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Everything posted by Skemcin

  1. This will depend completely on your hosting service provider and what steps they require you to follow. Some give you, the user full control at no cost, some charge you a fee, some don't permit it at all, and others have work arounds that aren't 100% subdomains but are pretty close.Who is your hosting provider.
  2. At the age of 25, I switched from hotel resort management to senior cold fusion programmer within 5 years.If you want to do it, you can.
  3. if you are talking about <cfform action="xxxx.cfm method="post"> vs. <cfform action="xxxx.cfm method="get"> then you must have read incorrectly - there is no question that it supports both.http://livedocs.macromedia.com/coldfusion/...cs/00000256.htm
  4. Try this:http://www.adobe.com/devnet/flex/quickstar...d_actionscript/andhttp://www.adobe.com/devnet/flex/flex_php.html[just a thought]
  5. hehe - send some PM when you come across those moments when you find that ASP can do one thing and CF can't and visa versa - I am honestly interested to know where the real differences lie. I've only come to understand a few very subtle differences that tend to only effect a very very small percentage of scenarios.
  6. no necessarily true. the discussion board could be built using Flash Remoting which would give it the ability to interact with a database. Of course, using Flex2 would be an even better idea too.
  7. you're welcome - let me know how it goes.your mod services will be transferred when you decide on your new alias - cfguy.
  8. Skemcin

