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Everything posted by Skemcin

  1. Im working in a new .NET environment of whihc I have no control over. On a webpage that the system creates, I can either have my own HTML code or their ugly prebuilt crap. But, the only way to make a form work is if I use their form fields - I can not manually create and name mine, theirs are tied to the page.So, what I need to do is this:a.) create my own manual form (done)b.) place their form on the page too (done)c.) cover up their form with a div so you can see it (done)d.) when an image is clicked by my fields, I need to take the values submitted there and put them in their form and submit the form as well. (pending)here is some sample code to understand it, remember, I can only write javascripts and html in this environment, and I do not have any access to the form tag.my form (abridged) ID: <input type="text" name="uname">Password <input type="password" name="pword"><img src="images/go.gif"> their form (abridged) email address: <input type="text" name="useremailaddress">Password <input type="password" name="userpassword"> So, is there a particularly easy way to add function that can be called in the onlick attribute of my code to do this?Again, the assumptions are that the field names you see are static and all this is within one form but everything else is dynamic. I'm figuring that there will be some this.form uname.value code somewhere - I'm rusty on this and too tired to spend the afternoon on google.Thanks in advance.
  2. yes, the best thing to do is to escape the html tag carrots: <myTest><h1>Hello World</h1></myTest>
  3. have you tried: <table><tr><td><div style="float:left; width:200px; border:1px solid black;">1/1<br /></div><div style="float:left; width:200px; border:1px solid black;">1/2<br /></div><div style="float:left; width:50px; border:1px solid black;">1/3<br /></div></td</tr><tr><td><div style="float:left; width:50px; border:1px solid black;">2/1<br /></div><div style="float:left; width:350px; border:1px solid black;">2/2<br /></div><div style="float:left; width:50px; border:1px solid black;">2/3<br /></div></td</tr></table> I added the border just to show the positioning.This valids strict XHTML, gives you flexible columns but still distinguishes each row. The numbers represent the row/column incase anyone missed that.
  4. In all honesty and completely unbiased, there is no life after w3schools.com. There is enough information here to help you through all your questions. Granted, it cannot and will not cover everything there is to know about web development - but so much of it is covered there is no need to go to any other site for most of the information you will ever need.In any case, you express that you don't feel you have enough information to design a site. This void might be due to a creative lapse or from simply not understanding where to start - I'm not sure. You'll have to look a little deeper to figure out what is really missing.Web Development skills are just like Basketball skills, or any other skill for that matter, practice makes perfect. you can read all the tutorials in the world and know more about basketball then I, but I can still "break your ankles" and leave you wonder what I just did to get by you. Practice makes perfect.Find a topic simple and true to you and build even something very basic. Then just let it take a shape of its own. If its a design you're missing, pick one up at freewebtemplates.com or monstertemplates.com.Just give it a try, jump in the water. Its only cold for the first 5 minutes.
  5. me 2 - change my title from moderator to spamerater
  6. Skemcin

    Damn Spam

    I just think its time to implement email confirmation on registration instead of being able to jump right in.
  7. warned and suspended for 5 days
  8. warned and suspended for 5 days - no advertising!
  9. Skemcin

    Simple website

    I'll refrain from making any further comments. The only thing I will point out that is one the most dangerous mistake is the use of the copyright statement. If you do not have a legally registered entity that can claim somehitng under a copyright, then it is very illegal to use the statement. Moreover, intellectual property can only be copyright protected if it is more or less and application or design of sort. Not saying that this could be copyrighted, but if it were, enforcing the copyright would be exponentially more challenging then the job Klenex faced when enforcing its copyright on facial tissue - just like Xerox has its issues with paper copies.Additionally, I am sure that the founders of w3schools.com would not appreciate the statement that implies you are an agent or representative of the company.There is no doubt your intention was good, so I just hope you understand everyone's feedback and do not take offense to it. This is, ironically, a great example of some of the complexities this industry presents.
  10. Skemcin

    Tables or Css?

