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Everything posted by Skemcin

  1. Its been a while since I was schooled on this but . . . cafeteria staff are required by law to wear because they are considered Institutional style establishments. Safety and Sanitation are harder to control in larger kitchens. Alot of these requirements stem from government run institutions, like jails and schools - which have these larger kitchens.Commercial restaurants, if I recall, do or used to have some requirements. But enforcing them is a whole different story. As I keep thinking of this, I think it is a requirement, but it is only a minor infraction on the Health Code Report - one that restaurants can tend to afford to receive.AHH, now I rememberI'm sure its a law that all hair must be contained above the shoulder where ever open food is handled. So look at your fast food joints - they all wear basebal caps - that effectively contains the hair. You should never see someone with not head gear on unless they are bald - if you do, find another place to eat.
  2. technically, it should be written: <input type="xxxxxx" vaue="xxxxxx" name="xxxxxx" maxlength="xx" disabled="disabled" /> (don't forget the trialing forward slash on tags that have no closing tag)
  3. The Web Services section will remain in its present location since XML is the underlying logic used in the service. boen_robot, you never read the "How to Post Online Politiely" thread did you? You are an incredible resource to this forum and I encourage you to keep up your accurate and well supported posts. Please do understand, however, that you do not have control over how something is interpretted. If some says they are offended by a comment, you cannot just dismiss it by saying that your comment was not offensive - its all subjective. Furthermore, rhetorical questions are quite easily and often misinterpretted - just like the one I intentionally used to begin my reply. They are often taken like a quick cheap shot - a slap in the face if you will. If that comment were excluded from your post, then the topic would have pretty much been done and over with.I can understand how you might become defensive when something you feel is so remotely offensive is taken with offense. I've been there a hundered times. All you can do is say that it was not your intent at all, and then move on. I'm not asking you to change anything you do or say, just keep two things in mind (and this is for EVERYONE too):a.) language barriers will often be factors in this discussion board - one reason why jokes and sarcasm are asked to be kept at a minimum.b.) if you did something to upset/offend someone just say you're sorry and mention that it was not your intention - there is no need to try to defend one interpretion to another, just keep things in a positve light and direction.Again, I have to emphasize that you are an incredible asset to the board and it is unfortunate that you are at the center of this obvious misinterpretation. But the topic question at hand has been answered and this little episode is behind us. If Dan feels an apology is needed, then lets just finish this in PM.Keep up the excellent work guys.
  4. Skemcin

    I'm in a dilemma.

    no use worrying about something you have absolutely no control over. Just live each for its own and remember that age is nothing but a number. When I take my son to McDonalds Playland, I have to leave the wife at home, she is too embarassed to be seen with me when I climb up in the plastic maze with my son.People who "grow old" spend too much time realizing they are getting old.
  5. Skemcin

    Web Ranking

    Can you post a link to where you tested the code I posted?If this was done successfully, then you will have two options:a.) create a new page for each of the sections of your site and call you server side includes - which, by the way would be pointless as you might as well just put the code in the new page.orb.) keep your existing page the way it is, and have each of your links call the same page, but add a url parameter which will then dictate which server side include to use.I understand this sounds like the Do It Yourself instructions for rebuilding an engine of a 1979 Porsche 911 Turbo. So, here is another way to think about it so that you can explain it too whom ever you might need to.Think of the visitors to your website a being thirsty and each section of information as being a cocktail. Now, you could serve each cocktail in 10 individual classess. This means you have to have ten glasses and then you will have to clean all ten classes. But, if you only had one glass you could pour the different drinks in the same glass and therefore not have to clean 9 glassess. Well, what I talk about with server side includes and using a variable to determine which SSI(content) to use is no different. Its like saying I want a glass of this or a glass of that where the "of this" and the "of that" are the url paramaters. For example:http://www.yourdomain.com/index.asp = empty or default glasshttp://www.yourdomain.com/index.asp?content=red = same glass but with red contenthttp://www.yourdomain.com/index.asp?content=white = same glass but with white contentetc.The url parameter "?content=red" will tell your page to use the red server side include. This is very efficient for programming the site and changing information. Although this is more typically used for menue, headers, and footers, you could very easily use it as I just describe to "get your pages back".I will add, however, that some less advanced (or too advanced) search engines sometime will not spider url parameters. But from my experience, all the important ones do.Hope this helps a little.BTW, here is a the local link to see how to set and use variables:http://www.w3schools.com/asp/asp_variables.aspI understnad this may seem to be over your head, but you responded so well to the first challenge, I figure you might be up for another . . . :)Oh, and I do realize that there is more than one way to skin a cat. So for anyone contemplating challenging this approach, feel free. This approach is not likely the best way, but I think it accommodates this particular situation pretty well - especially when considering the requirements/skill to move out of iframes.
  6. Skemcin

