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Posts posted by businessman332211@hotmail.com

  1. How do I get it to center, it works in ie, I got the thing working in all browsers, but when I mouse over it's not centered here is my html, then below is my javascript, then my css, I tried document.getElementById('idhere').style.textAlign='center';but that is now working, no matter how or where I put it.

    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="huttonio.css" /><script type="text/javascript" src="huttoniojava.js"></script><title>Huttonio Brooks: Furniture, Photographic Works, Sculpture and Fine Art Works, etc</title></head><body onload="removepics();"><div id="BackTransparentFoundation"><div id="header"><div id="LogoLayer"><img src="indexPgImagesEtc/HuttBrooksLogo.jpg" alt="Huttonio Brooks" /></div></div><div id="left"><a href="furniture.html" onmouseover="lefttopon();leftpicmouseon(); return true;" onmouseout="lefttoporiginal();leftpicmouseoff(); return true;"><img name="leftoriginal" src="indexPgImagesEtc/DrawerInLeft.jpg" alt="Drawer In" /></a><br /><p class="lefttext1">"Some Really Cool Stuff"</p><br /><p class="lefttext2">---Amir Efrati, Writer for</p><p class="lefttext3">THE WALL STREET JOURNAL</p><img name="leftpic" id="leftpic" src="indexPgImagesEtc/ThumbLeftBuckEaselSide5b.jpg" alt="Left Picture" /></div><div id="middle"><a href="PhotographicWorks.html" onmouseover="midtopon();midpicmouseon(); return true;" onmouseout="midtoporiginal();midpicmouseoff(); return true;"><img name="midoriginal" src="indexPgImagesEtc/DrawerInMid.jpg" alt="Drawer In" /></a><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><p class="midtext1">"Gold Award, Photography"</p><br /><p class="midtext2">---Art Stars of California:</p><p class="midtext3">Discovery Awards" 1994</p><br /><img name="midpic" id="midpic" src="indexPgImagesEtc/ThumbMidBriones4up.jpg" alt="Middle Picture" /></div><div id="right"><a href="Sculpture&FineArtsEtc.html" onmouseover="righttopon();rightpicmouseon(); return true;" onmouseout="righttoporiginal();rightpicmouseoff(); return true;"><img name="rightoriginal" src="indexPgImagesEtc/DrawerInRight.jpg" alt="Drawer In" /></a><p class="righttext1">"One of the neat things is<br />Discovering something new,'<br />said Peterson, who, along<br />with Bruce Katsiff, the<br />[Michener Art] Museum's<br />director, discovered<br />Brooks... 'We felt his work<br />had an evocative quality...<br />a poetic, dream-like quality"</p><p class="righttext2">---The Intelligencer Record,</p><p class="righttext3">Bucks County, PA</p><img name="rightpic" id="rightpic" src="indexPgImagesEtc/ThumbRightLearningToListenpostcardSm.jpg" alt="Right Picture" /></div></div></body></html>

