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Everything posted by Skemcin

  1. That is one way to do it, but its a lot of useless code unless you code some functions into the <td>.One table cell per row is just like saying this:<div style="width:100px;">some menu thing<br />some menu thing<br />some menu thing<br />some menu thing<br />some menu thing<br />some menu thing<br /></div> Easier to read, code and troubleshoot.
  2. yep, the <meta> tags will still work.
  3. try this: <meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache"><meta http-equiv="expires" content="0"> together, both will cover all browser types.If you are using asp, php, or cold fusion, each has a server side equivilant that will do the same thing.
  4. no problem. let us know if there are other issues you run into when you implement this code.
  5. Glad to help. Let us know how it turns out.
  6. Traditionally, tables would be used. But its possible, its less cluttered, and its the more acceptable way to go using CSS:<div style="float:left;">image one<br />text one<br /></div><div style="float:left;">image two<br />text two<br /></div><div style="float:left;">image three<br />text three<br /></div> This will get you started. Other scenarios and what else you put on the page may effect how you end having to code this - this that is the way to start.
  7. welcome to the forums. We look forward to your contributions.
  8. There are PLENTY of ideas, just google them! Once you have looked around and found some code that you think you are able to insert into your site - give it a shot. Let us know if you have any difficulty with that and we can help.
  9. Hello and welcome to the forums. I stepped in and removed your poll since it seem to server no purpose.As for your question, you need what kind of support for what connection? Can you please be more specific?Do you mean you want a free asp host that offers database services with it?Do you mean you want a provider that will tolerate helping you even though you have a dial up connection?Help us understand a little more about what exactly you need.Keep in mind, you get what you pay for. If you want a good ASP hosting provider, I would check out a service I've used for more than 3 years now and where I have over 25 clients hosted:CrystalTechDeveloper packages start at $2.95 a month and regular commercial sites begin as low as $7.95 a month. Work from home with a local setup until you get things where you want them. Then invest in hosting, and make sure you let them know iribbit.net sent ya!
  10. hey no worries, I'm just poking fun at myself and chocolate570 trying to figure out what we need to figure out . . .:)Anyway, so, to get this right, you have your 4 step/part form. Step 1, 3, and 4 are in your parent window and step 2 resides in your <iframe>. Essentially the value selected from the <iframe> is the value that you want to be set for step 2 when the parent window/form is finally submitted.If this is the case, this means that the <iframe> would never be submitting any form, and the javascript you need there will simply be triggered by the "onclick" attribute. That will run a function to set the value of the hidden field in the parent window.Having said that, here is how someone else has done it:http://www.codeproject.com/jscript/dynaframe.aspYou will, with this example, have to reverse the process they are using. This example is set up to have the parent window update the frame value - so you will just have to review the code to understand how it was done and apply the same logic in reverse.Hope that helps.
  11. So we need to add this one to the list of scenarios - the parent window posting to the <iframe> or parent window updating the <iframe> form so that the <iframe> window can post . . . somewhere. where is this guy, now we need his help!
  12. glad to see it worked out for ya.
  13. yeah, but is the requirement to just have information from the <iframe> set the values of the form in the parent without submitting it or set it and then submit it or submit the values to the parent window to process it to regenerate the parent form?
  14. The query I submited should return the results you want. Lets break it down:SELECT distinct computerName, MAX(logonTime)FROM tablenameORDER BY logonTime DESC 1.) the "distinct" notation in the "select" statement will make sure that the database only return one "computerName". So if you have 20 computerNames and they appear each anywhere from 50 to 2000 or more times in the database, the "distinct" will only grab the 20 computerNames since those are, well, distinct.2.) by have the query sort by the logonTime in descending order, it wil take the largest value at begin build the record set from that value.On a side note, your data schematic seems to imply that logonTime is the time in which a user logs in to the site and the logoffTime is the time in which they logged off. So to measure the longest time a particular computerName if logged into, you would have to subtract the two to get the duration of time - if thats what your after. If you are, I have a couple other questions - but I guess I need to make sure I am on the same page with you.Does my SQl work?Since we are only getting the distinct computerNames and we are building our record set from the largest value, your end result will be 20 records (using my example) each of which has the hightest logonTime.
  15. are you trying to change the values of the form on the parent page or are you trying to submit data from the child frame to the parent window?sorry, I'm having trouble figuring out where the "action" (values being used/submitted) takes place.
