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Posts posted by businessman332211@hotmail.com

  1. What are the purpose of classes, I have never used them. I always never had a need for them, is there a particular reason why they exist, what are they good for.

  2. I am far from new at javascript, I have been working with it for 4 years on and off, but I have never stepped out of the lines of doing form validation, and small stuff like that, now I want to start creating full java script programs in my spare time, and either selling them, or renting them out, or keeping them for fun. I understand all the basic and intermediate concepts of javascript, and actually tried writing a few programs but didn't out of lack of inspiration. I had a few question about some things I wasn't sure of as pertaining to javascript.1. Which is a better method Try Catch, or On Error.2. Should I start utilizing try catch on all my scripts, if so how do I utilize it with if, else, and other like constructs.3. What is the purpose of classes and what can they be used for, I have never used them, but I know the general format of setting them up and using, but don't see the point.4. I want to create some javascript programs, where do I turn for inspiration, any ideas on possible programs, you get credit for the inspirational idea.5. I have never had to use break so far, is it to get better timing during script execution. If so what do I need it for.6. I also had one more question, say for instance I created a time and date function, and wanted to link them to something that states times and dates are based on your browser settings do I do it like this or another way.All math functions all date functionsvar mydate = date functionsmytime = time functions you get the hint just showing youdocument.write('<a href="mydate.htm">mydate</a>');document.write('<a href="mytime.htm">mytime</a>');The mydate mytime.htm are the pages that tell that the browser settings is what controls the time and date, would this work for accomplishing this task7.I did a full math function doingtoday = new Date();document.write(today);and it brough up the full time and date, and everything, but most tutorials use all the getTime, getFullYear, and getDate, why don't they just do what I showed above, is there other way better for some reason.

  3. That will work I will keep these ideas in mind atleast I have the general idea now, I have one more major question.I had another question and don't want to crowd the forums, so I am going to ask it here.I have heard a lot about 2 things.cms, and gui interface.I know one of these has something to do with creating a control panel or something along those lines for a client to be able to easily update his site.What exactly is it, I picture a control panel like for a web hosting company where they can control all aspects of the site. But what confuses me is I have heard of templates, Where you have a master php script, that controls duplications of php scripts, so you can change them all at once ,I like the idea but don't have a need for that until I start doing major scripts where scripts appear in multiple places, if ever, but what is the difference between templating and gui(if gui is the process of creating the control panel). THis has been confusing me, I was wondering is the gui control panel the same as create a newsletter control panel, is it just a web page that has xhtml, css, and php that have a lot of forms that the owner of the site can control various aspects of the page, or is it an actual program not created in php that is used to mantain the site, like contribute, I wanted to know because for most clients, if they have contribute I can tell them they can update it through there, I use dreamweaver code view all the time, but I can tell the client if they have dreamweaver that is where they can take care of there site from in design view. And if they have frontpage they could change the text around probably with out destroying the coding, but the gui interface(if that's what the control panel is) is confusing me, and I have looked all over the place trying to find informationa bout it. And the main question I have is this something I can program myself, or do I HAVE to buy a 3rd party something to get it done. I like programming everything myself if it is possible, unless it's something major like a huge forum or something.

  4. yes I know the sql language, I know how to operate a mysql database, I also know php, but getting the emails together shouldn't be a problem, I just create a form(small one) that accepts an email address, I validate it, connected it to a database, and have it add the email to a database everytime someone enters the information and submits it, bam they are signed up to the newsletter. Also I understand how to create a php page, and have the database cycle through the emails sending it to everyone on the list, or as he said sending it to all of them at onceBut what I don't get is how is my client going to send emails.I am working on a project, the client I am working for has to have a way to send emails to the people on the mailing list, in a newsletter format, one with a picture of his book, and occasionally advertisements, I guess new things he's working on excetera, but how would I get it to where he can send it, I was thinking of creating another page on the website, with a username and password only he knows. RIght, then he can log in, fill out a form, and it automatically emails everyone in the database, but with all the other sites I saw with newsletters none of them ever had a place where the site owner, could log in and send out the newsletter, but someone every couple of days whenever the owner of the site had something to say emails get sent out to everyone on the list, that is the part that is confusing me now.