    if (document.images) { //this precache's images, allowing them to be ready when the time   	 //comes for you to want to call the functions  var pic1 = new Image(164,111); //sets a new image with width and height     pic1.src = 'indexPgImagesEtc/DrawerInLeft.jpg'; //sets the source of the image  var pic1on = new Image(164,111); //sets image  pic1on.src = 'indexPgImagesEtc/DrawerOutLeft.jpg'; //sets source  var pic2 = new Image(164,111); //sets image  pic2.src = 'indexPgImagesEtc/DrawerInMid.jpg'; //sets source  var pic2on = new Image(164,111); //sets image  pic2on.src = 'indexPgImagesEtc/DrawerOutMid.jpg';  //sets source  var pic3 = new Image(164,111);  //sets image  pic3.src = 'indexPgImagesEtc/DrawerInRight.jpg';  //sets source  var pic3on = new Image(164,111);  //sets image  pic3on.src = 'indexPgImagesEtc/DrawerOutRight.jpg';  //sets source};//The source is the location of the image, the sets image is setting a completely new area//in memory for javascript to be able to save space for that photo, preloading it before the//browser window even opens.function lefttoporiginal () {  //This is the original state of the left drawer	if (document.images) {  document.leftoriginal.src = pic1.src;	}};function lefttopon () {  //This is the mouse over state, this is what it changes too	if (document.images) {  document.leftoriginal.src = pic1on.src;	}};function midtoporiginal () { //This is the original state of the middle drawer	if (document.images) {  document.midoriginal.src = pic2.src;	}};function midtopon () { //This is the mouse over state, this is what it changes too	if (document.images) {  document.midoriginal.src = pic2on.src;	}};function righttoporiginal () {  //This is the original state of the right drawer	if (document.images) {  document.rightoriginal.src = pic3.src;	}};function righttopon () { //This is the mouse over state, this is what it changes too	if (document.images) {  document.rightoriginal.src = pic3on.src;	}};function removepics () {  //This is a special function, what this is going to do here// Is completely remove all the pictures when the page loads.  It uses a javascript// onload function.  This function can be found in the body section of the html page// within the body tag like body onload="" with my function name// This is good for people without javascript if they do not have javascript enabled or // something the picture is already loaded into the page, so it just ignored this and the //pictures will be there upon page load, if they have javascript, this eliminates// the pictures allowing for the appropriate functions to put those pictures into place// with mouse over events.	document.getElementById('leftpic').style.display='none';	document.getElementById('midpic').style.display='none';	document.getElementById('rightpic').style.display='none';};function leftpicmouseon () { //This makes hte left picture appear, with on mouse over	document.getElementById('leftpic').style.display='block';};function leftpicmouseoff () { // This makes it disappear when the mouse is removed	document.getElementById('leftpic').style.display='none';};function midpicmouseon () { // This makes hte middle picture appear on mouse over	document.getElementById('midpic').style.display='block';};function midpicmouseoff () { // This makes the middle pic disappear when the mouse is removed	document.getElementById('midpic').style.display='none';};function rightpicmouseon () { //This makes the right pic appear on mouse over	document.getElementById('rightpic').style.display='block';};function rightpicmouseoff () { //This makes the pic disappear when mouse is removed	document.getElementById('rightpic').style.display='none';};

    body /*This sets the body set, and removes margins */{ background-color:#000000; margin:0; padding:0; }img /* Removes borders from images */{border:none;}/*The following 3 style the text for the left hand side, I styled each one individually to give them the desired look as in the picture */.lefttext1{color:#FFFFFF;}.lefttext2{color:#FFFFFF;margin-bottom:0px;padding-bottom:0px;}.lefttext3{color:#FFFFFF;margin-top:0px;padding-top:0px;text-decoration:underline;}/* End of the left text *//* Begin middle text, same setup as with the left text */.midtext1{color:#FFFFFF;}.midtext2{color:#FFFFFF;margin-bottom:0px;}.midtext3{color:#FFFFFF;margin-top:0px;}/* end middle text *//* Begin right text */.righttext1{color:#000000;font-weight:bold;}.righttext2{color:#000000;margin-bottom:0px;font-weight:bold;text-decoration:underline;}.righttext3{color:#000000;margin-top:0px;font-weight:bold;}/* End right text */#header{ background-color:#000000; background-image:url(indexPgImagesEtc/ShelfMoldingA.jpg); background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:18px bottom; width: 804px; height: 120px; clear: both; }#left{height:auto;background-color:#000000;margin-top:0px;margin-left:0px;height:900px;background-image:url(indexPgImagesEtc/BkgrndDrawingLeft1.gif);float:left;width:268px;text-align:center;}#middle{height:auto;margin-top:0px;height:inherit;float:left;width:268px;height:900px;background-image:url(indexPgImagesEtc/BkgrndDrawingMid1.gif);background-color:#7B7B7B;text-align:center;}#right{height:auto;margin-top:0px;background-image:url(indexPgImagesEtc/BkgrndDrawingRight1.gif);float:left;height:900px;width:268px;background-color:#FFFFFF;text-align:center;}#BackTransparentFoundation  {visibility:visible; position:absolute; top:0; left:0; width:804px; height:900px }#LogoLayer   { visibility:visible; position:absolute; top:49px; left:204px; width:384px; height:34px }/*This is all for the rollovers below here, on the index page.  The first few set the basic pictures, the other's style the rollover pictures. */

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  2. Works perfectly, I set all that up, but now in ie it's fine but in the other browsers, it's not centered inside the div when I mouse over it's not centered. So basically how do I center something using javascript.