    Yes and No. When read out of context, defining what a web developer and web hobbyist is has nothing to do with whether one should code in tables or CSS. But, when I introduced the reality of todays browser market, I stated that a creative adn skilled web developer would have to use both and couldn't (realistically) expect to favor one over the other (tables vs. css - I almost typed "chairs" instead of "css" - lol). This lead to a reply that questioned that relevence when considering the fact the a web hobbyist would not care or even know that one method may be more compatible with more browsers than the other. So, when put in context, my post (particularly defining web developer and web hobbyist) was on topic. I hope you understand that I was not implying that you only come here to pass time. I am sure all our members come here for those same reasons you do (offer help and seek help). I agree, too, that it should be a fun and happy place - that is the aura we seek. The aura of a discussion board is not the same as its purpose or goal. I simply wanted to state that one should not expect a post to entertain them but a post could educate you in an entertaining way - the emphasis and main intend being education. I can understand your point completely. But I reviewed each post on this topics and there is not really anything that has been repeated - except within the last couple of posts - but there is nothing wrong with reiterating a point if it was not completely understood in the first place. Now, I am sure this topics has come up elsewhere, if not here definitely on another board. Maybe having participated in only one of these types of conversations is enough to understand one's position. But if it takes one longer to understand what to do with this math problem, 25x^2 + 36 = 60x, then is it fair to cut that person short of the amount of time or discussion needed to understand it? I can also agree with your perspective of name calling and aggression. I observed this behavior, stepped in to correct it, and the posts got back on track immediately afterwards. So to everyone's credit, I think our members responded appropriately and maturely to the moderator intervention. And there is nothing wrong with a debate, especially if it is moderated - which this one has been. And you are correct, there have been other posts that have show similar behavior - all of which I beleive one moderator or another has come across and dealt with accordingly. Again, for the one's I've seen, everyone has been very responsive, especially since seeing Eric(going back a little there) leave. thanks. I've ben exposed to quite a bit over the last 10 years and look at everything as a learning experience. So I am constantly taking mental notes hoping to later discover something to take away from whatever I felt necessary to note. What is funny is that I notice I rarely hold on to details, I focus more on concepts. Having understood a concept, I rely on my experience and intellect to fill in the gaps. And when they can't, I have no problem stating that I have no idea what I am talking about - that's when I usually say something like "I did stay at a Holidya Inn last night".
  11. Skemcin

    Tables or Css?

    Sorry that you are bored - I did not realize the mission for the forums was to entertain folks. Just because you are bored with a topic doesn't mean it should be left alone. If you are bored with a topic, then stop posting in it and giving folks a reason to reply. I'm not trying to be an a$$ about, but just stating the obvious I guess.There seems to be a couple things that could still be ironed out on this topic based on the last few on topic posts.For one, the distinction between a web developer and a web hobbyist (script kiddie) was made to give more context to a statement. I also feel like its worth mentioning that I feel people do come here to learn, contrary to what justsomeguy said. And in response to my statement he replied to, I do not feel that my statement is extreme because no matter what you consider yourself (web hobbyist, script kiddie, web developer) you should still be coding to just beyond your capabilities. Which is to say that if you have no abilities, then you need to do the ground work the learn. The step that justsomeguy might be more accurately have issue with is not the copy-n-paste process, but what happens after that, or the lack there of. I learned practically everything I know from copy-n-paste. In fact, I keep a library of code on my USB drive in case I ever get lost trying to figure something out I know I've done before. What I think the real issue in this matter is the amount of critical thinking that is conducted AFTER you copy and paste. If you do none, then yeah you are not learning. But if you look through the code and learn from it, then its just as good, if not better than, trying to figure it out from a text book. And that, is more of the point that Brendan is making in his reply.All in all, while you guys were chatting about boredom, you missed out on some other conclusions.
  12. Skemcin

    Tables or Css?

    Look, what it comes down to is this. A good graphic designer knows browser limitations as well as the developer that will be coding the design. Together, the two of them should come up with a design that can satisfy the client and still be meet all the funtional challenges.If anyone has to spend this much time arguing either point, they are doing no one a favor (in my opinion) because there is NO plausable solution - that being there is NO way to get all the browsers to render code consistantly the same way and to standards until standards are something that are enforceable (whole 'nother topic). Unless you are on the board at W3C or have some other major role in the way polices and protocols are defined and implemented, I would think that your time would be better spent refining your creative graphical and coding skills to accommodate the very issues being argued instead of force feeding an idealology that cannot become a reality any time soon.I, for one, have worked with my design partner for over 5 years now and we have NEVER come across a design element that a client wanted that we could not accommodate - across all major browsers. Creative graphic designs and creative coding can get the job done - without hacks and without browser sniffers.In my personal opinion, if you have to use a hack or a browser sniffer (especially for using a whole new set of files) then you have bitten off more than you can chew and should fill out an application at White Castle.Don't get me wrong, this is a HUGE issue for web development. But it is a nonissue for the web developer.
  13. The proof is in the pudding. In today's market, 95% of employers will ask fro sample code - thats shows more competancy than any certificate, portfolio address or rendered source code - especially when dealing with a dynamic language.I know I've made this point before, ah here it is. REview these posts and maybe you will understand a little more about where we (or at least I) am coming from:http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=3701http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=954
  14. Duplicate post closed.Follow up here:http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=4293
  15. what exactly are you looking for? The list of web developers in your area? A list of software that can be used to create web sites? A list of good and bad web designs?We, or at least I, need a little more clarification.Thanks and welcome to the forums.
  16. If you can figure out how to create a cute little bunny inyour signature using ASCII text characters, you should be able to figure out flash.In all sincerety, its not THAT hard once you undersand that everything is based on a timeline and that you can either place graphics, buttons, or movies on that timeline.I wouldn't buy it right now, download the 30 day free trial and immediately begin working through the tutorials that included in the software. Open it up and click Help - there are 7 or 8 interactive tutorials that you work in flash with.Make your decision from there.
  17. Skemcin