  5. Perfect I greatly appreciate that, see I am good with php, atleast intermediate, but until I do more larger programs I still have a hard time figuring out how to put things together. So I think this is what I should do.where the sign up place will be for the mailing list, just connect that to a database, and have the database save all the email addresses.And can then create the page, the only other question I now have is how do I get it to where the client can send the email.FOr instance I am a php programmer, I could send it, but I need to figure out how to get him access to be able to send it, this is where my problem is coming in now.I can build everything you said and have it send an email, that makes sense.The only other idea is have a place on his website that's password protected, then he can send the email from a form on his own site, but I Have never seen any other sites do this, so how do I set it up where he can put in what he is sending, then it send it, to all the messages on the list, that is the confusing part, thanks for all the help.

  6. I knew about the mail program, and i know quite a lot about php, it's just bring together the elements needed for a mailing list, I guess what I am trying to ask, is what elements do I need for this.FOr instance, I need the form, that gathers the email address.Does it have to be databased, or can it be sent to an email.Actually here, let me rephrase the question the best way I can.How do I make it to where my client can send the mass emails, to the people on the mailing list, with sending pictures. That is the part I am confused about. I can program something to send emails, My only idea to allow him to, is to create a login page for him to handle sending emails from his site, I understand fully about how to get email data, but I don't understand how to allow my client to be able to send emails to all the people.

  7. I found what I was wondering, something called MAILING LIST MANAGERS is this somethign I can program myself or do I have to use something that's 3rd party.

  8. The thing I wanted to ask though, is you speak of the mail function, but I am unsure about the general set up of this program.For instance I know to create a form field, and have it keep track of emails, I can either do that by getting it to email to the person, or databasing it.But then as far as getting it to where that person can send mass emails using his mailing list how would this be done.For instance do I just tell the client to email them from his original email address, or do I create a page on his site, that isn't linked to the main site, but also is declined access to search engines. and let him just have 2 fields, one with his email address, and one with the message he is going to send, then he can just go to that link whenever he wants to send an email, and if it's a security issue I cna just password protect that one page.Or is there another way to get this set up this is the part that is severely confusing me.

  9. I am thinking, I have a project, 500 bucks for a basic site, it's going to have a newsletter. Should I hunt down a 3rd party script, or program it myself. If I download a third party script, if I rely on that won't I never get to program.I am also wondering if I try to program a newsletter myself without a third party script. How long will it take. I need advice on this, where do I start building one, I am wanting one to where people can sign up for the newsletter, and where the owner of the site will have some way to put stuff into the email and send it to mass people, because he needs to be able to put pictures in it, like for his book, and things of that nature, any advice on how to start on this, or were to turn, it would be greatly appreciated.

  10. What is the best place I can find Stat's for my site, either to download on the server or access online.I want one I don't care if it's free or cost's but if it cost's it has to accept paypal, I want the most in depth one I can find.

  11. It worked I read that, and I will do that from now on, the other question is How do I email select boxes. Like the <select> with <option> fields.

  12. It worked but I don't understand the {}around each variable I never had to do that before, can you explain that too me for knowledge purposes.

  13. I am reading that now, but before I Continue reading your post, the reason it put pound marks, the field wasSEXas male and femaleand it pounded that field outquite nice for a forum I am reading the rest right now

  14. Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_VARIABLE in /home/freelan4/public_html/cgi-bin/form-processors/projectinformationprocessor.php on line 51But it has multiple, I am unsure how to wire those statements into the message correctly without it coming up with messages, I don't know how to get it in there right. I have had problems with that everytime I try to do radios, or checks, then someone shows me a couple of /n here or /n there, and a couple of . . here and there they throw in a few " " here and there, and boom it works. I am unsure of all the right punctuation marks, and /n's ex cetera when trying to wire different sections into the message like that.

  15. This isn't working, I am just wondering if theres any errors in the code, it is just having different errorsThe form is below, that processor and validator below that.I have done this once, but now with checkboxes and radio buttons, and it's not passing through.