    Web Ranking

    You would be surprised how easy Server Side includes are. IT could very will be the case that the current web server youuse already has some sort of include capability. If you are hosting on a Windows server running IIS, it is very likely that SSI are enabled. This can be tested by reviewing this very simple code:http://www.w3schools.com/asp/asp_incfiles.aspReplace: <iframe id="contenidoFrame" name="contenidoFrame" src="./lts_qs.htm" class="css_conFrame"></iframe> With: <!--#include file="lts_qs.htm"--> and safe the file as test.htmUpload the file and browse the page.If this is successful, you'll have a little bit of work ahead of you, but nothing that won't pay off pretty quickly.And, you'll want to do this sooner rather than later. You don't want the positioning you worked hard to have before get too far removed. While you are in there, consider trying to use <h1> and <h2>, they will help the search engines prioritize your conent.Good Luck.
  7. Didn't Britney say this . . . not a girl, not yet a woman . . . so we have concluded that IE7 does indeed ######!
  8. That has definitely removed the code. I tried that but with actually defining the condition. I'll play with it and the query a little more to see if it works.Thanks.
  9. Must be a slow news day to have so much conversation about this.:)I can appreciate the folks that feel some attention should be drawn to the moderators. I thought the big cone hat I put on everytime I visited the site was enough - whew, now you got me rethinking this whole wardrobe thing.In all sincereity, I cannot say that I am a fan of drawing attention to us. I do not think that it really helps much. Our posts are no more significant than anyone elses. We post to seek help/advice as much as anyone else does. For that, I do not feel our posts deserve any more attention than they already get.Furthermore, if we felt like we needed some attention drawn to one of our posts, I believe we have all the tools we need to do so. I guess, when it comes down to it, I just don't like things that end up labeling people in any way that suggests subordinance or inequality. Its one of teh things that frustrates me most about the corporate world, the double standards of an open door policy. If there is an open door policy, then why is there a door?But, that's my $.02 - I'm happy with my "Group: Moderator" designation. I don't need the added color, font weight, or signature. You know where to find me. And if you don't, then a little research never hurt anyone.
  10. Maybe I didn't articulate that well. But lets say you have a category, a title, and a description. And in the template, the title and description are looping to produce all your products. So that: <h3>Accessories</h3>These are items you can buy that require no modifications:<br /><xsl:apply-templates select="Accessories" /><br /><br clear="all" /> produces this: <h3>Accessories</h3>These are items you can buy that require no modifications:<br />Title 1/Description1<br />Title 2/Description2<br />Title 3/Description3<br />Title 4/Description4<br />Title 5/Description5<br /><br clear="all" /> But if there are no records, I do not want to show anything. As it stands, if there are no Accessories, I get this: <h3>Accessories</h3>These are items you can buy that require no modifications:<br /> because that is the part that is not in the template.If the template has no information to return, I simply want to not show it and not show the text just before it - because its just a label for it.Does that clarify it any more?
  11. I have my well formated XML, and while transforming it I have something like this: <h3>Accessories</h3>These are items you can buy that require no modifications:<br /><xsl:apply-templates select="Accessories" /><br /><br clear="all" /> In the accessories template, it successfully loops through my XML and is able to output exactly the way I want. But, when there are no Accessories for the product being loaded, how can I avoid displaying this: <h3>Accessories</h3>These are items you can buy that require no modifications:<br /><br clear="all" /> Is there a way to wrap a condition arouns the whole template?orDo I have to move the text inside the template and create a condition that only shows it for the first record - how would that be done without using javascript?Thanks in advance.
  12. <<<< no advertising allow >>>>
  13. I think there is a little more information needed here.First, understand that a "member page" would require you to have a database of "members" that would contain some profile information - username, password, fullname, email address - at a minimum.Second, you'll need to understand a scripting language and how it connects to a database through an Open Database Connection (ODBC). The scripting language will be used to send requests (loggin in, adding and updating information) to and from the database.There is a lot involved in doing this correctly and securely, I've not mentioned SSL.Action Steps:a.) http://www.w3schools.com/sql/b.) http://www.w3schools.com/asp/ or http://www.w3schools.com/php/ or http://livedocs.macromedia.com/coldfusion/7/c.) select a database to use (sql, mysql, oracle, and -god forbid- access).Once you have an understanding these concepts you should have an idea how to put together your member page.
  14. There are many ways to handle databasing prices. One technique, already offered, is to store pricing information at the product level in with the actual product. Although that may work for many (maybe even most) situations, there are conditions that can make that method inappropriate.For instance, I have a client that has four or five classifications of buyers - and it has/will change. Rather than adding new price fields and adjusting code to accommodate those additional fields, it is common to create a new table for just prices. This, then requires a cross (or look up) table to match the product with the buyer catagory type. That is to say one price is entered and then related to the one category. Then the product is linked to the primary key of the price table. A product may have multiple prices simply by look adding them to the cross table. When a buyer logs in for a purchase, their customer record identifies their buyer category and then can determine the correct price.So, pricing can be done a number of ways, there is rarely a wrong way to do it - but there are scalable way to do it - and that is the important fact to understand before writing off one idea or method as being useless.For mckenzie, I would highly suggest you store prices in the database as an integer. It sounds like you might be using MS Access - if so, another suggestion would be to find away out of that (mysql and ms sql express are free). Leave the dollar formatting up to the programming language.All though I personally see very little beneift at this day in age, there are many who feel all of that formating should be done and will be done in the database - so you will have to figure out how far into the future you want to worry about this problem. If you eve have to convert the date, you may run into an application that cannot recognize the dollar format (not to mention foreign currencies here) - then you will have a biggest task to write scripts that select and remove the characters when all along you can be assured that integer to integer conversion can almost never fail.
  15. Dhanajee,Consider this a verbal warning. If you are not capable of speaking rationally and respectfully to fellow members, especially moderators, then we will have to consider offering an official warning, post previews, temporary ban, or even expulsion from the forum. Naturally, I hope it goes no farther than this - so watch your tongue, be respectful and please try to help people. Straying off topic to make an unsupported accusation about another individual does no one any good and onlymake you look like an immature and unrespectable member that will only be ignored rather than appreciated.Now, to make a couple points on topic . . .
  16. Skemcin