    Help me please

    a.) your homepage lacks content - so google will not be able to really guage what your sites purpose is. if you work text into your homepage that is relavent to your site and keyword selection, then you might fair betterb.) search engine placement is not easy, and takes three months to begin to establish yourself and takes work every week to maintain.c.) don't just focus on your site, find other means sites discussion boards or industry related directories to list your URL on - the more referring links you have and the more they get used, the higher your ranking will become.... search engine placement is more than just adding keywords to your meta tags
  9. Windows, Mac, Unix, Linux, doesn't matter:http://www.adobe.com/products/coldfusion/p...nfo/systemreqs/
  10. Correct. And this is the case for most small development shops. These shops will host the Cold Fusion sites 99% of the time - this is why cost is not that big of an issue to a developer. For me, I develop at home on the developer license, and then when I need to let the client see the site, I open my firewall to my CF server and then second IP that I can host to is them. When they are done (that day or two), I close my firewall and restart my Cold Fusion service. This makes both IP user spots avaiable again - 1 for me and the other for the next (or same) client I need to preview the site to. Not ideal, but very manageable.For exisiting clients, I set up their ONLINE sites to double as a development box. I have two folders, one for production and one for development and two LIVE data sources. So they can see things in the environment that it will be live on. This requires I pay strict attention to detail, but it works very well. Promoting from DEV to PROD rarely has any hickups.BTW, these are EXCELLENT questions and points. This is exactly what happens to people when they first learn of Cold Fusion. Getting this out of the way and making people understand just how easy and available the technology is the hardest thing. Once these points are clarified, a huge burdon is lifted - as it seems with you. This couldn't have been scripted any better.
  11. The code will ensure that each client visit to the website gets a fresh session started. If all browser windows are closed than all sessions are ended - great for protecting your users from the famous phantom login - where Person A in the library closes all the browsers and walks away and then Person B comes right in opens the browser and is still logged in as Person A. <!--- clearing session when browser closes ---><cfif ISDEFINED("cookie.CFID") and ISDEFINED("cookie.CFTOKEN")> <cfset localCFID = Cookie.CFID> <cfset localCFTOKEN = Cookie.CFTOKEN> <cfcookie name="CFID" value="#localCFID#"> <cfcookie name="CFTOKEN" value="#localCFTOKEN#"></cfif> Many times, I see a variable set to PRO or DEV and then a condition statement corresponding. This is irritating because when I move the Application.cfm file from development to production, I have to remember to change the variable from DEV to PROD. This code eliminates that step and ensures that the right code is always being processed for the right server since it sniffs out the actual box it is be processed on. <!--- dynamically determine production vs development server ---><cfif #cgi.local_addr# IS ""> <!--- live server ---> <cfset dirused="d:\websites\w3schools"> <cfset urlused="http://www.w3schools.com"> <cfset secureurl="https://www.w3schools.com"> <cfset session.mailserver="mail.w3schools.com"> <cfset webroot="/"> <cfset dsn="w3schools_prod"> <cfset uname="username"> <cfset pword="password"><cfelse> <!--- dev server ---> <cfset dirused="s:\Inetpub\wwwroot\w3schools"> <cfset urlused="http://localhost/w3schools"> <cfset secureurl="http://localhost/w3schools"> <cfset session.mailserver="mail.w3schools.com"> <cfset webroot="/w3schools/"> <cfset dsn="w3schools_dev"> <cfset uname="username"> <cfset pword="password"></cfif> Save the server some time. For global variable, don't set them on every page every single load. <cfparam> will assign a variable a value if the variable doesn't already exist. Wrapping this in a condition like this will only set the variables once and save the engine from processing the the information. <!--- set global session variables ---><cfparam name="session.instantiated" default="0"><cfif session.instantiated EQ 0><cfparam name="session.xxxxxx" default=""><cfparam name="session.xxxxxx" default=""><cfparam name="session.xxxxxx" default=""><cfset session.instantiated=1></cfif> Also, be sure to capitalize the letter A in Application.cfm. For windows servers its not that big of a deal, but anytime case sensitive file processing is turned on, this rule will need to be followed.
  12. Here is how it works:a.) Cold Fusion is its own server engine. If you install it, it will not, in any way, effect your installations of PHP or ASP. They all run run along side each other.b.) The developer's edition is for 2 users, so yes, in order to run your own server it does need to be purchase - the only draw back. Since the majority of users use hosting services, this is more of a non issue than people make it out to be.c.) Developing tools range from notepad (free), eclipse(also free), to something like Dreamweaver ($300). But just like php and asp, a developing tool is up to you.If you, personally, really want to develop something, then it costs nothing since you can run the server in your own LAN. There is only a cost once you want to go public with it. But during the learning process, do you really need anyone (aside from yourself) to see it? If so, send me a PM and I can find some space for you.EDIT: to elaborate in the installation, you are given the option to have cold fusion run with an existing server (IIS, Apache, etc.) or use its own. Again it will not present a conflict with any other server engine you are running.
  13. Before you ask a question in this forum, you should check the following (official) references:**********************************************************Cold Fusion MX7 Tag Library:http://livedocs.macromedia.com/coldfusion/...cs/00000195.htmGet Started in 30 Minutes:http://www.adobe.com/examples/cfgettingsta...dex_content.cfm**********************************************************Getting Started Building ColdFusion MX Applications:http://livedocs.macromedia.com/coldfusion/...cs/part_get.htmCFML Reference:http://livedocs.macromedia.com/coldfusion/...cs/part_cfm.htmColdFusion MX Developer's Guide:http://livedocs.macromedia.com/coldfusion/...cs/part_dev.htmas referenced here:Adobe Cold Fusion MX7 Live Docs:http://livedocs.macromedia.com/coldfusion/7/**********************************************************Application Methodologies and Guidelines:http://www.adobe.com/examples/cfgettingsta...idelines_en.pdfBest Practices:http://www.phptr.com/articles/article.asp?...qNum=1&rl=1EasyCFM Tutorials:http://tutorial478.easycfm.com/tutorials/ColdFusion Online Manual:http://www.coldfusionmanualonline.com/Collection of Cold Fusion Related RSS Feeds:http://www.iribbit.net/i/news.cfm**********************************************************ColdFusion vs. ASP, PHP, Java, .NET:http://coldfusion.sys-con.com/read/46362.htmColdFusion FAQ Repository:http://www.cffaq.com/**********************************************************NOTE: Due to server side technologies currently not available to w3schools hosting services, Cold Fusion Tutorials are not offered on w3schools.com until further notice. Any post requesting CF tutorials will receive no reply and be immediately removed.WELCOME TO COLD FUSION!
  14. I exchange some PMs with Kaijim and I am happy to see that he added this here.Yes, I am making a sticky for it now.
  15. Linn,Thank you for supporting w3schools.com. As Dan more directly points out, this topic has come up several times in the past. The site owners do not have an interest in offering any of the tutorials they have maintained on any off-line format.The internet, in fact, is less restrictive than print, as you you claim. The website allows the user to interact (in real time) with the tutorials. Print and even CD version would be static in nature since they would not be able to use server technologies like php and asp. Offline versions cost more money to publish since there are fees related to printing and distributing - the only fees are limited to hosting and domain name fees. These costs are much more easily recovered with the google ads that you see at the top of the pages.As much as the owners would love to accommodate every suggestion, this would be one that would not be profitable at all.Thank you for visiting, welcome to the forums. We hope to see you around.Dan, please try to be more welcoming to our new members.
  16. Javascript is a client side language and a Stored Procedure is a Database Function (server side). Javascript will not be able to directly execute a stored procedure unless the javascript is calling a page on the server to do it.
  17. I'm not introducing anything new in what I posted. I expanded on some details specific to the database schematic that was proposed. The application plan is definitely the first things to settle on. But as you will find many open source project will tend to appear more like organized scatter brained thoughts. But in actually, it is a few folks multi-tasking. Be able to quickly look into the future (the database schematic) can often provide insight and detail on the present "planing" stage. This practice often reduces the inevitable "we should have thought of that" once you get to development.As for the project, it is still possible to consider developing a CMS system. There is no reason why it can;t be done. A good plan that is set in phases could easily accommodate all the real world requirements and functionality. All this could defitely no be done in 3 weeks - except maybe a Phase I. And, yes, there has to be a deadline - other wise you be stuck with Netscape 5.x - if you know what I mean.
  18. I would recommend this sort of data schematic - your queries will be easier to construct and require much less aliasing:http://www.iribbit.net/i/_files/w3s_projectA.txtThis will allow you to write statements like this:SELECT *FROM w3s_Image (nolock) JOIN w3s_Page (nolock) ON img_pag_PageID=pag_PageID vs. this: SELECT *FROM Image I (nolock) JOIN Page P (nolock) ON p.PageID=i.PageID Personally, I can't stand having the same column name used multiple times. Using a prefix convention like I suggest helps also identify which PageID (or any field for that matter) is being used from each table - easily identifying foreign keys. It also ensures that every fieldname is unique - but that's my $0.02.As for the overall project - it really sounds like you guys are talking about a Content Management System (CMS) - especially after reviewing the database schematic. I built one years ago and they are plenty of things to consider.edit: lol - just read through justsomeguy's post saying the same thing (regarding CMS) - I need to type faster.Good Luck.P.S. On the data schematic, I'd also add xxx_date_added, xxx_date_modified, and xxx_delete_flag. Filling in todays date as a default and then obvously and date subsequently for the date_modified. The delete_flag for every table is a standard too - soft deletes are very helpful these days even though they involve a little more query work - orphan records are easier to find/handle.(looks like I'm up to my $0.05 worth on input)
  19. I do not think giving any current mod or mods admin control is a good thing to consider. The board is theirs - point blank - and there is nothing more to it. If anyone other person(s) were to be given control then direction of the board, how it looks, and how it functions could possibly take a turn that wouldn't be appealing to many people. The important thing is the substance - that is what makes the forum what it is - not a flashy interface or reputation system.I understand that the look-n-feel may not be so attractive but the important thing to remember is that the more you go away from the baseline product the more you have to fix (and remember to fix) when something (like an upgrade or hack) occurs.One of the first recommendations I ALWAYS make to clients that want a board is to consider not skinning it. Updates are always a breeze to handle and never have issues. I don't press it hard since I get more work out of creating a skin and then making sure it is easy to deal with when upgrades come along - but that is beside the point.Skinning is fine as long as it doesn't reengineer functionality or introduce new navigation. New functionaliy is not a something I think we need to consider unless there is a hard and true purpose for it - not just a cool bell-n-whistle that folks end up only liking for three weeks.As for mods with admin rights - again - NO is my vote. I do not want to see anyone of us faced with the influx of demands that would surely ensue once we "have the power". I can easily see all the "now that you can do it, can you do this please" and all the posts will be polls about what to do and what not to do. So I say lets just focus on what we are here for.
  20. Change your mouse wheel scroll from 3 lines to a page or some other increment. If you are hoping that a stylesheet treatment or anything else will change its behavior, it won't. It is the combination of how many lines your mouse wheel is set to scroll that gives your PC a hrad time figuring out how render the page as it is being scrolled in fewer intervals. And that is different from grabbing the scroll bar as it is more floating where the mouse wheel always is fixed by the number of lines assigned to it.
  21. yeah, web services would be the best solution for what seems to be described here.
  22. Lets say your global(public) IP address is now you are saying that you have your D-Link set up to pass requests for to be channeled to That means that you have already gone into your D-Link administrator to let that happen. In that sxmae area you should be able to define another passthrough, just (as you seem to suspect) defined the ports accordingly.So you would end up with this: = = you know port 80 is already the default port for the webserver, so the first line could be typed in a browser as either or Now, if your DNS record is pointing your domain name to, then you should be able to get this result:aspnetguy.com:80 = = course, depending on what you are doing, you might just assign a subdomain to so you only have to type dev.aspnetguy.com.I'm pretty sure this would work - each DNS registrar and hosting service does things differently so you might run into an issue here or there.
  23. Skemcin