  3. perfect, that was what I was looking for, now I have something to work with, and sorry about talking to myself, I guess I was just trying to work this out on my own, and ended up talking to myself, how would I tell the onload to clear it, do I put like I don't know, to make it disappear. Pointing me a little in that direction and I will be able to code the rest of this pretty easily.

  4. I fixed all the problems and all the drawers are working perfectly, I need now to get the bottom 3 pictures, to appear onmouseover, but I also need them to be there, when the time comes incase if someone doesn't have javascript.

  5. ok also I set this up but got errors, I am trying to debug them but I am confused as to why this is happening, is there a better way to do this, or am I doing this wrong, I have never done rollovers before, so this is a good learning experience. Ok first I created my external file.

    if (document.images) {  var pic1 = new Image(164,111);     pic1.src = '/indexPgImagesEtc/DrawerInLeft.jpg';  var pic1on = new Image(164,111);  pic1on.src = '/indexPgImagesEtc/DrawerOutLeft.jpg';  var pic2 = new Image(164,111);  pic2.src = '/indexPgImagesEtc/DrawerInMid.jpg';  var pic2on = new Image(164,111);  pic2on.src = '/indexPgImagesEtc/DrawerOutMid.jpg';  var pic3 = new Image(164,111);  pic3.src = '/indexPgImagesEtc/DrawerInRight.jpg';  var pic3on = new Image(164,111);  pic3on.src = '/indexPgImagesEtc/DrawerOutRight.jpg';function lefttoporiginal () {	if (document.images) {  document.leftoriginal.src = pic1.src; return true;}};function lefttopon () {	if (document.images) {  document.lefton.src = pic1on.src; return true;}};

    The first if statement aside from functions preloads all the images I am currently working with. Those 2 functions set the images to do what they are supposed to do.Here is what I used to connect the js file to the html file

    <script type="text/javascript" src="huttoniojava.js"></script>

    and here is the full xhtml page.

    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="huttonio.css" /><script type="text/javascript" src="huttoniojava.js"></script><title>Huttonio Brooks: Furniture, Photographic Works, Sculpture and Fine Art Works, etc</title></head><body><div id="BackTransparentFoundation"><div id="header"><div id="LogoLayer"><img src="indexPgImagesEtc/HuttBrooksLogo.jpg" alt="Huttonio Brooks" /></div></div><div id="left"><a href="furniture.html" onmouseover="lefttopon()" onmouseout="lefttoporiginal()"><img name="leftoriginal" src="indexPgImagesEtc/DrawerInLeft.jpg" alt="Drawer In" /></a><br /><p class="lefttext1">"Some Really Cool Stuff"</p><br /><p class="lefttext2">---Amir Efrati, Writer for</p><p class="lefttext3">THE WALL STREET JOURNAL</p></div><div id="middle"><a href="PhotographicWorks.html"><img src="indexPgImagesEtc/DrawerInMid.jpg" alt="Drawer In" /></a><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><p class="midtext1">"Gold Award, Photography"</p><br /><p class="midtext2">---Art Stars of California:</p><p class="midtext3">Discovery Awards" 1994</p><br /></div><div id="right"><a href="Sculpture&FineArtsEtc.html"><img src="indexPgImagesEtc/DrawerInRight.jpg" alt="Drawer In" /></a><p class="righttext1">"One of the neat things is<br />Discovering something new,'<br />said Peterson, who, along<br />with Bruce Katsiff, the<br />[Michener Art] Museum's<br />director, discovered<br />Brooks... 'We felt his work<br />had an evocative quality...<br />a poetic, dream-like quality"</p><p class="righttext2">---The Intelligencer Record,</p><p class="righttext3">Bucks County, PA</p></div></div></body></html>

    Now what I am trying to do is get it to work properly, but I need that default image to be the off state incase if the person doesn't have javascript, I think this is the proper way, after pouring through multiple tutorials, and with the js bible at my hands, I took this on, myself, and that was what I created, I decided preloading the images first makes it easier to work with them in the functions for 1, and for another it makes it to where they are preloaded so it doesn't require load time on mouse over. Now any advice on why this isn't working would be appreciated.Oh and the error message I am getting is

