk'>Siyk</option><option value='Shani'>Shani</option><option value='Ihthian'>Ihthian</option><option value='Ushii'>Ushii</option><option value='Tiianii-iken'>Tiianii - Iken</option><option value='Tiianii-kiil'>Tiianii - Kiil</option></select></p><p><b>Shapers</b> <input type='checkbox' name='guild' value='Yes' /><br />Check this box if you would like your character to be a Shaper. (<b>Required reading: </b><a href='laws.shtml' target='_blank'>The Laws of the Deep</a>, <a href='pathfinders.shtml' target='_blank'>The Pathfinders</a>.)</p><p><b>Brief History *</b><br /><textarea name='History' rows='15' cols='52'></textarea></p><p><b>Writing Sample *</b><br /><textarea name='WritingSample' rows='15' cols='52'></textarea></p><br /><h1>Personal Information</h1><p><b>Email *</b><br /><input name='Email' type='text' size='20' /><br />Needless to say, please make sure your email is correct, otherwise you could be waiting a long time to hear back from us.</p><p><b>Name/Alias</b><br /><input name='alias' type='text' size='20' /><br />This isn't a required field. If you want to put your first name here you can, or you can put a nickname you'd like people to use. It's entirely up to you.</p><p><b>Age *</b><br /><input name='YourAge' type='text' size='2' /><br />Please be honest. None of this information will be given out to anyone.</p><p><b>ICQ</b><br /><input type='text' name='icq' size='20' /></p><p><b>AIM</b><br /><input type='text' name='aim' size='20' /></p><p><b>MSN</b><br /><input type='text' name='msn' size='20' /></p><h1><input type='submit' value='Apply' class='button' /></h1></center></form>";}?>
  14. Is it possible to insert html into an sql table so that when the information is pulled out, it displays as html and is processed accordingly?Specifically, when I insert something into a specific row, is it possible to insert a link into that row so that when it's displayed the browser will process and display it as a link?
  15. Ah I see. I thought I had tried that already but I guess not. Thanks.
  16. No no. The content I showed there is fine. It shows up the way I want it. But that block there, when more than one entry is pulled out, appears repeatedly. And there isn't any space between the blocks. Here. Take a look.Multiple resultsWhat I want to add is space between the bottom of one entry and the top of the next.
  17. I didn't know, actually. But the html would probably work for most kinds of code anyway. The way to change it would be to make a universal thing. From my understanding of phpbb, which is probably similar to how IPB works, there's a list somewhere that tells the message board what color to make each section of code. Something like..h2 = #1092124 etcAll that would need to be done, if it isn't already done, is to add the same rules for other types of code. So that php elements, javascript elements and so on each get their own color.
  18. I was just thinking that it would be cool to add highlighters to the forum, for when we use code /code. Like CONtext and other text editors have. That way when someone is posting a code snippet, they could do this...code=php/html/css..etc /codeAnd when the code is put into the codebox, the forum automatically highlights it based on its type. I only have a vague idea of how this would be done, but I'm sure someone who knows a lot more about Invision Power Boards could figure it out. Anyway, it's just a random suggestion.
  19. Right. So I'm using a code to pull things out of a database. Well, when the results appear, they don't have any spaces between them. (They come out in a column, a list of entries.) How can I add spacing between each entry? I've tried putting <br /> above and below them, but that doesn't work. Neither did padding. Suggestions?Here's the code I'm using. while ($r = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ if ($r['word'] != "") { echo '<h2>'.$r['word'].'</h2><br />'; if ($r['category'] != "") echo '<span class="blue">Category:</span> '.$r['category'].'<br />'; if ($r['pronounce'] != "") echo '<span class="blue">Pronunciation:</span> '.$r['pronounce'].'<br />'; if ($r['definition'] != "") echo ''.$r['definition'].'<br />'; if ($r['definitiontwo'] != "") echo ''.$r['definitiontwo'].'<br />'; if ($r['related'] != "") echo '<span class="blue">Related Entries:</span> '.$r['related'].'<br />'; }}
  20. Aha. Brilliant. That works great. Thanks.Okay. Few more random questions. When these results are printing, there's no space between each entry, and I can't get padding to work either, since in essence the results are printing the same block over and over with different text.How can I get some space between each entry if more than one prints?