    URL's in HTML

    If you want your URL to show up in a seach engine, you will have to submit it to the various search engine sites - each has their own method.But you're question is not very clear, please rephrae your question.
  24. Skemcin


    A couple of things:a.) For "wmgrounds.dommox.com" "wmgrounds" is the subdomain not "dommox"b.) Your current DNS configuration is "ns1.dommox.com" - there is typically two, most likely "ns2.dommox.com" which is not an issue as long as "ns1.dommox.com" knows and is configured to point "wmgrounds.com" to "wmgrounds.dommox.com". That you would have to check with your hosting provider. Ideally, your hosting provider would have a Control Panel that gives you the capability of confirming this configuration.c.) You have to make sure, which it seems the case, that your registrar (namecheap.com) is set to point your domain name to a server that knows what to do with it. As I said, it looks like this is already set up given that your whois record shows "ns1.dommox.com" as the primary DNS. I would log in to this area and add "ns2.dommox.com" as mentioned in point b.).At the time of this post: http://www.wmgrounds.com does not work.Hope this helps.
  25. I don't like the idea but I am sure everyone would expect that from me. Anything that promotes or suggests anyone person is more helpful than the other just segregates our own little community. It just brings attention to something that shouldn't matter in an environment that is based on voluntary assistance.If you need to be rewarded for your contribution outside of the satisfaction it gives you and others, then I'd argue this is not the place for you.But, like I said, you would expect that type of answer from me.
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