    Line: 17Char: 1Error:Object Expected
    It points to an error on the HTML page itself not the external js file, it's also telling me the exactly location of the error is
    <a href="furniture.html" onmouseover="lefttopon()" onmouseout="lefttoporiginal()"><img name="leftoriginal" src="indexPgImagesEtc/DrawerInLeft.jpg" alt="Drawer In" /></a><br />

    The error code points to the < in that tag, that is the character, but it's probably telling me something is wrong in my external file, any advice would be appreciated, this is coming along, I am trying to take it slow so I can absorb all of this and memorize it and learn it for future projects, but I am still busting a severe time limit at the same time, and it's becoming difficult for me to have fun because of my other projects, any help to clear up some of my confusion or a better way to do this, or anything would be greatly, greatly appreciated, thanks for all the help I appreciate it.

  6. Ok I know how to set it up, so I am setting up to switch out the cabinets, I was given advice to work in the other image, into a blank div tag onmouse over using innerhtml, I will learn this and do this, no problem, but I ran into a few difficulties.1. I tried the following as a test and it doesn't work, I need that picture to show there if the person doesn't have javascript.First I ahve all my functions in an external file, what I wanted to do here, was set this up, first I have the div(which is where the image will appear if it mouses over), but I was trying to set up a noscript tag, to have it there automatically but it didn't work for instance.

    <script type="text/javascript"></script><noscript><img src="example.gif" alt="example" /></noscript>

    However this didn't work, I am testing it on the local host, but it still has the same functionality with javascript as a live server, I disabled javascript, and it didn't work out, it didn't show up, I need to learn how to fix this, any advice will be greatly appreciated, thanks for the help.

  7. No, what I am having trouble doing is this. I know all about rollovers fine, but he wants that picture below the text to come up on mouse over, BUT there is no picture there already. This is what he wants1. On mouse over he wants that drawer to change like it pops out.2. and the picture below the text to appear when it normally would not have been there.3. He wants it set up to where if someone doesn't have javascript atleast taht picture appears there anyway, I think I can do that with <noscript><img src="whatever.jpg"></noscript>I think that will handle that but I am not sure any help would be greatly appreciated.

  8. SOLVED- Thanks for all the help I really appreciate it.I could really use some help with this, I know how to do image rollovers, I can make one image switch out for another, fine and easy. But what I don't understand is how to get this to work.IndexPageAllLayersShowing.jpgOk In the standard picture, all of those 3 cabinets are back further, this is a cut of them closer, also in the originally draft, the pictures towards the bottom aren't there.What is suppose to happen, is I rollover the normal cabinet picture on the left, it pops out, and the image below the text appears as well. I need to do this for each section, I have done javascript on and off for 4 years, but I steered clear of 2 things, javascript rollovers, and pre-caching images, because I didn't understand, but it's about time I learn, standard tutorials and stuff taught me how to just change one drawer out for another, no big deal, but how do I get the whole thing, I need the bottom picture to appear no matter what, even if the person doesn't have javascript I need that picture to appear, if they have javascript, i need it to be invisible until someone mouses over the link, I just need someone to point me in the right direction it would be greatly appreciated.

  9. Ok I think I get the point a little, so I can still use the same thing I am doing, I could take my current setup and just attribute them into error, I like this part

    if (isset($_POST['send'])){	if (empty($_POST['name'])){	print('The name field has been left blank<br />');	}if (empty($_POST['emailaddress'])){	print('The Email Address field was left blank<br />');	}if (empty($_POST['verifyemail'])){	print('The Verify Email Field was left blank<br />');	}if ($_POST['emailaddress'] != $_POST['verifyemail']){	print('The Email Addresses do not match, please fix this<br />');	}if (empty($_POST['description'])){	print('The Description Field was left blank<br />');

    I like the way that looks, the way it operates and the way it functions, doing it one at a time, I know the code is longer, but it's funner, it helps me learn it faster, and understand this, before I start using arrays to do it, which I will later after I can do this blindly with no help. Right now what I want to know is with the error handling, what is it, what's the purpose, are you speaking of trapping all of the errors into an array, and printing them ALL out at the end, or is there another purpose, thanks. That is the only reason I am currently reluctant using foreach or other type of constructs, it's just for those specific reasons, but I am starting to wonder I was going to do in external pages on anything but small contact forms, and i was trying to learn how to do it on the same page, but it's working out horribly.