  21. I always want to display every record. What I want the script to do is, when it's pulling an entry (word, class, pronunciation and all the other fields) from the database, I want it to first check and see which fields are empty. If any field is empty, I want it not to display the html associated. Basically make that field invisible.In all other cases (when there actually is text in that given field) I want it to display the proper html.
  22. Okay. This one came with a really long output, but it did what you said it would. search string: ''38 results from db====================================Array([0] => 4[id] => 4[1] => Anchoring[word] => Anchoring[2] => Term[category] => Term[3] =>[pronounce] =>[4] => A term to describe the process by which a Shard is tethered to another Shard. Anchoring is a secret of the Pathfinders that native shapers and Seekers have been unable to master, though not for lack of trying.[definition] => A term to describe the process by which a Shard is tethered to another Shard. Anchoring is a secret of the Pathfinders that native shapers and Seekers have been unable to master, though not for lack of trying.[5] =>[definitiontwo] =>[6] => Quilting.[related] => Quilting.)blank key found: 3, moving on===========================Array([0] => 5[id] => 5[1] => Bloodsport[word] => Bloodsport[2] => Term[category] => Term[3] =>[pronounce] =>[4] => A collection of horrifically violent sports that are popular amongst the Tii alu. Among the most prevalent is the knife-fighting sport called Kua Nii, or Short Knife.[definition] => A collection of horrifically violent sports that are popular amongst the Tii alu. Among the most prevalent is the knife-fighting sport called Kua Nii, or Short Knife.[5] =>[definitiontwo] =>[6] => Kua Nii.[related] => Kua Nii.)blank key found: 3, moving on===========================Array([0] => 6[id] => 6[1] => Burst[word] => Burst[2] => Term/Occurrence[category] => Term/Occurrence[3] =>[pronounce] =>[4] => A sudden, violent shift in the Deep. A burst can happen anywhere, even near the Veil. They can vary in power, depending on how unstable the Deep is, from mildly uncomfortable to deadly. Some bursts have been known to rearrange people walking shallow. Very rarely, a burst can even collapse a Shaper's pocket.[definition] => A sudden, violent shift in the Deep. A burst can happen anywhere, even near the Veil. They can vary in power, depending on how unstable the Deep is, from mildly uncomfortable to deadly. Some bursts have been known to rearrange people walking shallow. Very rarely, a burst can even collapse a Shaper's pocket.[5] =>[definitiontwo] =>[6] => Tempest.[related] => Tempest.)blank key found: 3, moving on===========================Array([0] => 7[id] => 7[1] => Cadc[word] => Cadc[2] => Language/Coin[category] => Language/Coin[3] => (kay-######)[pronounce] => (kay-######)[4] => Both a language and a system of money. The Cadc tongue is the traders tongue spoken throughout the Circle. The Cadc coin is the most widely used form of currency.[definition] => Both a language and a system of money. The Cadc tongue is the traders tongue spoken throughout the Circle. The Cadc coin is the most widely used form of currency.[5] =>[definitiontwo] =>[6] =>[related] =>)blank key found: 5, moving on===========================Array([0] => 8[id] => 8[1] => Cadc Texts[word] => Cadc Texts[2] => Historical Documents[category] => Historical Documents[3] =>[pronounce] =>[4] => A large collection of unpublished books and documents written by Cadmn Delos. Including original drafts of the Cadmnian Accord, detailed notes on the Deep and on Shaping, and intricate maps of the Sundered City as well as the parts of each Shard that he visited. While a few of these documents have been released for public viewing and copied for libraries, a good portion of these texts are considered classified by the Pathfinders, and are kept under heavy guard within the Sundered City.[definition] => A large collection of unpublished books and documents written by Cadmn Delos. Including original drafts of the Cadmnian Accord, detailed notes on the Deep and on Shaping, and intricate maps of the Sundered City as well as the parts of each Shard that he visited. While a few of these documents have been released for public viewing and copied for libraries, a good portion of these texts are considered classified by the Pathfinders, and are kept under heavy guard within the Sundered City.