    share a url or some code - it will give us a better understanding as to what is wrong.
  17. Well, I took a step back and broke down the process. Here is what I found out:a.) recall I have one form that performs two function (login and search)b.) I am hiding the system generated login in fields and creating my own (with different names)What I was originally trying to do is use the same baseline field names to submit the form on my own - which worked when I was actually clicking something. That worked because I had the revaluing function tied to the onblur function. The problem ended up being the fact that the act of pressing the return carriage does not register as an onblur action (which sort of makes sense and sort of doesn't). With out the return carriage register as an onblur, the password was never getting submitted.So, I have these three function being called now: <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">function loginSubmit() { document.getElementById('LoginGoButton').click();}function initPage() { window.document.onkeydown=findKey;}function findKey(evt) { var evt = (evt) ? evt : ((window.event) ? event : null); if (evt.type == 'keydown') { var charCode = (evt.charCode) ? evt.charCode : evt.keyCode; if(charCode==13) { // alert ("You just pressed the return key"); // document.getElementById('eWebForm').submit(); TextBoxLoginName.value = uname.value; TextBoxPassword.value = pword.value; document.getElementById('LoginGoButton').click(); } }}</script> accompanied by: Username:<br /><input name="uname" id="uname" class="content-login-box" width="10" onblur="TextBoxLoginName.value = uname.value" /><br />Password:<br /><input type="password" name="pword" id="pword" class="content-login-box" width="10" onblur="TextBoxPassword.value = pword.value" onkeypress="initPage()" /><input type="image" name="haxsubmit" id="haxsubmit" title="Login" src="_images/_bkstore/submit-generic.gif" border="0" onclick="loginSubmit()" /> What this now effectively does is not actually submit the form when I click the image or press the return key. I am now simply using javascript to click the system generated form button but only after I populate it with my form field values.So, its kinda of that "can't beat 'em, join 'em" mentality. If I can submit teh form myself on behalf of the page, then I just force feed it my information and and kick it in the arse to get it going.Too much work!Now, I gotta figure out why my search part is submitting to the login page and not to the search results page - yet another story.:)Thanks to all for the help and contributions, they all became part in the solution somewhere.
  18. thats actually what I am doing - running the same script that the <img> is executing.but the image is defined with id="LoginGoButton" which is the trigger on the action page - without it, it has no idea that my intent is to login.. Running the same script, just mimicks posting the form, it does not at this time assign the return carriage the same id="LoginGoButton" that would make the action aware of my intent.So, when I enter a username and password and CLICK the image to submit, everything is fine, and I am logged in - the form works.But, when I enter the same username and password and PRESS enter, the same script is submitting the same form with the same form values as before, EXCEPT no id="LoginGoButton" is assigned to anything so the action pages tells me that I must enter keywords in order to conduct a search. Remember there are one form, but two functions, login and search. The search submit button appears in the object index before my button does - hence it is assigned the return carriage association.pretty crazy isn't?
  19. I actually can't reveal the name of the product or the vendor - sorry, just not allowed to.But what I mean in my last post is this:a.) when you click on a submit button, it acts as an input, so, the action page will always see an additional name/value pair in the form scopeb.) action pages are often coded to sniff that added name/value pair to see what to doc.) for instance, if I load a record in an edit form and have an update and delete button named respectively, them my action page might be written with a condition like, if form.update is defined do this (update sql script), if form.delete is defined do this (delete record sql script).d.) so, on my form, when I get all my manually created neat fields transported into the system generated page (as assisted in the early oart of this post) then I can submit the form with the image because the image the following attribute:id="LoginGoButton"and that works fine if you enter your username and your password then manually click the Go button (thanks again to those who helped in this post)e.) BUT, now that I have the return key press trapped and submitting the form (thanks again et all) my new problem lies in the fact that trapping the return carriage does get me the action of submitting the form, but it provides no means of communicated the fact that:id="LoginGoButton"is doing the submitting. I need that to tell the action page to just use the fields on the page associated with that action. Without it, the action page resorts to the default button on the page, which is defined by the first submit button coded on the page - which is not this one. (and I can't move anything).This is, unfortunately, tainting my feelings about .NET. The whole each page is one big form is really irritating. But, I have to disclaim the fact that I understand why it is that way and that I do see the benefits of it - I simply just don't like it - I can live iwth it, but I just don't like it.(but that's a whole 'nother conversation):-)Did I articulate the return carriage needs to also pass and "ID" value issue well?