  10. I am trying to figure this out, I changed what you said at the bottom, what about when I submit it with the description field filled in, it automatically sends hte email anyway. Should I start doing it in the other page, I use to use an external page, I could have knocked out 5 forms already due to the price of this one I am stuck on trying new things. I like learning, but by doing this, I like the look of doing small forms on the same page, and I like learning but I never encountered these difficulties I really really didn't want to start using them as arrays yet, not until I fully understood this, and if/else constructs better, and then be able to do it on my own, me having to jump into that already makes me frustrated, is there any other way

  11. How would you do it, I want to learn if there is a better way, I want to get to where I can comfortably do it all ways on my own without seeking help, then I can pick the way I like best and go with it, how would you do it.

  12. I did

    <textarea name="description" id="description" cols="20" rows="7" /><?php if (isset($_POST['description'])){echo("$_POST['description']");}; ?></textarea>

    But it had no affect on it, it still doesn't work, and I recently noticed it doesn't work right when you go to the website, and click submit it works, it validates, but if you fill out the fields a little and submit, it still gives errors, but if you come to teh page, and just type in teh description, then click submit, it validates, and on top of that, it automatically sends the email anyway, as soon as the description field gets filled out it sends the email why does that happen.

  13. I fixed all of that and repopulated most of the form fields, but I have having 3 problems

    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /><title>Contact Us</title></head><body><h3>Contact Us</h3><p><a href="index.php" title="Return Home">Return Home</a></p><p>If you need to contact us for any reason you can do so below.  We will try and respond within 24 hours.</p><br /><?phpif (isset($_POST['send'])){	if (empty($_POST['name'])){	print('The name field has been left blank<br />');	}if (empty($_POST['emailaddress'])){	print('The Email Address field was left blank<br />');	}if (empty($_POST['verifyemail'])){	print('The Verify Email Field was left blank<br />');	}if ($_POST['emailaddress'] != $_POST['verifyemail']){	print('The Email Addresses do not match, please fix this<br />');	}if (empty($_POST['description'])){	print('The Description Field was left blank<br />');	}else {	$to = "businessman332211@hotmail.com";	$subject = "FunnyEmailForwards.com contact";	$name = $_POST['name'];	$emailaddress = $_POST['emailaddress'];	$verifyemail = $_POST['verifyemail'];	$description = $_POST['description'];	$from = "$emailaddress";	$message = "	Name: {$name}	Email Address: {$emailaddress}	Verify Email: {$verifyemail}	What the person had to say:	{$description}	";  if (mail($to, $subject, $message, $From)){  print('Thank you for contacting us!<br />');  print('We will try and get back to you within 24 hours.<br />');  }else{  print('There was an error sending the message, please try again!<br />');  print('If it does not work the second time, please send an email directly to<br />');  print('<a href="mailto:businessman332211@hotmail.com">Here</a>');  }}  };			?><form name="contact" id="contact" action="contactus.php" method="post"><label for="name">Name:</label><br /><input name="name" id="name" type="text" maxlength="80" value="<?=isset($_POST['name']) ? $_POST['name'] : ''?>"/><br /><label for="emailaddress">Email Address:</label><br /><input name="emailaddress" id="emailaddress" type="text" maxlength="80" value="<?=isset($_POST['emailaddress']) ? $_POST['emailaddress'] : ''?>"/><br /><label for="verifyemail">Verify Email Address:</label><br /><input name="verifyemail" id="verifyemail" type="text" maxlength="80" value="<?=isset($_POST['verifyemail']) ? $_POST['verifyemail'] : ''?>"/><br /><label for="description">Message:</label><br /><textarea name="description" id="description" cols="20" rows="7" value="<?=isset($_POST['description']) ? $_POST['description'] : ''?>"/></textarea><br /><input name="send" id="send" type="submit" value="Contact Us!" /><input name="reset" id="reset" type="reset" value="Clear Form" /></form></body></html>

    The three things I don't get are1. The description text area isn't repopulating.2. The form isn't disappearing when it is submitted.3. When I recieve an email it says from damon@ something and my client wanted it to say funnyemailforwards.com contactI know how to change the header, but when I changed it as shown in the code, it just ignored it, does there HAVE to be an email section there.