[5] =>[definitiontwo] =>[6] =>[related] =>)blank key found: 3, moving on===========================Array([0] => 9[id] => 9[1] => Cadmn Delos[word] => Cadmn Delos[2] => Historical Figure (Pathfinder)[category] => Historical Figure (Pathfinder)[3] => (kade-min dell-ohs)[pronounce] => (kade-min dell-ohs)[4] => Undoubtedly the most influential person of the last 600 years. Cadmn Delos was the First Hand of the Order, an accomplished writer and historian, an avid anthropologist, and the man who wrote the treaty which would, after his death, come to be known as the Cadmnian Accord. His effigy adorns not only the Cadc Gold Eagle, but almost a thousand statues and paintings throughout the Golden Circle.[definition] => Undoubtedly the most influential person of the last 600 years. Cadmn Delos was the First Hand of the Order, an accomplished writer and historian, an avid anthropologist, and the man who wrote the treaty which would, after his death, come to be known as the Cadmnian Accord. His effigy adorns not only the Cadc Gold Eagle, but almost a thousand statues and paintings throughout the Golden Circle.[5] =>[definitiontwo] =>[6] => Golden Circle ~ Cadmnian Accord ~ First Hand ~ Cadc Texts.[related] => Golden Circle ~ Cadmnian Accord ~ First Hand ~ Cadc Texts.)blank key found: 5, moving on===========================Array([0] => 10[id] => 10[1] => Cadmnian Accord[word] => Cadmnian Accord[2] => Historical Document/Treaty[category] => Historical Document/Treaty[3] =>[pronounce] =>[4] => The treaty and set of laws which bind the nations of the Golden Circle.[definition] => The treaty and set of laws which bind the nations of the Golden Circle.[5] =>[definitiontwo] =>[6] => Cadmn Delos ~ Golden Circle.[related] => Cadmn Delos ~ Golden Circle.)blank key found: 3, moving on===========================Array([0] => 11[id] => 11[1] => Culture Wars[word] => Culture Wars[2] => Historical Period[category] => Historical Period[3] =>[pronounce] =>[4] => A series of protracted wars between the Shard-worlds. Specifically between the nations of Tii al and Ush'en.[definition] => A series of protracted wars between the Shard-worlds. Specifically between the nations of Tii al and Ush'en.[5] =>[definitiontwo] =>[6] =>[related] =>)blank key found: 3, moving on===========================Array([0] => 12[id] => 12[1] => Deep, the[word] => Deep, the[2] => Term[category] => Term[3] =>[pronounce] =>[4] => A blanket term for the chaotic plane that exists outside the stability of the Shards.[definition] => A blanket term for the chaotic plane that exists outside the stability of the Shards.[5] =>[definitiontwo] =>[6] => Shallows ~ "walking shallow".[related] => Shallows ~ "walking shallow".)blank key found: 3, moving on===========================Array([0] => 13[id] => 13[1] => First Hand[word] => First Hand[2] => Rank (Pathfinders)[category] => Rank (Pathfinders)[3] =>[pronounce] =>[4] => The highest rank amongst the Pathfinders.[definition] => The highest rank amongst the Pathfinders.[5] =>[definitiontwo] =>[6] => The Seekers ~ The Shapers ~ The Guides.[related] => The Seekers ~ The Shapers ~ The Guides.)blank key found: 3, moving on===========================Array([0] => 14[id] => 14[1] => Golden Circle, the[word] => Golden Circle, the[2] => Cities, Nations & Geography[category] => Cities, Nations & Geography[3] =>[pronounce] =>[4] => The group of nations and Shard-worlds allied under the Cadmnian Accord.[definition] => The group of nations and Shard-worlds allied under the Cadmnian Accord.[5] =>[definitiontwo] =>[6] => Cadmnian Accord.[related] => Cadmnian Accord.)blank key found: 3, moving on===========================Array([0] => 15[id] => 15[1] => Guide(s), the[word] => Guide(s), the[2] => Sect (Pathfinders)[category] => Sect (Pathfinders)[3] =>[pronounce] =>[4] => A sect of the Pathfinders devoted to research and teaching.[definition] => A sect of the Pathfinders devoted to research and teaching.