  20. thanks for the help guys. I've been able to combine many aspects of almost each post to get this working the way it needs to - almost - but frist thigns first, thanks.So, here is what seems to be my last hurdle in this one, It seems that after all my onblur statements and all the functions that I've written the proprietary system in which I am forced to code is built to only process the section I want based on the ID of the action that initiated the process. In other words, my <img> onclicked worked because I was able to give it an ID which was inturn what the action pages checks to know what parts of what form to process. That means, that I now need to clone the ID value into the action of hitting the return carriage. Is this possible?
  21. I'm not sure if you still want the logo closer to the top, but on your:http://www.brigantinemc.com/translation.htmlpage, you're header shows up twice.
  22. If I told you it wouldn't be a secret anymore...Okay, I guess I'll be the one person to let the secret out . . . purpose.Successful discussion boards have a purpose and a purpose that people are drawn to and interested in. Of course, you would also technically have to define "success". I mean I could have a discussion board with three members but it together we talked through a solution for world peace, wouldn't that be successful?Well, obviously I'm not being much help.:-)But, in all sincerity, purpose is the underlying factor. Look at this board, its purpose is to basically provide an area for w3school.com tutorial users to interact with other programmers to share and discuss solutions. It has a wonderful purpose that people find value in. The hosting company I prefer, crystaltech.com, has a users forum that is very useful. Again, a clear and directed purpose - serve their customers and online support tool that allows them to interact with other CT customers and with teh CT staff -all to solve problems/issues.So, find the niche of people that you want to cater to, and as long as you can reach them and they want to talk, then you would concevieably have a successful online forum.
  23. Choco, thanks for the post but I'm trying to trap the act of pressing the carriage return key. This is because I do not have control over the dynamic form the application makes. Without that control I cannot control the tab index. Without that control, and with .NET having everything processed under one form, I have to tell the server which submit button I am trying to simulate pressing.For instance, there is my username and password fields, plus a search box - all are executed in one form. The submit button you press determines which part of the one form gets processed - hit theone by the search and it only worries about that one, hit the one by the u/p and that only gets paid attention to.So, I am trying to find a script like the one below that works in more than IE. If I put this in my password field then every key press will be analized by javascript and when the one that is pressed is the "return carriage", it will resimulate submitting this part of the form - otherwise every return carriage is defaulted for the search. <script language="JavaScript"><!--function handler(e) { if (document.all) { e = window.event; } var key; if (document.layers) key = e.which; if (document.all) key = e.keyCode var chr = String.fromCharCode(key); alert('Character representation of pressed was ' + chr); alert('Unicode value of key pressed was ' + chr.charcodeAt(1));}//--></script>
  24. I ended up finding out that using the same syntax works in IE and FF if you use it in the onblur attribute.I am now on to the retrun carriage trapping. . . .
  25. Thanks - thats was a good start. There is only one form on the page which simplifies the code a little, this is what I have thus far: function loginSubmit() { eWebForm.eWebLoginControl_TextBoxLoginName.value = uname.value; eWebForm.eWebLoginControl_TextBoxPassword.value = pword.value; eWebForm.submit();} but it doesn't work in IE, but does in all other browsers - damn object reference syntax. Do you kow what syntax would work - I tried document.eWebForm.submit() and that doesn work either.I also need to capture the return carriage on the password field keydown - any ideas for that too?Thanks in advance.
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