  14. Ok the url is pageThe problem is the everything is working great, but the bottom section where I am sending the mail, the message that is suppose to appear if it is sent, is displaying first thing, and emailing it as soon as the page opens, don't I have the control structure set up right, I didn't want to test each and every field individually, I wanted to test them all like this, and have it display all error messages it runs across, but this didn't work, I also tried with if, the else if, then else at the end but it only displayed one error at a time, and I am not ready to start learning how to create an array with them and do it that way, I am learning very fast, getting better and better, and forcing myself into difficult situations to learn, but I am learning, and I don't want to rush that, until I have 100% understanding over control structures this is where my problem currently lies.

    <?phpif (isset($_POST['submit'])){	if (empty($_POST['name'])){	print('The name field has been left blank<br />');	}if (empty($_POST['emailaddress'])){	print('The Email Address field was left blank<br />');	}if (empty($_POST['verifyemail'])){	print('The Verify Email Field was left blank<br />');	}if ($_POST['emailaddress'] != $_POST['verifyemail']){	print('The Email Addresses do not match, please fix this<br />');	}if (empty($_POST['description'])){	print('The Description Field was left blank<br />');	}}else {	$to = "businessman332211@hotmail.com";	$subject = "FunnyEmailForwards.com contact";	$name = $_POST['name'];	$emailaddress = $_POST['emailaddress'];	$verifyemail = $_POST['verifyemail'];	$description = $_POST['description'];	$from = "$emailaddress";	$message = "	Name: {$name}	Email Address: {$emailaddress}	Verify Email: {$verifyemail}	What the person had to say:	{$description}	";  if (mail($to, $subject, $message, $From)){  print('Thank you for contacting us!<br />');  print('We will try and get back to you within 24 hours.<br />');  }else{  print('There was an error sending the message, please try again!<br />');  print('If it does not work the second time, please send an email directly to<br />');  print('<a href="mailto:businessman332211@hotmail.com">Here</a>');  }};			?>

  15. target tag is deprecated in Xhtml strict, but I use it, simply choose transitional if you choose to use it, I always go transitional, because theres no other way to open new windows except with javascript, and too much trouble, just a note.

  16. Classes and objects both have there purposes, I am going to start using both of them now, I mean classes, I never used classes much but I am going to start too more lately.

  17. PERFECT It completely fixed it in Internet explorer and firefox, and it did a substantial bit of surgery to opera, if anyone sees anything that's causing opera problems let me know, until then I am going to randomly throw in more br's to try and see if it can fix it more.

  18. Ok so that was the cause of the problem, but my client said he wants them spaced, How do I get them spaced properly, that is something that I can't do, I have to figure out how to space it, and get it to still work in firefox, I could leave it but eventually someone is going to tell him about it, I don't want to look bad, this guy could be permanent work, any advice would be greatly appreciated.

  19. Well there are just a few problems now how do I fix these, if you look in ie, and opera you can see the difference. In firefox the only thing is the upper section with the 2 forms, in ff the form on the right is knocked down below the other one, instead of both side by side, in opera it plain looks like dog crap, any advice would be greatly appreciated, it would help a lot tomorrow when I get ready to tackle this, thanks for the help I really appreciate it.

  20. That helps but the main thing is the first pictures, I can't get them centered within those 3 sections, that pic is something my client created in photoshop, I still have to put that onto a webpage, but I have 2 pictures one of a blank drawer and one with the text that's 2 pictures per column, but I need the text in the middle of the drawer, like a pic in a pic sort of on top of each other, and both of them directly in teh center of there respective column, if I cna learn how to do it on one column the other 2 should be easy and so will the mouseovers, and mouseouts.