    Tables or Css?

    I'm asking that all posts on this topic begin to take a little less personal position. Please do not make me read every line to figure out who said what to whom and who needs a slap on the wrist.Just be cordial and respectful - make your points and support them with facts. Any more personal attacks will have to be dealt with. This means PREVIEW YOUR POST and try to consider how it might be interpreted - by anyone.Thanks.
  18. p.s. welcome to the forums:)
  19. We can definitely look into that. There is quite a bit of posts piling up so I guess now would be the best time to get a handle on it. I'll also send a message onto kaijim to see if additional tutorials could be added to reduce the duplicate topics.Thanks for your feedback.
  20. Skemcin


    Thanks and welcome to the forums. We look forward to your contributions.
  21. I can pass all the quizes w3schools offers as warm up without any issue. I do not feel that $60 is a reasonable price to pay for the documentation. I'd pay $25 or maybe $40 buto nly if there was some way of attaching some larger corporate endorsement. I'd rather pay $150 and get my Cold Fusion Certified Developer title and have the benefits that come along with it.
  22. Skemcin

    Tables or Css?

    of course, there should be another choice in your poll - imo. At the present state of web browser technology and popularity, a developer is almost left with no options but with the task to gracefully combine the two (tables and css).True, CSS is the way it should be done. But we should all be driving cars that run off of renewable energy sources so that we are not dependant on foriegn oil. That paradigm is not disimilar to the one you address. We all should be coding in CSS but we simply can't if we are forced to deliver a certain user interface that is to be consistant for any user on any browser on any platform.Having said all that, I think a more appropriate poll would have been to ask it in this manner:What do you prefer:a.) Creating sites in CSS and writing CSS hacks to accommodate browsers and operating systemsb.) Creating Sites with tables and be ostersized by fellow coding extremists.c.) With an emphasis more on CSS and less on tables, using them both can be more effective than either one alone.I tend to fit more in the [c] group of people.
  23. A suggestion topic should never be consider for closure - this one is getting close to that point.The real point is that two suggestions were made and considered. The first, regarding DNS, is very valid and worth exploring. The second, allowing annonymous access, is a matter of configuration. The first thing to understand is that NONE of the members or the moderators have any direct control over the configuration of the w3school site and the w3school forum - we are only here to provide or seek assistance/guidance - moderators additionally volunteer their time to keep things in check.Having said that, this is that moment. Both suggestions have been documented and both have been considered. The first has been deemed owrthy of pursuing and the second has not. The founders/owners of w3schools site and the w3schools discussion board are extremely busy people. They have taken great care in selecting a team of moderators that are familiar with many facets of the internet including applications and environments create within. They have made sure that the moderating team is well balance by appointing members froma variety of background and expereiences. It is for this reason that when all moderator team members feel a suggestion is not worth pursuing that it is comminicated that it will not be considered at this time. There is no need to continue to question this position, especially in the public domain. This post was made in the "Suggestion Box" not the "Flame Box". Both perspectives have been made clear and both have been communicated to be well understood. With that being established, I do not feel it is reasonable to for anyone to expect more out of something that has been seriously considered presently or previously.All in all, this is a community of learning, not of one hit wonders. Be it pointless posts by bots or humans, blatant advertisements, or any other uncontrollable spam, NO ONE has the time to deal with this type of overhead.Annonymous access to the w3schools discussion board will not be implemented or considered at this time.We appreciate the suggestion and realize that it is something that you feel strongly about. We can only ask that you understand and respect the decision that has been made.
  24. Hi. I'll try to help, but not sure if I understand everything completely . . .Your original XML is NOT in RSS format?What is generating your original XML document?You are trying to take an unformated XML document and transform it into an RSS formatted XML document using XSL?
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