    <form onsubmit="return submitcheckproject()" name="projectinformation" action="../cgi-bin/form-processors/projectinformationprocessor.php" method="post"><fieldset class="formstyle"><legend>Project Information</legend><br /><label for="firstname" accesskey="f">*First Name:</label><br /><input tabindex="1" name="firstname" id="firstname" type="text" maxlength="30" /><br /><label for="lastname" accesskey="l">*Last Name:</label><br /><input tabindex="2" name="lastname" id="lastname" type="text" maxlength="30" /><br /><label for="age" accesskey="2">Age:</label><br /><input tabindex="3" name="age" id="age" type="text" maxlength="3" /><br />*######:<br /><label for="male"><input name="######[]" id="male" type="radio" value="male" checked="checked" />Male</label><br /><label for="female"><input name="######[]" id="female" type="radio" value="female" />Female</label><br /><label for="operatingsystem">*Operating System</label><br /><select name="operatingsystem[]" id="operatingsystem"><option>Unix</option><option>Windows</option><option>Linux</option><option>MacOs</option><option>Other</option><option>Don't Know</option><option>Not Application</option></select><br /><label for="serverside">*Server Side</label><br /><select name="serverside" id="serverside"><option>Java Server Pages/jsp</option><option>Hypertext Preprocessor/PHP</option><option>Active Server Pages/ASP</option><option>Cold Fusion/CF</option<option>Server Side Javascript</option><option>Other</option><option>Unknown</option><option>Not Applicable</option></select><br />*Does Your website have/will have a database:<br /><label for="yes"><input name="database[]" id="yes" type="radio" />Yes</label><br /><label for="no"><input name="database[]" id="no" type="radio" checked="checked" />No</label><br /><label for="databasetype">*What database server:</label><br /><input name="databasetype" id="databasetype" type="text" maxlength="80" /><br /><label for="emailaddress" accesskey="e">*Email Address:</label><br /><input tabindex="4" name="emailaddress" id="emailaddress" type="text" maxlength="80"  /><br /><label for="verifyemail" accesskey="v">*Verify Email:</label><br /><input tabindex="5" name="verifyemail" id="verifyemail" type="text" maxlength="80" /><br /><label for="computerknowledge" accesskey="c">*How much do you know about computers in general:</label><br /><input tabindex="6" name="computerknowledge" id="computerknowledge" type="text" maxlength="80" /><br /><label for="languageknowledge" accesskey="l">*Put the computer languages you know, with your level of experience in each one:</label><br /><input tabindex="7" name="languageknowledge" id="languageknowledge" type="text" maxlength="80" /><br />*Is there a deadline associated with this project:<br /><label for="yes"><input name="deadline[]" id="yes" type="radio" value="yes" />Yes</label><br /><label for="no"><input name="deadline[]" id="no" type="radio" value="no" checked="checked" />No</label><br /><label for="timelimit">*If so what is the time limit, if not applicable, just put none:</label><br /><input tabindex="8" name="timelimit" id="timelimit" type="text" maxlength="30" /><br /><label for="projectrelation" accesskey="t">*What is the project related too:</label><br /><input name="projectrelation" id="projectrelation" type="text" maxlength="80" /><br /><label for="description" accesskey="d">*Description:</label><br /><textarea tabindex="9" name="description" id="description" rows="6" cols="30"></textarea><br /><input tabindex="10" name="submit" id="submit" type="submit" value="submit" /><input tabindex="11" name="reset" id="reset" type="reset" value="reset" /></fieldset></form>