  21. SOLVED- HA HA HA, I figured it out, that was cool. I was getting frustrated, I went through my validation, fixed my xhtml like usual, dug into my css, and found the/ symbol after a comment that wasn't supposed to be there, I had put it twice, I fixed that, and when I rechecked in opera, the ENTIRE site snapped into place, went back into perfect formation the way it should have, that was the coolest thing that ever happened, THUS another reason to ALWAYS validate your materials.I figured out codebox, it was code to get it to show big, not codebox, I got it working thoughI can't figure out what's wrong with this, can someone help me figure out how to fix this.Funny Email ForwardsHere is my issue, look at it in IE, it looks great, then when you look at it in all the other browsers, it looks horrible, I wasn't expecting compatibility issues with just a simple layout, any advice, or ideas would be greatly appreciated.My XHTML, CSS is below.

    body /* This part styles the body, and prepares it for the content */{font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; /*this sets the font type*/font-size:15px; /*This sets the general setup of the text on the site*/}h3{font-weight:bold;text-decoration:underline;}img /* this removes borders around linked images */{border:none;}/*Everything in this section below here controls the form field boxes, this allows them to all be spaces properly and make them all look even from the form names */#type{margin-left:30px;}#name{margin-left:80px;}#keywords{margin-left:122px;}#file{margin-left:55px;}/* End working with form fields *//* Below starts working with the header, situating the text, and the images for the header, and getting it all aligned and set up properly */#header{padding-left:10px;padding-top:10px;}#headertext{padding-left:15px;text-indent:0px;margin-top:0px;margin-bottom:0px;padding-top:0px;padding-bottom:0px;font-weight:bold;}#headerbelow{padding-left:20px;}/* End header modification *//*Everything in the following sections lays the foundation for the main body set up.  What happens here is I set the 3 main sections in the middle, below the header.  I wrapped them in something, and put them all in a container, and working with all 3 I set them up to style correctly, and made it easier to make any types of modifications on any of the 3 elements in the containment div */#containleftright{padding:0px;width:900px;margin-top:20px;}#leftdiv{float:left;}#middlediv{font-weight:bold;float:left;margin-top:30px;}#rightdiv{float:left;margin-top:4px;margin-left:40px;}/*end structuring main sections */\/* everything in this section is going to set up the way the stuff looks at the bottom, and how it is all organized. This whole part may seem confusing, what it does to wrap the entire section at the bottom in 1 div, then it has 6 different sections for new divs, I made it this way so someone could very easily add in more rows if necessary with only having to change around a few tag names, and working a little bit adding some to the css.  This way also allows it to wrap around as it minimizes, it just adds more rows for people with smaller browser windows. */#wrapmiddle{width:900px;clear:both;}#upperleft{float:left;}#uppermid{float:left;}#upperright{float:left;}#lowerleft{float:left;}#lowermid{float:left;}#lowerright{float:left;}#specialheader1{background-color:#000099;color:#FFFFFF;text-decoration:none;font-size:1em;width:300px;}#specialheader2{background-color:#000099;color:#FFFFFF;text-decoration:none;font-size:1em;width:300px;}#specialheader3{background-color:#000099;color:#FFFFFF;text-decoration:none;font-size:1em;width:300px;}/* end bottom structuralization *//* This below here is goign to kill some of the obnoxious parts out of the lists, removing the bullets, pulling away the padding on the left hand side ex cetera. */li{list-style-type:none;margin-left:0px;padding-left:0px;}/* end the part with messing around with the lists *//* this is just random styling, and doing things here and there to the general structure of the site */#bottomwrap{clear:both;text-align:center;}#bottomnav li{display: inline;list-style-type: none;padding-right: 20px;margin-top:0px;margin-bottom:0px;padding-top:0px;padding-bottom:0px;}#copyright{margin-top:0px;margin-bottom:0px;padding-top:0px;padding-bottom:0px;}#directory{margin-bottom:0px;}

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  22. This has to do with Xhtml, CSS< and javascript so I chose to ask it here, since there is no misc category.What I need to do is create an extensive rollover feature, I know how to do this in javascript.Now I have a header, 3 divs below it, in 3 different sections, and actually here's a screen shot if it works. Actually I will have a picture here and an explanation of what I am trying to do, maybe that will be better.IndexPageAllLayersShowing.jpgThat is the picture, what I need to do, is the following, That is a picture of what it will look like at the end, those 2 pictures at the top, the drawers in the 3 columns, and the text in the middle are 2 different pictures for each column, how do I center them inside those boxes, directly int eh center of each box, then I need to do the rollovers, where the pictures go underneath, the text will be there anyway, but I need to create it to where the pictures show up below the text, how do I create a rollover where it will make the text center, this is what I need to figure out, thanks for the help to anyone who can help

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