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Everything posted by divinedesigns1

  1. i just added 2 buttons and call it a day, thanks for the replied tho
  2. so there isnt a way of going around that so you redirect them to the main page even if the disable redirection on their browsers?
  3. hey, im wondering how you would do a auto redirect, where when someone try to get into the back end something by typing in the page in the url, it gives them an error then redirect them to the main page i was searching and was only getting the header(); function which isnt what im trying to use
  4. thanks but i got it working, sorry i didnt inform you, but ill take down that code tho looks useful
  5. ok ill try that and yes i started the session at the very top of the page, with the session_start()
  6. EDIT: Just notice i foorgot to change the topic, anyway the topic suppose to be cant get username, since i fixed the logging out problem ok this is a small problem and im pretty much just over looking it, buttt i was trying to get the person name to be displayed on the main page by doing this <?phpif($_SESSION['user']){echo "Welcome, " . $_SESSION['user'] = $username . "!";}else{die("You must be logged in");}?> but instead of getting the username i just get Welcome, !. Which isnt what im trying to do ( ill be looking into this a little more ) just trying to get some pointers from here
  7. hello, is there a way to remove the bottom bar when your using the overflow:scroll; in css? i created a box to scroll some helpful information but i dont want the button bar there. kind of look weird having it at the botton
  8. that button is dangerous, i clicked it and umm yeahhhh everything went to read hehehehehehe
  9. umm how can i unmark a topic or forum as read? i was looking for the mark as read and umm yeahh i mark everything as readed
  10. where? i havent found it as yet
  11. yeah, but that wasnt the problem, if i tell you the problem you prolly would want to hit me hehehehehehe but yeah the problem was that i was targeting a table that i forgot i deleted so instead of using weirdo table, i was using sicko table so because of that the login page wasnt doing anything
  12. divinedesigns1

    a problem

    hey im having a problem, its not my connection to the database since i test to make sure im connected and is able to pull any data from each table the problem im having is when i try to use the username and password for the login its outputting "wrong username or password" even tho its the exact username and password. can anyone say what would code this to happen? also the information was manually enter so its not encrypted even tho the script have the md5 encryption function
  13. im kool with harshness, and on my side, i only post an error if i really dont understand it at all, like the mysql_num_rows() error, i couldnt understand that error for months now, so i avoid using that function, till dont understand it full but i got the error fixed tho, which was pretty easy after reading this topic and the doc on php.net
  14. did the news slider suppose to move with it have a certain amount of information? if so then try add about 2 more news to it and see, since it have a up and down arrow i guess it suppose to scroll when you hit it
  15. i send you a email with some tips or push w.e you wanna call it, that should help you pick the photos that is needed
  16. viewing it in IE and Chrome its broken on my end, anyway im just letting you know
  17. error fixed, query was wrong, and when i was responsing i didnt had my other pc with me, since my host is slow so i use this pc for all test scripting
  18. ok now i know how to fix those errors thanks, even tho i fine this post to be harsh lol but it helped
  19. yes, i will be doing so, i was just responsing to ya'll suggestions and comments
  20. divinedesigns1

    sha1 usage

    okie, so basically they just going to have to recreate the password, but if you have a personal cms and you forgot the password how would you change that if its encrypted with sha-1/md5, etc?
  21. naa, wasnt refering to your post the other dude post i was refering too hehehehehe, we kool
  22. your button at the bottom is broken, might want to fix that, besides that everything look good, i like that background you have pretty nice
  23. divinedesigns1

    sha1 usage

    so how would you retrieve the password if the person forgot their password? isnt there a way to unencrypted the sha1?
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