    Below is theprocessor and validater

    <?phpif ($_POST['firstname'] == ""){print("Please go back and fill in the first name field correctly");}elseif ($_POST['lastname'] == ""){print("Please go back and fill in the last name field correctly");}elseif ($_POST['age'] == ""){print("Please go back and fill in the Age field");}elseif ($_POST['databasetype'] == ""){print("Please go back and fill in the Database Type Field"); }elseif ($_POST['emailaddress'] == ""){print("Please go back and fill in the Email Address field");}elseif ($_POST['verifyemail'] == ""){print("Please go back and fill in the Verify Email Address field");}elseif ($_POST['emailaddress'] != $_POST['verifyemail']){print("Your email Address fields DO NOT match, please correct this");}elseif ($_POST['computerknowledge'] == ""){print("Please go back and fill in the computer knowledge field");}elseif ($_POST['languageknowledge'] == ""){print("Please go back and fill in the Language Knowledge field");}elseif ($_POST['timelimit'] == ""){print("Please go back and fill in the Time Limit field");}elseif ($_POST['projectrelation'] == ""){print("Please go back and fill in the project relation field");}elseif ($_POST['description'] == ""){print("Please go back and fill in the Description field");}else {$firstname = $_POST['firstname'];$lastname = $_POST['lastname'];$age = $_POST['age'];$databasetype = $_POST['databasetype'];$emailaddress = $_POST['emailaddress'];$verifyemail = $_POST['verifyemail'];$computerknowledge = $_POST['computerknowledge'];$languageknowledge = $_POST['languageknowledge'];$timelimit = $_POST['timelimit'];$projectrelation = $_POST['projectrelation'];$description = $_POST['description'];$to = "businessman332211@hotmail.com";$subject = "Project Information";$message = "First Name: $firstnameLast Name: $lastnameAge:"$message .= "implode(', ',$_POST['######']);Operating System:" $message .= "implode(', ',$_POST['operatingsystem']);Server Side:" $message .= "implode(', ',$_POST['serverside']);Database Type: $databasetype";$message .= "implode(', ',$_POST['database']);Email Address: $emailaddressVerify Email: $verifyemailComputer Knowledge: $computerknowledgeLanguage Knowledge: $languageknowledge";$message .= "implode(', ',$_POST['deadline']);Time Limit: $timelimitProject Relation: $projectrelationDescription: $description";if(mail($to, $subject, $message)) {print("Thank you for submitting your email has been successfully sent");print("<br />Return to the homepage at <a href='http://www.freelancebusinessman.com'>Freelance Businessman</a>");}else{print("I am sorry but there was some sort of error and the email could not be sent");print("<br />I am not totally sure of the cause of this error.");print("<br />Please return to <a href='http://www.freelancebusinessman.com'>Freelance Businessman</a>");print("<br />If you try again and recieve this error message a second time, then please email me at the original email address and notify me of this error, so it can be checked into.  Thank you for visiting Freelance Businessman.");}}?>

    any help would be appreciated, I have 1 hour left to work, thanks.

  16. Ok I will look into that, for now though I am going to bypass this step, I have forever to play with my site, right now i need to get my other form built, and processed and validated so I can have everything operation and get ready to start accepting clients soon. Thanks for all the help.

  17. Another question has now arisen. The question I have now, is."statement first"-Everything is working so far, I pulled it into the file, debugged it, removed it back to the external file, got errors, realized the <script src="" was set to the wrong page, I corrected it, and everything works as planned.Now I have moved on to attempt to add an extra if statement, this is what I have that works with on submit so far

    function submitcheckideas() {if (document.ideasandsubmissionsform.firstname.value == ''){alert('Please fill in the Firstname Field before continuing');return false;}else if (document.ideasandsubmissionsform.emailaddress.value == ''){alert('Please fill in the Email Address field before continuing');return false;}else if (document.ideasandsubmissionsform.verifyemail.value == ''){alert('Please fill in the Verify Email Address field before continuing');return false;}else if (document.ideasandsubmissionsform.emailaddress.value != document.ideasandsubmissionsform.verifyemail.value){alert('Your email address and verify email address fields DO NOT match.  Please redo it');return false;}else if (document.ideasandsubmissionsform.description.value == ''){alert('Please fill in the Description field before continuing');return false;}else {return true;}};

    I am planning on adding another else if statement in there that is going to check an email field, actually the first one only because the second has to match the first.I want to have an extra else if statement in there now to check the email address field, and see if it contains an @ symbol or a . symbol. For right now that is all I am wanting to do. I checked through all the comparison operators, they check for a lot of things, but not "for the existence of" for instance it seems they check if the 2 match, if they are the non equal, if one is less than the other, ex cetera, but when it comes to scanning a variable for another variable they don't have that operator, if they did, I could just write up one to check the field emailaddress, and have it check the whole field for the @ symbol and the . symbol, and if it didn't find them it would return false, but unfortunately I don't see any comparison symbols for this, if there are, or if one of the comparison operators does this automatically, then all I need to know is which operator is it, knowing that I can do the rest myself. Thanks for the help.