[5] =>[definitiontwo] =>[6] => The Pathfinders ~ The Seekers ~ The Shapers.[related] => The Pathfinders ~ The Seekers ~ The Shapers.)blank key found: 3, moving on===========================Array([0] => 16[id] => 16[1] => Iken, the[word] => Iken, the[2] => Race (Tii al)[category] => Race (Tii al)[3] => (eye - ken)[pronounce] => (eye - ken)[4] => The Iken are the ruling race in the Shard-world of Tii al.[definition] => The Iken are the ruling race in the Shard-world of Tii al.[5] =>[definitiontwo] =>[6] => The Kiil ~ The Tii Alu ~ Tii Al.[related] => The Kiil ~ The Tii Alu ~ Tii Al.)blank key found: 5, moving on===========================Array([0] => 17[id] => 17[1] => Imhalane[word] => Imhalane[2] => City (Siymeha)[category] => City (Siymeha)[3] => (im-uh-lawn)[pronounce] => (im-uh-lawn)[4] => The capitol-city of Siymeha.[definition] => The capitol-city of Siymeha.[5] =>[definitiontwo] =>[6] =>[related] =>)blank key found: 5, moving on===========================Array([0] => 18[id] => 18[1] => Kaduin Sea[word] => Kaduin Sea[2] => Geography[category] => Geography[3] => ( kad-wine )[pronounce] => ( kad-wine )[4] => The ocean that fills the eastern arc of Tii al.[definition] => The ocean that fills the eastern arc of Tii al.[5] =>[definitiontwo] =>[6] =>[related] =>)blank key found: 5, moving on===========================Array([0] => 19[id] => 19[1] => Kiil, the[word] => Kiil, the[2] => Race (Tii al)[category] => Race (Tii al)[3] => ( keel )[pronounce] => ( keel )[4] => A slave class within the Tii alu.[definition] => A slave class within the Tii alu.[5] =>[definitiontwo] =>[6] => The Iken ~ Tii al ~ The Tii alu.[related] => The Iken ~ Tii al ~ The Tii alu.)blank key found: 5, moving on===========================Array([0] => 20[id] => 20[1] => Koran'ga Ji[word] => Koran'ga Ji[2] => Structure (Tii al)[category] => Structure (Tii al)[3] => ( ko-ran guh jie )[pronounce] => ( ko-ran guh jie )[4] => The first and largest coliseum in Ti al, localed in the city of Ki Ran.[definition] => The first and largest coliseum in Ti al, localed in the city of Ki Ran.[5] =>[definitiontwo] =>[6] => Kua Nii ~ Bloodsport.[related] => Kua Nii ~ Bloodsport.)blank key found: 5, moving on===========================Array([0] => 21[id] => 21[1] => Kua Nii[word] => Kua Nii[2] => Sport/Weapon (Tii al)[category] => Sport/Weapon (Tii al)[3] => ( kwa-nee )[pronounce] => ( kwa-nee )[4] => A popular sporting event in Tii al, named for the small knife which is used during the fight.[definition] => A popular sporting event in Tii al, named for the small knife which is used during the fight.[5] =>[definitiontwo] =>[6] => Bloodsport.[related] => Bloodsport.)blank key found: 5, moving on===========================Array([0] => 22[id] => 22[1] => Pathfinder(s)[word] => Pathfinder(s)[2] => Species/Guild[category] => Species/Guild[3] =>[pronounce] =>[4] => The extremely secretive order that polices the Deep and acts as an impartial peace-keeping force for the Golden Circle. Immensely powerful and knowledgeable in the ways of the Deep.[definition] => The extremely secretive order that polices the Deep and acts as an impartial peace-keeping force for the Golden Circle. Immensely powerful and knowledgeable in the ways of the Deep.[5] =>[definitiontwo] =>[6] => The Seekers ~ The Shapers ~ The Guides ~ The Sundered City.[related] => The Seekers ~ The Shapers ~ The Guides ~ The Sundered City.)blank key found: 3, moving on===========================Array([0] => 23[id] => 23[1] => Pocket[word] => Pocket[2] => Term[category] => Term[3] =>[pronounce] =>[4] => A pocket is a small piece of stable reality, similar to a Shard, that a shaper projects around themselves while traveling in the Deep.[definition] => A pocket is a small piece of stable reality, similar to a Shard, that a shaper projects around themselves while traveling in the Deep.[5] =>[definitiontwo] =>[6] => Shaping.[related] => Shaping.)blank key found: 3, moving on===========================Array([0] => 24[id] => 24[1] => Quilting[word] => Quilting[2] => Term[category] => Term[3] =>[pronounce] =>[4] => A term to describe the process by which two Shards of the same reality are blended into one.