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Posts posted by holmedwa04

  1. Anywhere, where ever you want the link, just bung it in...<INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Add to Favorites" onClick="addToFavorites()">You can change it to text I think but I am not sure how you do that. :)

  2. Ph, what do you mean the better browsers... More than 50% of people use IE I think. Anyway I try to make my sites compaible for IE and Fire Fox. The scroll bar code doesn't stop things from working, it just may not work in all browsers.

  3. Tcha. Plenty of Fish is hardly an ugly site. Look up just about ANY piczo.com site and I can guarantee it'll be uglier...
    I agree entirely, PICZO sites are so ugly, no offence to anyone who has one. But they just look so tacky, I mean I thought that Freewebs was bad, but really it is good compared to PICZO. I have never used PICZO, actually tell a lie, I have an account, but I just used it to get some backgrounds that I liked to use on my website.
  4. I think perhaps you need to follow a tutorial about frames, I think what you are looking to do requires targets, so try this tutorial...Tutorial 1Tutorial 2Try one or both of those.Sorry to not be of any help, I don't persoally use frames, and so I am looking in a HTML book that I have got for answers to your questions! :)

  5. I don't really understand what you want to do, the idea of using frames means that you only have to scroll the actual page and not the other content, so you can always keep the navigation etc.But, if you want to stop scrolling, use this...

    <frame srolling="no">

    You can use auto which is only display if needed, and yes which means display all of the time.

  6. This should help you...

    <hralign= left|center|rightnoshade solid colour rather than groove takes no valuesize=vertical height in pixelswidth=width in pixels or percentagecolor="#RRGGBB" in hexidecimal>

    So for what you want try this code...

    <hr size="50%" width="5" align="center" noshade>

    There that should work, I havn't tested it though.

  7. Just to add to that, customised scroll bars will not work in FF, im not sure about the other browsers, but they do work in IE. It isn't a problem though I dont think because if they work they work and if they dont then they dont, I dont think that they mess anything up at all. Or do they?So my advie just leave them in, but dont expect them to always work, because they might not!

  8. Hello, my name is John, and I am in Grade 6G. I started learning how to make websites when i was 6 years old.Now i am getting my class interested in html. well im trying they think it is boring.
    Yeah, that is exactly the trouble that I am having, well, im not really trying to teach them but they all think HTML is just a silly waste of time. oh well, one day they will see how good it is.
  9. I would highly recommend these tutorials, they have online videos of everything you need to get started, its only sopposed to taqke 5 days give or take, it took me about a month, just spending an hour every night.Click HereI think these are super tutorials and the ability to pause any video is really useful.

  10. Right, I m not quite sure why it isn't working, I will copy and pase the exact code that I use for my guestbook, its just a name box and a box for text input...

    <FORM METHOD=POST ACTION="mailto:Your Email?subject=Your Subject" ENCTYPE="text/plain"><table border="0" width="100%"><tr><td height="40"><font size="2">Name / Nickname:</td></tr><tr><td height="40"><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="Guests Name" SIZE="30"></td></tr><tr><td height="40"><font size="2">Post:</td></tr><tr><td><TEXTAREA NAME="Guests Post" ROWS="10" COLS="120" style="font-family: arial;" onfocus="if (this.value=='Add Your Message Here.') {this.value='';}" onblur="if (this.value=='') {this.value='Add Your Message Here.';}">Add Your Message Here.</TEXTAREA></td></tr><tr><td height="40"><center><INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Submit Post" onclick="window.location='thankyou.html';">   <INPUT TYPE="reset" VALUE="Clear Post"></center></td></tr></form></table>
    Edit: There are a few things you may need to look at as well, at the bottom, the submit button, will take you to a thankyou page called thankyou.html, you can delete the onclick bit if you like and also there is a thing in italic that makes text appear and dissappear from the input depending wether the user is clicked on it or not. Just change the italic bit to whatever you like, but they must all be the same and don't use '
  11. The reason why late teens is better than early teens for learning webprogramming is that many people in their early teens are immature and have a hard time concentrating. Of course, if you're interested, then it shouldn't be a problem, but I think many in their early teens have quite enough with schoolwork to be going on with... But of course, I'm generalizing. :)
    I very much agree with you about having lots of school work, it is a nightmare, but I try to fit a much HTML into my spare time as I can, most of my school mates think that I am phyco about learning HTML and everything, but it really sort of gives you a pleasure to think, I acxtually wrote the code that makes that work.As for schoolwork, I chose Electronics, Graphics, Geography and ICT for my options, and coursework is at its limit at the momnet.So I won't be visiting the forum as much as I used to, but oh well I sopose it has to be done and a very long summer holiday awaits me after my exams.
  12. Your code seems to be alright to me, there were a few things that I noticed, they were that you havn't used a body code and you had missed out a tr tag, but appart from that it is fine.You could use nested tables to achive the effect that you want instead of using row and col span, here is an example of a nested table:

    <table border="1"><tr><td><table border="1"><tr><td>1</td></tr><tr><td>2</td></tr></table></td><td>3</td></tr></table>

    If you like I will post the code for the table you want to make using nested tables?

  13. I just use this code, which is really simple to insert:<INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Add to Favorites" onClick="addToFavorites()">All you need to do is set the bit in bold to what you want the button to say.

  14. Or you could use mailto, but as I have been reminded many times before it is not very reliable, but as it is the only way I have got for processing data it suits my needs.The problem is that it needs to use the users email to send the data that they input, so if you have access to server side scripts, that is definately your way forward......This is the mailto code that I use:<FORM METHOD=POST ACTION="mailto:your email?subject=your subject" ENCTYPE="text/plain">Obviously you replace the "your email" with your email funnily enough and then the "your subject" is for if you want to have a subject for all of the posts that are sent. I just use this because I have created rules in my inbox to redirect certain emails with the subject of whatever. If you don't want to use the subject then just delete the bit that is highlighted in bold.

  15. Thanks for the link, I will check it out soon, I was having the same problem with my styles, if you are using a style sheet then it needs to be exact.I have got my style sheet to work with both FF and IE, here it is, you can use it if you like, or you can just follow the structure of it.a:link { color:#0000ff; text-decoration:none; }a:visited { color:#0000ff; text-decoration:none; }a:hover { color:#006633; text-decoration:underline overline; }a.2:link { color:#0000ff; text-decoration:none; font-weight:bold; }a.2:visited { color:#0000ff; text-decoration:none; font-weight:bold; }a.2:hover { color:#006633; text-decoration:underline overline; font-weight:bold; }a.3:link { color:#000000; text-decoration:none; }a.3:visited { color:#000000; text-decoration:none; }a.3:hover { color:#006633; text-decoration:underline overline; }a.4:link { color:#ff0000; text-decoration:none; }a.4:visited { color:#ff0000; text-decoration:none; }a.4:hover { color:#006633; text-decoration:underline overline; }The 2, 3, and 4 are just different class' so I can have different types of links, the first one will work for all normal links, then the second will work if you do this:<a class="2" href="mypage.html">Hello</a>...and so on, I think you get it, if not just contact me

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