  16. Welcome to the forums.What you seek is called a "flash sniffer" that will:a.) look for the flash fileb.) look for the version to sniff forc.) display your back up image if the first two failand here is a page that will build one for you:http://www.infinity-rd.com/samples/flash_sniffer_build.htmlP.S. there are plenty more where that one came from - just google "flash sniffer"
  17. well, javascript is used in conjunction with many hit counters. javascript, since it is loaded client side, can execute when the page loads and call an external script(php, asp, or cold fusion) that runs on a remote server. All the magic is done in that remote file that the javascript calls. This, infact, is what pphlogger does. It passes the counter account id to the php page (via javascript) and then based on that call, the php code extracts everything it can and databases it. It is optional, in pphlogger, to display the counter.All in all, its as I stated before, javascript CAN be used for a hit counter but it CANNOT do it all alone. Adding to that, as real_illusions points out, you could (for what ever reason) create a fake hit counter with javascript.
  18. Welcome to the forum, glad you found us.The "style" attribute should work in any of the <form> tags. <!-- inline --><form action="##" method="get"><input type="text" name="field01" style="font-family:MS Trebuchet, Tahoma; font-size:10px;" value="[text here]"><textarea name="field02" rows="5" cols="25" style="font-family:MS Trebuchet, Tahoma; font-size:10px;">[text here]</textarea></form> or <!-- on page --><style type="text/css" media="all">body, input, textarea {font-family:MS Trebuchet, Tahoma;font-size:10px;}</style><form action="##" method="get"><input type="text" name="field01" value="[text here]"><textarea name="field02" rows="5" cols="25">[text here]</textarea></form> Let me now if this doesn't work.
  19. Sounds good. I'm try to get the admins to add another Category for Cold Fusion. I know its not one they offer tutorials on (yet), but it would be nice to cater to all the major scripting languages.
  20. Please post it on the internet somewhere - nothing has to link to it and you can change the file name to protet the identity (lol). Its just easier to see and troubleshoot if the file is online - my environment is and will be different that yours.
  21. Make sure you set that value as a session variable and not a cookie - even if you expire the cookie at the end of the browser session it can be manipulated.If you are going to have your administration tools inline with your public site, then you might want to look over a presentation I recently gave to a Macromedia Users Group. I'd strongly recommend that you isolate your administration pages and not make them part of your public site. The admin application should be in its own folder.But thats just how I feel. :)P.S. now that I know that its "admin.inc else user.inc" I could access the file directly by entering the absolute path in my browser. If you are only relying on that initial SQL statement that conditionally generates the menu - I can get in with very little effort.(I wouldn't do this obviously, but there are many folks who will try)
  22. There are a couple of ways to go about this and without a sample of your structure I'll be generic:To address you wish to get the ID number of the last record added try this:SELECT TOP 1 IDFROM tablenameORDER BY ID DESC Here are the assumptions associated with this statement.1.) this is run immediately after your initial INSERT statement that creates the record2.) that this is wrapped inside a "transaction" in your ASP code so that nothing else gets done in between the queries.3.) you set a session variable equal to the ID number that is extracted DataConn.BeginTrans(insert your code here)If DataConn.Errors.Count = 0 ThenDataConn.CommitTransElseDataConn..RollbackTransEnd If The second point I make will resolve the other question you have regarding multiple hits to the database.Hope this helps.
  23. If anyone's focus is on post count/ranking, then they are here for the wrong reason. A "ranking" is a good measure of a certain level of participation. Without a series of judges and some sort of guideline, there is no way any discussion board will be able to rank a member based onany of the criteria you offer. As soon as I see any member getting caught up in any kind of "posting war" there will be a warning issued. I've already communicated that there will be no tolerance for this behavior.
  24. I think you are going to have to post a link to the page so that we can look exactly how it is coded. The little bit of code you offer doesn't seem to match the problem you are explaining. If you post a link we can review the rendered code and get to a solution much more quickly.Thanks
  25. Well, javascript might be the language that is used, but it alone will not be able to provide a solution. It is only a client-side language so it will not be able to store anything cumulative for a website without interacting with something else.I'm not a fan of hit counters since they really don't fairly represent site traffic and they can be easily manipulated to produce inaccurate results. But, if you insist on having one just google "free hit counters" and you'll be inondated with plenty of options.If you're hosting provider doesnot offer web statistics, then consider this tool:http://pphlogger.phpee.com/its a great little tool I've used in the past.Good Luck
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