[definition] => A term to describe the process by which two Shards of the same reality are blended into one.[5] =>[definitiontwo] =>[6] => Absolute Quilting ~ Anchor Quilting.[related] => Absolute Quilting ~ Anchor Quilting.)blank key found: 3, moving on===========================Array([0] => 25[id] => 25[1] => Seekers, The[word] => Seekers, The[2] => Sect (Pathfinders)[category] => Sect (Pathfinders)[3] =>[pronounce] =>[4] => A sect of the Pathfinders for those of the Golden Circle that have the ability to Shape.[definition] => A sect of the Pathfinders for those of the Golden Circle that have the ability to Shape.[5] =>[definitiontwo] =>[6] => The Pathfinders ~ The Shapers ~ The Guides[related] => The Pathfinders ~ The Shapers ~ The Guides)blank key found: 3, moving on===========================Array([0] => 26[id] => 26[1] => Senthk Sea, the[word] => Senthk Sea, the[2] => Geography[category] => Geography[3] => ( sen-thuck )[pronounce] => ( sen-thuck )[4] => The ocean that fills the Shard-world of Ush'en.[definition] => The ocean that fills the Shard-world of Ush'en.[5] =>[definitiontwo] =>[6] =>[related] =>)blank key found: 5, moving on===========================Array([0] => 27[id] => 27[1] => Shallows[word] => Shallows[2] => Term/Location[category] => Term/Location[3] =>[pronounce] =>[4] => To a Pathfinder, the "shallows" stretch from the edge of the Veil to the Deep. If emphasized as The Shallows, then it refers to the muddled area at the center of the circle formed by the Shards.[definition] => To a Pathfinder, the "shallows" stretch from the edge of the Veil to the Deep. If emphasized as The Shallows, then it refers to the muddled area at the center of the circle formed by the Shards.[5] =>[definitiontwo] =>[6] => "..walking shallow".[related] => "..walking shallow".)blank key found: 3, moving on===========================Array([0] => 28[id] => 28[1] => Shapers, The[word] => Shapers, The[2] => Common term/Sect (Pathfinders)[category] => Common term/Sect (Pathfinders)[3] =>[pronounce] =>[4] => In general usage, this is a term for anyone with the ability to Shape. Within the Pathfinders the Shapers are the largest and most influential sect.[definition] => In general usage, this is a term for anyone with the ability to Shape. Within the Pathfinders the Shapers are the largest and most influential sect.[5] =>[definitiontwo] =>[6] => The Seekers ~ The Guides ~ The Pathfinders ~ Shaping.[related] => The Seekers ~ The Guides ~ The Pathfinders ~ Shaping.)blank key found: 3, moving on===========================Array([0] => 29[id] => 29[1] => Shaping[word] => Shaping[2] => Term[category] => Term[3] =>[pronounce] =>[4] => The process by which a Shaper guides the flow of the Deep to suit their purposes.[definition] => The process by which a Shaper guides the flow of the Deep to suit their purposes.[5] =>[definitiontwo] =>[6] => Pocket.[related] => Pocket.)blank key found: 3, moving on===========================Array([0] => 30[id] => 30[1] => Shard/Shard-world[word] => Shard/Shard-world[2] => Term[category] => Term[3] =>[pronounce] =>[4] => A general term for a stable piece of reality that was once part of a whole world. In common usage, Shard-world usually refers to a nation that controls or fills an entire Shard.[definition] => A general term for a stable piece of reality that was once part of a whole world. In common usage, Shard-world usually refers to a nation that controls or fills an entire Shard.[5] =>[definitiontwo] =>[6] =>[related] =>)blank key found: 3, moving on===========================Array([0] => 31[id] => 31[1] => Siymeha[word] => Siymeha[2] => Cities, Nations & Geography[category] => Cities, Nations & Geography[3] => ( see-ih-may-uh )[pronounce] => ( see-ih-may-uh )[4] => The home of the Siyk. The most heavily populated of the Shard-worlds. Although Siymeha has over 70 cities, a good deal of its landscape is given to agriculture.[definition] => The home of the Siyk. The most heavily populated of the Shard-worlds. Although Siymeha has over 70 cities, a good deal of its landscape is given to agriculture.[5] =>[definitiontwo] =>[6] => Siyk ~ Imhalane.