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Posts posted by holmedwa04

  1. Don't mean to be pinickety or anything, but I thought you were not allowed to use animated gifs in your signatures? I mean it doesn't bother me because I have broadband and it doesn't affect the load speed...It says here that you shouldn't?

  2. If you find coding hard, I really recomend that you follow some tutorials, I think that these tutorials are really good if you want to lear quick (5 days) give or take. It took me a month, I spent about an hour each night, oh well, that is where I learnt how to actually make a website, so here is the link...Click HereThe username is: buildmysiteThe Password is: nowYou can sign up instead if you like, but I am pretty sure you will recieve the same password, so I wouldn't bother, but if you really want to, here is the link...Click HereHope this has helped you.

  3. If you are just using the font for buttons, you could just use images, or im not sure how or wether this will work, you could add the font to your website folder, then somehow get it to load on load.Then you would be able to use it... or suggestion 2...Use a font-family with your font first then something like arial second, then say to your users if you want to download the proper font click here, and tell them to shove it in their font folder

  4. But I was certain justsomeguys suggestion didn't add the text back when you clicked off? I had put the bits you needed to change in bold, and wrote what you needed to put.Oh well, nevermind, im sure you will use whatever is best for you, we all do what we think is right, and so i really don't mind.

  5. Yeh, this is something you need to watch out for, i did it when I was first learning code, I used \ instead of / which will stop it working on FF, IE doesn't mind but it is not strictly valid. On a computer it uses \ but on the web it uses /.I don't really know why, but I am sure there is a valid reason behind it.

  6. Dont you need to use an onblur function, here is the code that I use:

    <TEXTAREA NAME="Your Name" ROWS="Height in rows" COLS="Width in columns (letters)" style="font-family: arial;" onfocus="if (this.value=='Your text here, dont use apostrophies, as it won't work, unless you use the character code') {this.value='';}" onblur="if (this.value=='') {this.value='Same again, your text here, dont use apostrophies, as it won't work, unless you use the character code';}">Same again, your text here, dont use apostrophies, as it won't work, unless you use the character code.</TEXTAREA>
    I have highlighted all the bits you need to change, in bold, so when you click the box the text will disapperar, but when you click back it appears again. Just a warning , dont use appostrophies, as it messes up the code, use the character code instead.
  7. Wow, that looks really good, but how do you select which colour you would like? Or is the bottom pice chart just showing you how many it is possible to have?Edit: But it doesn't work? Even when I just copy there code exact like they say.

  8. Oh, I dont think I would know how, I could I soppose come up with ideas and things, but as my GCSE's are fast approching I think I really need to concentrait on those untill they are over. Sigh oh well, what got to be done has to be done.

  9. Wow, ConTEXT, can find and replace in all files that are open, and soon in a whole folder, thats cool, im always having to change something that is on all of my pages, like links to things and stylesheets etc.That would be really cool, save a lot of time for me anyway.

  10. I personally use table to design all of my web pages, but this is because I am familiar with them, and so I use them. CSS is better apparently, but as I already have many pages made using table, it would take a long time to learn the CSS and impliment it.It is really your choice...So my advice, use tables, but if you are new to coding, why not give CSS a go, it can't harm and if you don't like it, just go back to tables.

  11. Oh, so that is why when I resized one of my pics using the wodth and height attributes it made it look all pizelated, I thought that resizing it smaller wouldn't but it did. I ended up just editing the picture in my editor.

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