  18. Thanks now I have some stuff clarifyed and some new stuff to play with, I appreciate it, as long as the post is related to this specific form, I will continue to post in this same post, to avoid overcrowding the boards. I will only open a new post when it reaches a few pages, if it gets that far, or when I start up another form.Thanks for all the help.Once I get cemented I will try to started helping some people on the board to give back something.

  19. Ok, I looked over your script and thought about it, normally I would use it, and I am deeply thank ful for the attempt. but I thought it would be better, for me to learn how to do it fully, and memorize it myself, I have tried 2 methods, but I am having difficulty getting the right form syntax to get access to the field. let me ask the question in a manner, that doesn't seem confusing. First I will put down the form, then I will show you the 2 ways I try access the right fields, someone whoever can, try to tell me if I am trying to access them improperly or if the syntax is off, I am trying in 2 different ways, I want to learn both, and use them interchangeable, because when I start programming, larger programs for clients sometimes on there site, I want to have a broader distinction of the language.Here is the form

    <form onsubmit="return submitcheckideas()" name="ideasandsubmissionsform" action="../cgi-bin/form-processors/ideasandsubmissionsprocessor.php" method="post"><fieldset class="formstyle"><legend>Ideas and Submissions</legend><br /><label for="firstname" accesskey="f">*First Name:</label><br /><input tabindex="1" name="firstname" id="firstname" type="text" maxlength="30" /><br /><label for="emailaddress" accesskey="e">*Email Address:</label><br /><input tabindex="2" name="emailaddress" id="emailaddress" type="text" maxlength="80"  /><br /><label for="verifyemail" accesskey="v">*Verify Email:</label><br /><input tabindex="3" name="verifyemail" id="verifyemail" type="text" maxlength="80" /><br /><label for="description" accesskey="m">*Description:</label><br /><textarea tabindex="4" name="description" id="description" rows="6" cols="30"></textarea><br /><input tabindex="5" name="submit" id="submit" type="submit" value="submit" /><input tabindex="6" name="reset" id="reset" type="reset" value="reset" /></fieldset></form>

    Ok here are the 2 methods in which I am trying to access the right fields.#1








    Note 1I am sure that it's not the fourth attempt. I just tried it to be safe.Note 2I am pretty sure it is not the third attempt. I tried it nonetheless.note 3I am 90% sure it is done in the first 2 attempts, the problem is, on both attempts I was not 100% aware how to properly word that statement to call the input field, are the first and second attempts correct methods. If they are then I know I am having difficulties elsewhere and I will know where to look at. Thank you for the time and help.

  20. I did it exactly like you said and it didn't work. And a few things I wanted to ask. I am not following the script entirely, I think I am use to seeing them different, I tried it, it had an error. What I got wrong before was onsubmit it should be put into the form part, now about onblur, is it work having both, I am still trying to figure out how to get this all set up.

  21. ok 2 more questions now, I was thinking onblur but I was giving the following recommendation from the javascript bible. So it told me that

    Similarly, the interaction between onblur, onfocus, and the alert() dialogbox can be problematic with text input elements. This is why I generally recommend usingthe onchange event handler to trigger form validation routines. If you should employ boththe onblur and onchange event handler for the same element, the onchange event firesbefore onblur.
    That was why I was under that impression< i am still fairly new to javascript, but I am getting better.The other question I was wondering, in general, by variable do you mean form value. Because I was under the impression it had to be called either 1 of 2 ways,getelementbyid['idname']ordocument.formname.fieldname.valueCan you call it with just the value name. Sorry for all the questions.
  22. ok sounds good, what do you mean bythis.valthat confused me a bit.And by making the function reusable, so far I have heard of this, but I don't have a clear understanding, can you give a quick explanation. *IF* you have the timeThank you so far for all the help you have been.Nice picture by the way, good movie.

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