[related] => Siyk ~ Imhalane.)blank key found: 5, moving on===========================Array([0] => 32[id] => 32[1] => Span[word] => Span[2] => Construct[category] => Construct[3] =>[pronounce] =>[4] => Created by the Pathfinders, the Spans are a series of "roads" that run through the Deep, connecting the Shard-worlds of the Golden circle. These roads are stable pieces of reality, hundreds of miles long.[definition] => Created by the Pathfinders, the Spans are a series of "roads" that run through the Deep, connecting the Shard-worlds of the Golden circle. These roads are stable pieces of reality, hundreds of miles long.[5] =>[definitiontwo] =>[6] => Anchoring[related] => Anchoring)blank key found: 3, moving on===========================Array([0] => 33[id] => 33[1] => Sundered City, The[word] => Sundered City, The[2] => City/Shard-world[category] => City/Shard-world[3] =>[pronounce] =>[4] => The mysterious home of the Pathfinders. No one but the Pathfinders know the exact location of the Sundered City. All that is known is that it drifts somewhere in The Shallows at the heart of the Golden Circle.[definition] => The mysterious home of the Pathfinders. No one but the Pathfinders know the exact location of the Sundered City. All that is known is that it drifts somewhere in The Shallows at the heart of the Golden Circle.[5] =>[definitiontwo] =>[6] =>[related] =>)blank key found: 3, moving on===========================Array([0] => 34[id] => 34[1] => Tempest[word] => Tempest[2] => Term/Occurrence[category] => Term/Occurrence[3] =>[pronounce] =>[4] => A violent upheaval within the Deep, which moves like a storm.[definition] => A violent upheaval within the Deep, which moves like a storm.[5] =>[definitiontwo] =>[6] => Burst.[related] => Burst.)blank key found: 3, moving on===========================Array([0] => 35[id] => 35[1] => Tii al[word] => Tii al[2] => Shard-world[category] => Shard-world[3] => ( tee-al )[pronounce] => ( tee-al )[4] => The home of the Tii alu (both Iken and Kiil). Tii al has two suns and most of the Shard is dominated by jungle. There is an ocean to the east, and to the north there is an open expanse of high plateau and ore rich mountains.[definition] => The home of the Tii alu (both Iken and Kiil). Tii al has two suns and most of the Shard is dominated by jungle. There is an ocean to the east, and to the north there is an open expanse of high plateau and ore rich mountains.[5] =>[definitiontwo] =>[6] => Tii alu ~ The Kiil ~ The Iken.[related] => Tii alu ~ The Kiil ~ The Iken.)blank key found: 5, moving on===========================Array([0] => 36[id] => 36[1] => Tii alu[word] => Tii alu[2] => Species (Tii al)[category] => Species (Tii al)[3] => ( tee-al-oo )[pronounce] => ( tee-al-oo )[4] => The inhabitants of the Shard-world of Tii al. There are two unique races amongst the Tii alu: the Iken and the Kiil.[definition] => The inhabitants of the Shard-world of Tii al. There are two unique races amongst the Tii alu: the Iken and the Kiil.[5] =>[definitiontwo] =>[6] => The Iken ~ The Kiil ~ Tii al.[related] => The Iken ~ The Kiil ~ Tii al.)blank key found: 5, moving on===========================Array([0] => 37[id] => 37[1] => Ush'en[word] => Ush'en[2] => Shard-world[category] => Shard-world[3] => ( oosh-enn )[pronounce] => ( oosh-enn )[4] => Home to the Ush'ii. Ush'en is dominated by its ocean, which cover more than 3/4's of the Shard-world. There are hundreds of islands scattered throughout the Shard, many of which are volcanic. The Senthk Sea which fills the shard is also frequently battered by violent storms.[definition] => Home to the Ush'ii. Ush'en is dominated by its ocean, which cover more than 3/4's of the Shard-world. There are hundreds of islands scattered throughout the Shard, many of which are volcanic. The Senthk Sea which fills the shard is also frequently battered by violent storms.[5] =>[definitiontwo] =>[6] => Ush'ii ~ The Senthk Sea.[related] => Ush'ii ~ The Senthk Sea.)blank key found: 5, moving on===========================Array([0] => 38[id] => 38[1] => Ush'ii[word] => Ush'ii[2] => Race (Ush'en)[category] => Race (Ush'en)[3] => ( oosh-eye )[pronounce] => ( oosh-eye )[4] => The tribal society that inhabits the world of Ush'en. The Ush'ii spend most of their lives on their ships and only live on land when married or old.[definition] => The tribal society that inhabits the world of Ush'en. The Ush'ii spend most of their lives on their ships and only live on land when married or old.[5] =>[definitiontwo] =>[6] => Ush'en[related] => Ush'en)blank key found: 5, moving on===========================Array([0] => 39[id] => 39[1] => Veil[word] => Veil[2] => Term[category] => Term[3] =>[pronounce] =>[4] => The veil is a term that describes the point of separation between stable matter and the Deep. In common usage it is the edge of a Shard, and in the context of shaping it is the edge of a Shaper's pocket.[definition] => The veil is a term that describes the point of separation between stable matter and the Deep. In common usage it is the edge of a Shard, and in the context of shaping it is the edge of a Shaper's pocket.[5] =>[definitiontwo] =>[6] => Pocket ~ Shaping.[related] => Pocket ~ Shaping.)blank key found: 3, moving on===========================Array([0] => 40[id] => 40[1] => Walking shallow[word] => Walking shallow[2] => Term[category] => Term[3] =>[pronounce] =>[4] => A term used when a shaper is walking near enough to a Shard that, in calm conditions, they cannot be altered or unmade.[definition] => A term used when a shaper is walking near enough to a Shard that, in calm conditions, they cannot be altered or unmade.[5] =>[definitiontwo] =>[6] => Burst ~ Tempest ~ Shallows[related] => Burst ~ Tempest ~ Shallows)blank key found: 3, moving on===========================Array([0] => 41[id] => 41[1] => Yi al Won[word] => Yi al Won[2] => Historical Figure (Tii alu)[category] => Historical Figure (Tii alu)[3] => ( yie - al - wan )[pronounce] => ( yie - al - wan )[4] => The pen name for the author of the Secret History, which was written in Tii al during the Culture Wars.[definition] => The pen name for the author of the Secret History, which was written in Tii al during the Culture Wars.[5] =>[definitiontwo] =>[6] => The Secret History ~ Lau Ni Ar.[related] => The Secret History ~ Lau Ni Ar.)blank key found: 5, moving on===========================
  23. Okay. This is what I got when I hit enter on a blank field with that script. Hopefully you can make sense of it...search string: ''38 results from dbchecking Anchoringblank key found: 3, moving onchecking Bloodsportblank key found: 3, moving onchecking Burstblank key found: 3, moving onchecking Cadcblank key found: 5, moving onchecking Cadc Textsblank key found: 3, moving onchecking Cadmn Delosblank key found: 5, moving onchecking Cadmnian Accordblank key found: 3, moving onchecking Culture Warsblank key found: 3, moving onchecking Deep, theblank key found: 3, moving onchecking First Handblank key found: 3, moving onchecking Golden Circle, theblank key found: 3, moving onchecking Guide(s), theblank key found: 3, moving onchecking Iken, theblank key found: 5, moving onchecking Imhalaneblank key found: 5, moving onchecking Kaduin Seablank key found: 5, moving onchecking Kiil, theblank key found: 5, moving onchecking Koran'ga Jiblank key found: 5, moving onchecking Kua Niiblank key found: 5, moving onchecking Pathfinder(s)blank key found: 3, moving onchecking Pocketblank key found: 3, moving onchecking Quiltingblank key found: 3, moving onchecking Seekers, Theblank key found: 3, moving onchecking Senthk Sea, theblank key found: 5, moving onchecking Shallowsblank key found: 3, moving onchecking Shapers, Theblank key found: 3, moving onchecking Shapingblank key found: 3, moving onchecking Shard/Shard-worldblank key found: 3, moving onchecking Siymehablank key found: 5, moving onchecking Spanblank key found: 3, moving onchecking Sundered City, Theblank key found: 3, moving onchecking Tempestblank key found: 3, moving onchecking Tii alblank key found: 5, moving onchecking Tii alublank key found: 5, moving onchecking Ush'enblank key found: 5, moving onchecking Ush'iiblank key found: 5, moving onchecking Veilblank key found: 3, moving onchecking Walking shallowblank key found: 3, moving onchecking Yi al Wonblank key found: 5, moving on
  24. Okay. Now nothing is coming out. Not even when I enter exact words.No errors, just... nothing. It processes and comes up blank.
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